Part of USS Pioneer: Entropy’s Demise

Athletic Investigations (pt. 2)

Vandel Colony, Edge of the Talvath Cluster
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Act 1 – Touching Down

Our team continues their approach to the Klingon base, only a short ride away from the colony in the waverider shuttle but sufficient to be considered remote by the colonists. Set into the dark mountain face, the only exposed element of the base is a simple landing pad, capable of supporting two runabout-sized craft. As the team approached they undertook a number of scans in an attempt to establish the extent of the base, they confirmed the base was relatively small but as much was unpowered they were unable to establish a complete map. Katsu also took the opportunity to undertake detailed scans for chroniton radiation, comparing them to the scans taken at the colonies.

After several passes they were able to establish that the chroniton damage to the exterior of the base was significantly increased compared to that at the colony and deeper in the mountain (presumably the core of the base) there was a massive chroniton anomaly. Katsu and Kaz decided to modify their earlier chroniton protections, creating a formula that should protect them from the radiation for 2 hours at a minimum. They distributed this to all the team members, including the support team on the Waverider.

As Orlan deftly brought the shuttle into landing, the team found the landing pad in a terrible state. Though the integrity of the platform was stable cracks and signs of decay were apparent throughout the structure. When the team were not met with any welcome, hostile or otherwise, they opted to take Mr D. with them as security support but left the two engineers aboard the shuttle in reserve.

Act 2 – Attempts at Athletics

Upon entry through the main dock doors, which sat ajar and partially collapsed, the team found the landing bay severely damaged. In the corner, near the bay controls, a plasma fire continued to burn from a ruptured EPS line; across the bay a thick black liquid poured from a ruptured wall panel, dripping caustic liquid onto the floor and blocking the main stairs up to the entrance. Across the bay, numerous cargo crates and storage containers showed signs of decay as well as damage indicative of disruptor fire.

At the far end of the bay, Orlan noticed a fully prepared but unlaunched Klingon shuttle. Kaz undertook a life sign scan, whilst limited by the base’s construction and the capabilities of his tricorder, he was able to confirm that there were no life signs in the base beyond the team. He was confident the base was uninhabited though cautioned his scans were not extensive.

Gik suggested scanning the shuttle after he noticed the shadow of two figures in the cockpit. Drawing the short straw, Katsu moved forward to scan the shuttle and found it was damaged by chroniton radiation, though not to the same level as the base. They also noticed the disruptor damage to the forward cockpit and on investigation found evidence that the two bodies in the seats had been killed by powerful and direct disruptor fire. The team considered that they may been attempting to escape but Orlan confirmed via a nearby console that the shuttle had a clearance to launch. The team also confirmed that the shuttle was loaded with scientific equipment including spatial probes and test panels, it seems that the shuttle at least was a planned launch.

In an attempt to avoid the caustic liquid that covered the base of the main steps to the upper gantry, Kaz attempted to channel his athletic youth and use the shuttle as a springboard to leap up to the gantry. He failed, though only just.

Orlan then attempted to lift himself up onto the gantry in a show of athletic skill. (And in an attempt to one-up Kaz.)

He failed miserably, falling to the floor after slipping on the shuttle’s roof.

The team took a moment to enjoy a laugh at Orlan’s expense, including a jibe from Gik that ‘even the dead Klingons are laughing at you’.

After some encouragement Mr. D attempted to make the climb and expertly leaps from the shuttle to the gantry and moves to clear a nearby lift, allowing Gik to activate it for the rest of the team. After Orlan joins the team, his cheeks flush with embarrassment they move forward into the base.

Act 3 – Corridors and Mysteries

The first room the team entered appeared to be a central work space, a number of consoles line the wall with a crosswalk gantry. Several cases line the walkways, including three large open crates on the far side. Spread throughout the room are also three Klingon bodies, each located near what appears to be a main control console. Gik tests the steps up to the main walkways and satisfied they are stable, the team moves forward into the main room.

Kaz examines the first two bodies nearby, they appear to have been shot with disruptor weapons from behind as they attempted to work at the consoles. Like the pilots in the shuttle bay, the attack seemed to have been instant and overwhelming. He makes his way over to the third body and examines it, expecting to find a similar cause of death. Strangely, it appears this Klingon died following a massive physical trauma and signs of a massive blunt force and piercing trauma are apparent, a large gash in the deck behind suggesting he had been impaled. With Katsu’s help, they identify that the weapon does not appear to have been any traditional Klingon melee weapon but does bear a resemblance to a massive dagger or D’k tahg. There is no residual evidence to suggest what the weapon was made from, only that it would have been massive and unwieldly.

The team continued their investigation of the room, opening several of the boxes where they found numerous pieces of silver hull debris. Gik opened one large box to find an unexpected but familiar sight, the corner of a seal that when extrapolated was that of the United Earth and Space Probe Agency; the precursor to Starfleet and the organisation responsible in part for the early NX era space launches. The other boxes contain debris consistent with the same starship and quantum dated to the mid 22nd Century.

On the far side of the room Katsu noted the three large open boxes appeared different and whilst empty, had labels reading “House Pegh, Operation Unit 001, 002, 003”. She also noticed these crates featured passive anti-scanning material in their construction and when closed would not be visible to tricorders or base sensors.

Satisfied they had garnered all the information they continued forward. Gik offered a walking stick to ‘old man’ Orlan as the friendly ribbing continued.

Act 4 – Controlled Explosions

The team then entered what appeared to be the base’s control room, the main section of which was protected by a powerful security forcefield. Beyond it, they could see the darkened control room and the body of another Klingon collapsed over the console. Whilst unsuccessful in finding a way to override the console they did discover a power trunk leading to the next room.

As Gik and Orlan went to investigate they discovered the base’s main power core to be barely active but severely damaged. From the top of the large reaction chamber, a plume of orange gasses erupted, alongside a number of flames and apparent explosions. These eruptions appeared frozen in time, the orange blossoms of flame and erupting plasma held suspended by a flickering blue forcefield. Kaz noted the room was filled with chroniton radiation and Katsu warned their radiation inoculations may not be as effective in this environment, and dangerous exposure was likely. Gik sadly mourned the fact they had not brought EVA suits from the shuttle.

The team made a number of attempts to secure the explosion further, reinforcing the forcefield with what little power was left available and making adjustments to the forcefield’s frequency. They appeared successful but realised there was a massive chroniton explosion at the centre of the forcefield. System reports and their own scans confirmed the explosion appeared to loop continuously; the forcefield would not hold much longer and the explosion would be massive. Concerned that continued exposure would be harmful they decided to retreat to the control room to strategies further.

A number of options were considered including; levelling the mountain from orbit with tricobolt devices fire from Pioneer, allowing the explosion to occur in a managed fashion and evacuating the base and colony completely. The team believed more information was in the main control room and after spending some time examining the Klingon security interface Katsu was able to trick the system into dropping the forcefield blocking the entrance to the main operations room. [Katsu rolled a number of critical successes.]

In the ops room, the team found the base commander’s body had similarly suffered from deadly disruptor fire. On the console was a final message, recorded by the officer in an unexpectedly fearful tone.

“The artifacts in the lab have damaged the integrity of the base and the security systems have engaged their failsafe command to destroy the base and all our records. I have sent two of my officers to evacuate via shuttle to the Van’Cha. I fear this will be my last message. The base is lost.”

Act 5 – A Lab Full of Mysteries

The team decided to investigate the lab prior to deciding their next actions, having to pass quickly through the reactor room to the central point of the underground base. As they enter they notice the security systems in full effect, across the far side two large automated drones hover menacingly, a laser sensor sweeping slowly across the room. Testing a theory, Orlan throws a nearby discarded padd across the room, interrupting the sensors and causing the drones to fire on it with their inbuilt disruptors. Orlan and Gik note the source of the laser sensor and along with Mr. D fire upon it, destroying the sensor sweep as the rest of the team prepares to retreat.  The sensor is destroyed and after throwing another discarded padd across the room the security system seems to be unable to sense their presence any longer.

The team opt to send Mr. D in first [he is after all a handy redcoat] and as he crosses the room it appears to be safe. Gik took a number of focused scans of the drones and noted they appeared to be made of an unusual chroniton-resistant material, their quantum signatures not aligning with those found in the rest of the base. Along with Kaz they pooled their knowledge and recollected something similar in a log from Voyager but without access to Pioneer’s library could not deduce any further information. They both agreed that the design and fabrication of the drones were significantly beyond what the Klingon Empire had previously shown the ability to produce. Kaz also noted that their dagger-like shape was consistent with the injuries found on the Klingon body earlier and the team surmised these were the security drones the Klingon Commander had referred to.

Whilst the others considered the drones, Orlan and Katsu examined a number of artefacts held in stasis chambers throughout the lab. They appeared to be simple mechanical and equipment systems, familiar though not current and initial quantum dating indicated they held a signature from the mid-22nd century. As Orlan scanned a damaged deuterium injector, his tricorder bleeped with an unexpected notification. A note in the Starfleet registry of the serial number printed onto the injector.

“USS Pioneer. NCC-63. Intrepid Class. Launch date 2157.”