Part of USS Paramount: S1E6 | Watch Your Back and Bravo Fleet: The Devil to Pay

Act Six: Loyalty

USS Paramount (NCC-75570), Beta Quadrant
Stardate: 2401.12 | 0856 hours
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Captain’s Personal Log. The reveal that Lieutenant Zolath has been working for Starfleet Intelligence makes me question everything I thought I knew about the Federation. He says he was assigned here to test my loyalty and to ensure I wasn’t double crossing them to share secrets with the Tal Shiar. Why would I do that? They know why I fled the Empire and joined the Federation in the first place. In reality they are no better than them. I thought they trusted me. That they believed in me but it would seem all of that was a lie.

Nitus scoffed as she instructed the computer to end the log. Ever since she left the lounge, she had begun to question her entire career. Is that why she didn’t have four pips? What about her friends? Where they even that?

Her thoughts drifted to Preston. She wondered if his proposal was just an intelligence ploy.

She and McKenzie had met when they served together on the Lagoon back in the 70s. It was strange. She always questioned how he knew so much about her and she knew almost nothing about him. Pushing that aside Nitus stood from her seat and strolled over to the sofa. She sat down as she looked out of the window at the stars streaking by.

The Paramount had been ordered to the Mizar Sector and would arrive in less than twenty-four hours. As for why they had been ordered to the Mizar Sector. She had no idea. Mizar wasn’t a border sector nor was it a high priority. It neighbored the Typhon 252 sector. It was a home to a few colonies and was a strange location to receive new orders. Why not just met at Deep Space 17 if they are so close to the Typhon Expanse?

A chime came from the door.

“Leave me,” she stated. Nitus wanted to process everything on her own. She didn’t want anyone to feel like they needed to check up on her.

Another chime.

“I said leave me,” Nitus yelled.

Two more chimes in rapid succession.

She sighed as she reluctantly told them to enter the room. As far as she knew this was still her ship. Who had the audacity to intrude on her solitude.

As the doors swooshed open Nitus looked to see who would enter. In strolled Lieutenant Zolath.

After seeing who it was Nitus felt a tug at her heart. She turned her head sharply as she looked out the window as she felt mix of reactions in her body. Her blood began to boil but also tears started ro well in her eyes. It wasn’t that she hated Zolath as a person it was more so what he represented.

He was the Federation’s distrust.

No matter what he said or did could change what he was.

“What do you want Lieutenant?” She said to him drly. ‘Haven’t you done enough,’ she thought to herself.

“Commander, a ship originating from the Mizar sector is on an intercept course,” he said as he stood by the door of the ready room. Despite what most on the ship thought he did feel remorse for the Romulan. Truth be told he hadn’t submitted a report to his handler since they had arrived on the Paramount back in the July.

“Is that it?” Nitus asked him dryly, as she continued to stare out the window.

“My handler is on board and has requested to met with you,” Lieutenant Zolath said as he stepped closer to her. “She has also ordered me to give you this,” he said holding his hand out to reveal an isolinear chip.

Nitus turned to look at the chip then quickly turned her attention back to avoid Zolath’s piercing gaze. “What’s on it?”

“All of the information relating to my assignment. Including all of my reports and the details of everyone who was involved,” Zolath sated as he stepped closer to Nitus. He hoped by doing this it would allow for them to go back to a somewhat normal operation. Lieutenant Zolath had begged his handler to allow him to allow him to share this information which they did after some intense leg pulling.

Nitus was unmoved. She continued to star out at the stars. “Place it on my desk then you can leave,” she said drly.

Lieutenant Zolath was shocked stepping back as he thought of what to do next. “Commander I am sorry. Truely,” he said as he did as she requested leaving the ready room without another word.

Nitus continued to sit on sofa staring into the abyss. She was in an uproar beneath the surface she. Parts of her wanted to search the chip the other wanted to forget about everything and melt away but she knew the last one was a fantasy. She had a ship to run and she couldn’t run away from that.

  • Nitus

    Commanding Officer

  • Zolath Arva

    Chief Tactical & Security Officer