Part of Starbase Bravo: Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea and Bravo Fleet: The Devil to Pay

Making New Friends

Starbase Bravo
December 2401
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Jade left the courtroom and exhaled deeply. She was exhausted. Of course, she was not physically tired but mentally tired. The hearing had went longer than she had expected it to and she was glad to be done for the day. She turned to see Lt Ryke exiting behind her.

Ryke slowed his steps as Lieutenant Hart turned. The hearing had been a long one, but he hadn’t had to talk as much as she had, just confirm his identity and then sit making notes.

“Thank you for accompanying me, Lieutenant. I don’t know about you but I sure could use a drink after that hearing. What do you say? Care to join me?” She smiled at the Lieutenant while she awaited his answer.

“You’re more than welcome, and that would be lovely, thank you.” He smiled. “Did you have somewhere in mind?”

“Unfortunately, I have no idea. I only arrived a few days ago and I haven’t really had an opportunity to get acquainted with the starbase yet. Is there somewhere you would recommend? I’m not picky at all,” Jade provided.

Smiling, he swept out an arm, indicating the way. “There’s a lovely little lounge I like. Serves specialty teas and coffees and has a full bar,” he said. He’d learned long ago not to assume other people’s drink preferences. “Although, I think I might be too hyped up on caffeine to go near the coffee tonight.”

“Sounds delightful,” Jade spoke before chuckling at his last statement. “And don’t worry…I know exactly what you mean. Coffee will have to wait until tomorrow.” Jade followed him while staying right next to him on his right.

It had been a very long day and Jade was very much in need of some relaxation. Hopefully, the walk wouldn’t take too long because she was eager to get off of her feet.

The corridors weren’t too crowded so it didn’t take them long before they’d reached the bar and taken a table in the corner. Ryke caught the eye of one of the bartenders and nodded. Since it was a table service facility, it meant that they didn’t have to queue at the bar for their drinks, a fact his aching back was more than happy about. The chairs in the courtroom had been possibly the most uncomfortable he’d ever encountered… perhaps something to do with making sure people didn’t want to come back?

“So,” he said with a smile. “I think that went well today.” He still had to type up his notes and submit his report, but even with the little he knew about the legal system, it had been easy to tell Hart knew her stuff.

“It did. Thankfully, things went smoothly. It did run a little longer than I expected but I would rather deal with that then a chaotic hearing.” Jade drummed her fingers on the table while she talked. This was a habit of hers that she’s had since she was a child. She always had to be moving it seemed like.

“So, I want to thank you for the kindness you have shown me. I haven’t met many people here since I’ve arrived and I appreciate the hospitality you have shown me.” Jade turned to the man and gave him a small smile.

“You’re more than welcome. I remember what it was like when I first arrived. This place is huge and I literally knew no one.” He shuddered. “It was awful for a social butterfly like me.”

He shot her a small grin. He was the farthest from a social butterfly. If people didn’t have to talk to him because it was his job, he was sure they’d cross the corridor to avoid him.

A waitress arrived to take their order and he opted for a green tea, looking over at Hart enquiringly.

“I’ll take the strongest coffee you have, please.” Jade spoke to the waitress with a smile before turning back towards her companion. “Tell me if I’m asking too many questions but do you stay busy? I would imagine your profession means you always have work to do.  I’d imagine it would be similar to mine in that part.”

“I will, but you’re okay, I don’t mind. It’s usually me asking the questions,” he smiled. “And yes, counseling is always busy. There’s a lot of people aboard and with the events of last year…” He didn’t need to elaborate, the spectre of Frontier Day would hang over them all for a long time. “A lot of people are still working through things. I’d like to say that I don’t see patients in cuffs like you do, but there are actually a fair few.”

“I can imagine. I have found it hard in my experience not to take some of what I see back home with me. I know home probably isn’t the best word but I think you know what I mean. Some days I do better than others but I learn more each day. Who knows? Maybe I’ll stop by and see you sometime.” Jade spoke genuinely. She had found that Ryke was easy for her to speak with. She could easily see why he had chosen to be a counselor. He had the perfect temperament for the profession.

“Yeah, I know what you mean. In the fleet, home is wherever you put your pack, kinda thing.” He looked up and thanked the waitress who arrived with their drinks. “And you’d be more than welcome,” he offered. “Whether you want to chat formally or just rescue me from the daily grind for a coffee and a chat.”

He turned his teacup, ignoring the silly little handle these things always seemed to have, and lifted it to blow the steam off the top. “What drew you to the legal side of things?” he asked. “If you don’t mind me asking?”

“It’s kind of a long story but I knew I always wanted to do something that challenged me and the law has always intrigued me. I went against my father’s wishes and pursued my law degree.” Jade stopped and let out a sigh before speaking again. “It hasn’t went over well as you can imagine but I don’t regret it. I honestly feel that I made the right decision.”

He inclined his head, thoughts taking a turn to the past. To a similar decision of his own.

“Sometimes, you have to strike out on your own. Even if people… friends, family… have pigeon-holed you into one role. If it’s not for you, then you have to break free. For your own health and wellbeing. Then we have to hope that our loved ones come around.”

He smiled and lifted his teacup. “Here’s to charting our own course.”

Jade lifts her coffee up and smiles. “And here is to making new friends!” She bumps Ryke’s teacup with her own mug of coffee before setting it back down on the table.

“I should probably be on my way. I have enjoyed this very much. Thank you for obliging me! Maybe we should make this a weekly occurrence? What do you think?” Jade was curious if he had enjoyed the conversation as much as she had.

Pleasure rolled through him, and his smile broadened. He’d enjoyed her company a lot today. Perhaps rather more than was strictly professional. “I would like that very much. Shall we say thursday nights?”

“That sounds great! Thursday’s it is!” Jade grabbed her things and made her way towards the exit. “See you around I guess. And see you next Thursday!”