Part of USS Selene: Cloaked and Bravo Fleet: The Devil to Pay

Unsatisfactorily Belated Endings

The Triangle
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—- USS Selene, The Triangle —-

The ship had picked up the away team that had bordered Jaressi Centre. They had managed through some teeth pulling, not literally, to get a set of coordinates out of one of the vendors that had been selling stolen Federation supplies from the attacked colonies. The treat of a fleet of Starfleet vessels showing up at Jaressi Centre to inspect all future cargo had been a bluff, but a bluff that had worked. Not everyone knew just how thin the fleet was being stretched.

“I still can’t raise the USS Falcon,” Lieutenant Randolf McKenzie said from the communications conn.

From her chair in the centre of the bridge Captain Olivia Carrillo turned and gave a small frown. They’d been out of contact with the rest of Selene Division since the away team had returned and this was not news that made her feel confident.

“What’s their last known coordinates,” Carrillo asked.

“Dionvia V, ma’am,” McKenzie said, “All other communications seem unaffected, it’s just them that’s gone we have comms with the rest of Starfleet and the Federation.”

“Which means it’s not on our end,” Carrillo said, understanding the inference. This was not a case that someone was blocking the USS Selene’s comms, there was just nobody picking up on the other end.

This worried her, she knew that the Falcon was up against tight odds, that two Klingon destroyers were more than a match for the Excelsior II-class ship. It had come through the war with the Dominion, but that did not make it invulnerable. Still she had faith in Captains Radak and Aike to see them though.

Commander Mason kept focused on the task, though she shared her commanding officer’s concern, “Find us someplace to hide.”

Chief Science Officer Gabriella Mason nodded, “There’s a nebula that’s composed of scanner reflective particles. We’ll be able to see out, but unless we use warp drive we won’t be spotted.”

“Head us in, and turn everything off but scanners and life support,” Carrillo said. The crew would have to go a few hours without holodecks, but not being seen was more important.

She glanced at her first Officer Commander Mason, “Any chance we can listen in to what they’re saying?”

Mason nodded, “McKenzie has some listening equipment. We should be able to intercept any ship to ship comms and remain undetected.”

“McKenzie, make it so, contact the Intelligence team if you need anything,” Carrillo said, then she remembered that with the advent of Selene squadron her intelligence team was down to one officer.

Now all they had to do was wait, potentially days. Carrillo stood and adjusted her uniform, “Alright everyone work on getting us eyes and ears ready. Mason the crew can use holo technology until we detect ships. Then we go dark. I’m going to go eat and go to my quarters. Mason you have the bridge.”