Part of USS Healdsburg: Shadows of Umbra Mission

Unexpected Arrival

Captains Personnel Quarters
December 21st 2401
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Olivia sat in her ready room, just sitting, waiting for what is hopefully an easy to do mission, deliver Ambassador Katie Snow to the Romulan Embassy on New Romulus, A simple easy, yet delicate task. The Romulans have been aggressive lately trying to retake key Territories lost after the supernova that took most of their government body among other things, enough Olivia was not ready to take the mission at first and was very hesitant on accepting, But after some thought and some very good side arguments from command she accepted the mission. She was told she would get good rep with command, or at least that’s what she was told, and she really needed it if she were to get a new command, the California class was okay, for theses type of missions but she wanted the long range, deep space exploration missions, where every time they drop out of warp they entered the unknown, She had her eyes set on maybe a Excelsior class? Or even a small Reliant class, just something other than the class she currently had. The USS Healdsburg was one helluva ship, but there were some flaws. Olivia was quickly taken away from her thoughts when a beeping sounded meaning someone wanted to enter the room.


“Come” Olivia stood, her hair was not up in the regulated hairdo needed, she liked the flowing of her blond hair, she hardly ever followed regs when it came to hair, always allowing it to flow around her neck or even back on occasions. The person that walked in was a woman, little shorter than Olivia, same hair color, Green eyes, and pointed ears, of a vulcan. A Light colored hair Vulcan, Would say fascinating, But I would be criticizing the Vulcans. 


“Ambassador Snow, Welcome, I didn’t know you would be coming here today, My XO said you were due tomorrow at oh-one-hundred” Olivia asked the Ambassador as she came around the table and checked the clock.


“I wanted to Come early and get a head start on our meeting and give you some intel. I was asked to give more details about my real  mission” Snow told Olivia as she sat down.


Olivia stopped mid thought and was like. This can’t be good, New Intel? Never a good sign. Olivia moved back to her seat behind the desk. “So what’s the new intel, I just checked my mail and logs, nothing new to be found.”


“This is coming from me and not Command Captain, As you know tensions have been high with the Romulans, And the reason for my coming to our embassy there is due to that, but also not” Snow told the captain.


“Okay, So you’re telling me you’re not only there due to tensions being high but for what, a covert operation? Like Intelligence or even Section 31?” Olivia asked, Pushing the button on her desk, making the ready room windows darken.


“Yes, But Do not mention Section 31, they are dismantled and not to be spoken of” Snow snapped back.


“Understood, But I was in the notion that there were still agents, now considered rogue with the S31 destroyed now, and it is said they are working with key enemies of the Federation, Like the Romulans for example or even the Gorn, But the Gorn are just rumors, And Intelligence is working hard as hell to figure out if the rogue Agents are even working with the Romulans” Olivia also made a mental note to re-read key intel reports.. She also recalled in her head some of the intel reports she had gotten from Admiral Harlow of Intelligence. Reports that she must now re-read to see if she missed anything.


“I was also told Captain, that you didn’t want this mission at first, Is this true? If so, Why didn’t you want it?” Snow asked, perking an eyebrow up in interest.


Olivia looked at the Ambassador. “Yes it is, This mission has one of two results, It ends well, and I come home with the crew alright, or it blows up in our faces, causing a new war, and I do not want my face being the one to have started a war for the federation, especially after Frontier Day, I’m already being looked at funny for being a former Beauty queen turned StarFleet officer. Let alone being the face that started the new war” Olivia stated.


Snow paused then began to speak. “Interesting, Sound points Captain, But trust me, If it were to blow up in our faces, It would because I failed my part of the mission, Your Mission Captain, is to get me to the embassy and that’s it, Then it’s up to me, now if you feel like staying in the system in case of EVAC I wouldn’t mind it, But remember this is not a warship.”


Solid Points, Why would I keep a non-warship in a system full of Possible hostiles that could wanna be Heros for the Romulans at a moment’s notice. Olivia sighed. “I might, If there’s anything we can do, If not, your on your own, Unless you would like me to have one of our Shuttles stay nearby with a fast Response team, Meaning Security and a medical officer ready for you if it goes to hell, If not, they can just regroup with us”


Snow paused yet again. “Well….I would advise doing that, Or even if we could, Show no signs of the shuttle team being Star fleet, Have them go undercover and be pirates, who are just helping me”


“Yea but why would Pirates help a random Federation Ambassador?” Olivia asked.


“The Federation would do anything to the hero’s if someone saves a Federation Ambassador, even pay them. Now the crew assigned would get a little bonus added to their families paycheck back on earth, if they don’t have family they get sent to the officer themselves.” Snow stated as she stood.


Olivia stood with the Ambassador and walked with her to the door. “I will think it over, till then, I will see you tomorrow when we meet to discuss the more detailed mission parameters.”


Snow nodded and walked out.


Olivia sighed and walked back to her desk and pushed the button to undarken the windows. Revealing Space dock and what looked to be the USS Harness, a beautiful Odyssey class, Damn, I wonder if I will ever get that far. Olivia then stood and walked out of the ready room wanting to get some things done in her quarters before heading off to Command to request more Intelligence Reports.


  • That was an interesting start into your mission, and a great introduction to the two characters. We really get an insight into Olivia and her thoughts, and I can understand her reservations at taking this mission. Keep up the great work, I am curious to see what happens next!

    December 22, 2024