Part of USS Paramount: S1E6 | Watch Your Back and Bravo Fleet: The Devil to Pay

Act Seven: Splitting Up

USS Paramount (NCC-75570), Beta Quadrant
Stardate: 2401.12 | 0912 hours
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“The Calgary,” a woman clad jn a red field jacket said as she addressed the table. She and her team has arrived a little under a half an hour ago. “Was carrying stolen Federation technology. As all of you already know.” She pressed a button on the table that turned on the holoprojectors that showed the pieces of tech. She continued, “A subspace pulse torpedo, an experimental graviton shield and the last one. Something far more dangerous if it’s not recovered.”

“What is it?” Lieutenant D’Antonio asked. What could be more dangerous than the other two he asked himself. The torpedo could prevent a ship from going to warp and the graviton shield could redirect incoming weapons fire back on its assailant.


Lieutenant D’Antonio laughed. “A PADD?”

“Not just any PADD. It contains information on every intelligence assest across the galaxy. Thousands of intelligence officers across every known power. Both friend and foe,” the women said to him. “If this fell into the wrong hands we could be facing a war on three maybe even four fronts.”

Lieutenant Commander Hill cleared his throat as he sat up. “I think this is a pretty obvious question but how the hell did the Orions get a hold of that?” he asked her. Starfleet Intelligence was highly protective of its secrets. Barely trusting those who worked inside the organization. It made no sense how they could let something this valuable go without raising an alarm or a fight.

“Our best guest would be there’s a changeling involved,” she responded carefully. It was only thing that made sense. Especially given what happened on frontier day and not all of them that infiltrated Starfleet were caught.

“Commander Fuller,” Nitus said softly. “Please proced with the rest of the briefing. We can worry about the particulars later.” They needed to know details, accurate details not speculations.

Commander Fuller nodded as she turned her attention to the display against the wall. Pressing a button the display showed a map of the alpha and beta quadrants.

“For the past two days my team has managed to narrow down the locations of the technology to three areas. The torpedo is located on Thata II, a planet on the edge of the Mizar Sector close to the Typhon Expanse,” she said as the screen zoomed into the Thata System highlighting the second planet from the star. She continued, “Whispers speak of an auction taking place in the next day or two.”

“We have less certainty on the location of the shields however,” the display zoomed out of the Thata System in focused on the Tholian border. “We suspect it’s somewhere near the Tholian border,” Commander Fuller stated as she sighed. The screen wmojce again zoomed out to show the quadrants.

“And lastly the PADD. We have less than twenty percent accuratcy on its location,” Commandsr Fuller said as she looked at Zolath.

“I thought all PADDs had a tracker in them to help with locating if it were lost,” Lieutenant Commander Hill asked. He should know he often had to use the feature when one of the ensigns lost theirs.

“It would seem shortly after it was recovered the tracker was disabled and removed. We have reports of it being spotted in two places somewhat close to each other. The Karlaxin System and the Beta Adolph System both in the Raxis Sector.”

“Is that everything?” Commander Nitus asked her.

“Yes, ma’am. My supervisor has instructed me to inform you that this mission is yours to command,” Fuller satatwd tight lipped. “What are your orders?”

“We split up,” Nitus said flatly. Looking around the table. Everyone looked surprised. “If we split up the quicker we can recover the technology. Three teams. Alpha will track the torpedo, bravo will track the graviton shield and charlie will track the PADD.”

“Commander Fuller, you and your team as well as Lieutenant Zolath will recover the PADD. Our computer systems specialist will accompany you.”

“Aye Commander,” Lieutenant Zolath responded as Fuller simply nodded.

“Mr. Hill, I trust you’ll be able to form your own team to recover the shields.”

“I already have some people in mind” Lieutenant Commander Hill responded as he grabbed a PADD and began to sort through who he was bringing.

“My team will recover the torpedo. I’ll take our torpedo systems specialist as well as our new demolitions and cyber-intelligence specialists,” Nitus sated as she looked around the table.

“How will we be getting around?” Fuller asked.

“My team will use the Paramount, we are more certain of the torpedo’s location so it should be easy enough to recover and we can use the expanse to mask the ship from sensors. Mr. Hill your team can use the Tepic. I would prefer for you to use a runabout but the shield may have additional pieces or segments so you’ll need the larger space. Commander Fuller your team can use the Nightingale. It’s a Volga-class runabout and should be more than enough to ferry you to the border. Any questions?” she asked as she looked around the table. She continued, “Okay assembly your teams and be ready for departure in thirty minutes any gear request go to Number One. Dismissed!”