Part of USS da Vinci: The Great Starship Sale and Bravo Fleet: The Devil to Pay

Part 13: Boarding Party

Unknown Romulan Vessel / USS da Vinci / USS Stavanger
Mission Day 18
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Navaar Orci sat in a high backed office style chair at one end of an oval shaped cobalt grey table, in the middle of a dimly lit conference room.  Standing behind her and just to the right, stood Korda; holding the Starfleet issue Type 3 phaser rifle he tended to have with him to protect his boss.  Korda was doing his best to look intimidating; which appeared to be having some effect on the rather young looking Romulan guards standing either side of the door.

The Orion leader couldn’t help but smile; her first office would eat those two for breakfast.  The smile did nothing to ease the nerves of the two guards, neither of which could have been more than a few months out of training.  She’d noticed that on the relatively short journey from the Transporter Room to where she now sat.  This was a young, inexperienced crew; being commanded by a fool.  But then Vice-proconsul A’Tevek was a fairly rich individual; and that was her reason for being here.

The man himself walked in a few minutes later; and she noticed how the two guards sprang to attention as the doors parted.  “My dear Navaar.” He greeted the Orion, with a warm smile and a high pitched voice which was more comical than menacing.  No wonder he was never taken seriously by anyone.  “I hope you’ve not been waiting long?”

He knew exactly how long she’s been waiting the pompous idiot. Knew the second she’d beamed over; the length of time it had taken her to walk here, and the drink one of his assistance had offered her.  The particular glass of Romulan Ale, was probably the worst Navaar had ever tasted.

“Not at all Vice-proconsul.” She smiled back. “I have been enjoying your hospitality and wonderful ship. I only wish I had something like it.” In reality the Orion didn’t think much of the vessel at all; it wasn’t even a warship.  This was nothing more than an old passenger liner with a few weapons attached lording over a section of space everyone else seemed to have largely ignored since the collapse of the Romulan Star Empire.  This man had been part of that empire and still retained his original title; as if one day they’d be restored to their former glory.  It wasn’t going to happen and A’Tevek certainly wasn’t going to be around to find out.

The sat opposite her, fingers interlaced elbows resting on the table. “Is everything in place?”

“I have a team installing some important software as we speak.” She reassured him; they’d probably already finished based on the amount of time that had passed since Navaar contacted the Stavanger.  “Once I have confirmation you’ve transferred payment; the ship will be sent on its way to attack your chosen target.”

“It’s as simple as that?” He questioned.

“A Federation ship, with Federation equipment and a Federation crew.”

The Vice-proconsul sat back in his chair, a stunned look on his face and the words struggling to form on his lips. “You have a crew?” He finally stuttered.

“In a fashion.”  The Orion started laughing; whilst A’Tevek looked at her bemused by what could be so funny, at such a serious moment.


The USS da Vinci had retrieved her shuttles and moved in closer to the USS Stavanger, whilst the other two ships hung back.  Commander Anacostia-Bolling was puzzled; as were the rest of her senior staff.  Everything had been building up towards a potential confrontation.  Yet here was the ship they’d been trying to track down; just sitting there, as if it was waiting for them.

“I do not like this one bit.” It was her XO that brought a voice to everyone’s thoughts.

“I agree entirely number one.” The Commander replied. “And you say there is something blocking our scans, despite the shields being down?”

“Correct.” Alara replied. “Myself and Lieutenant Beriev have tried several adjustments and our sensors are unable to detect anything or anyone aboard.”

“Do we assume as no attempt has been made to surrender, run or fire upon us; that the ships empty?” The Commander queried.

“I’d like to say yes, but it just doesn’t add up.” Alara responded

“I could take a security team over.” Interjected Grav.

The Commander pondered her options a moment longer.  “Number one; take a team and secure the Bridge, Lieutenant Grav likewise secure Main Engineering.” She instructed them. “Once that’s done, conduct a coordinated sweep of the ship.  Deck by deck and room by room.”

“Understood.” The two officers replied in unison.

“Do you think Chameleon and Nurse Folland are still aboard?” The Trill XO asked her Captain.

“I’ve got no idea. I just hope they’re ok.” Was her honest answer.


For now Chameleon and Folland were both safe; though both feeling a little worse for wear.  They’d spent several hours in a cell aboard the stolen starship since Armitage had revealed he’d known who Chameleon was and not Ambrose Nichols, which was the form he’d assumed for this part of the mission.

The human/ Chameliod genetically engineered hybrid was angry and frustrated.  The ability to become anyone had made them virtually impossible to differentiate from the original person.  Scanners could tell a lot; but they were never perfect, especially when dealing with something or someone they’d never encountered before.  It had been the same with the Transporters.  If you looked like a person and possessed the correct antonym, all in the right places, the system assumed you must be that person.  The Changelings had exploited that defect to perfection.  That anomaly had been dealt with, and they had been captured because of it.

Nurse Folland head rested in Chameleons lap; she’d been like that a good half hour, just staring at the slowly pulsing wall of energy that separated the two of them from freedom.  They’d been there hours; it could even have been a day for all they knew.  There was nothing to indicate the passing of time, and no one had come to check on them.

Food and water had been left for them in the form of Starfleet Standard Issue Ration Packs.  Enough to last them a couple of days; longer if the stretched it out a little.  Armitage seemed to indicate they were here to die.  So why had they seemingly been abandoned; starving them didn’t seem the man’s style, not if they’d been give some food at any rate.

Sarah thought she should be more scared than she was feeling right now.  This wasn’t exactly her first away mission, but it was certainly unlike any she’d done before.  She felt safe in the presence of Chameleon, and knew he wouldn’t let any harm come to her.  For now that was enough to calm her nerves.


Six figures appeared on the Bridge of the USS Stavanger; as the blue columns of transporter energy around them dissipated.  Armed to security members stood either side of the group, with Lieutenant-Commander Alara Ley, Doctor Sunny and a pair of engineers in the middle.  The scene that confronted them would have been almost normal had it not been for the bodies.  Five in total; all dressed in standard issue Starfleet uniforms, each of them sat as it they were ready and waiting for orders.  Only one of them was known to any of the away team.

Doctor Sunny scanned the former Commander William Armitage.  “He’s been dead about eight hours.” The doctor commented. “I’d have to get him back to the ship before I could give you any more details.” He moved on to check the others.

The two engineers were working away at the controls, but couldn’t seem to gain access to any of the ships systems.  Alara moved over to the science station and tried from there, only to get the same response.  Grav reported in from Main Engineering.  Three bodies had been discovered there; and the engineer with him, faced the same issues.  Everything on the ship was locked down.

The first thing anyone noticed was a faint hum; then all the screens seemed to blink as if everything was resetting.  The engineer wondered if they’d somehow cracked it.  Then a message appeared in big bold text; a harbinger of doom and herald of destruction.