Part of USS Gemini: M1: Lifeline Under Siege

P1 – Why Did I Accept?

Ready Room
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The window showed the Grim Wall, civilian ships either arriving or leaving, and the Copernicus-class Hecate Station. Inside, the office looked warm, cozy, and inviting. A leather couch, a weird mechanical lamp (quite old), and rusty colors gave the room a unique steampunk vibe. The shelves displayed a medical degree, command prestige, and hard-earned medals. They also held familiar pictures of family, friends, and former crew members. One photo showed a small group of young officers standing together with cheerful smiles beneath a plaque labeled “USS Jaxartes.”

In the chair, a woman leaned back with one hand supporting her head, while her other hand swiped through the PADD. Many names scrolled past her eyes. Finally, she placed the PADD down on the desk, rubbed her face, and took a deep breath. “Why did I accept this job…?” she muttered, doubt crawling in like darkness, growing strong as the light dimmed.

“Captain Ruslanovna, we have an incoming communication from Hecate Command. They request it be viewed by command staff only.”

The voice of Ko echoed slightly in the room as the woman looked up from her hands.

“Understood. Report to my office and patch the communication through.”

“Understood, Captain. On my way.”

Commander Yoon-Jung, her First Officer and former Commanding Officer of the USS Tokyo, had endured a tragic start that no new captain should ever have faced. She’d been sent into the lion’s den against the Borg—and barely survived. The commander entered the office and saluted her Captain.

“I have arrived, per your request, ma’am.”

The captain took a deep breath and motioned to the empty chair for Ko to sit. The XO complied. Meanwhile, the communication link opened, revealing a holographic 3D image of a Fleet Captain.

“Fleet Captain Kobahl. What news do you bring to the table?” Ruslanovna asked, a slight grin forming as she leaned back in her chair, warmth glimmering in her eyes at the sight of her lover.

Sazra rolled her eyes, noticing Ko’s presence and restraining the urge to respond too personally. She nodded to them both.

“Captain Silina Ruslanovna, Commander Yoon-Jung Ko, I have to alter your shakedown course for a more pressing matter. As you might be aware, the Klingon Empire’s internal machinations are spinning out of control in certain sectors.”

“Due to Toral’s promises of more glory and war,” Ko said, clicking her tongue and crossing her arms.

Sazra eyed Ko for a brief second and nodded. “Chancellor Toral’s pledge to restore the glory of old has not convinced everyone, but certain loyal houses see it as a blessing to move in. Their eyes are set on the former Romulan Empire and its fragile state.” She shrugged. “Fourth Fleet Command has its hands full, so do I with the Klingons as our neighbors.”

“So, you’re sending us through the Pilgrim Path to patrol?” Ko asked.

Silina shook her head. “That wouldn’t make sense. The USS Kusanagi is better suited for that job.”

“That is correct,” Sazra agreed. “The USS Kusanagi is preparing for a more intensive patrol near the borders. I’ve marked that mission as escorting trading ships to and from the Klingon border, but really it’s just a way of saying, ‘We’re here and watching.’” Sazra swiped her finger, and another hologram of a planet appeared. “No, I’m sending you a three days travel to the Romulan Republic borders.”

“Dhaillak…” Ko read the planetary information. “Only 20,000 people live there? A new colony?”

Sazra nodded. “Nestled on the fringes of Romulan Republic space, Dhaillak has 20,000 settlers seeking opportunities after the Empire’s collapse. It already has two cities, an unknown number of villages, and basic agriculture and mining operations that look promising for them, and the Republic.” She shrugged. “However, Dhaillak’s remote location leaves it ill-prepared for sudden incursions. It became a prime target for House T’Vagh. They sent a distress call, and Starfleet deems the Gemini profile to be the best fit.”

Silina noticed Ko’s confusion at the mention of their profile. “She means our medical support specialization,” Ruslanovna clarified. Then she turned back to Sazra. “What do we know about this House T’Vagh?”

“Lord T’Vagh is ambitious, and dangerous. His loyalty to House Konjah is fierce; he sends forces as ordered without question. He’s an opportunist who sees each assignment as a chance for more recognition in the Empire.” Sazra placed her hands behind her back. “Strategically, his warriors are highly trained, strike decisively, and favor close-quarters combat.”

Ko rolled her eyes. “Let me guess: They want to boost their honor and personal valor?”

Sazra nodded. “Romulan reports indicate House T’Vagh’s ships are behind the attacks. The Republic is unable to provide military support yet, but they’re desperately constructing city shields and planetary defenses. However…” Sazra paused, searching for the right words.

“They’re losing people faster than they can build defenses,” Silina said, rubbing her temple. “What does Starfleet expect us to do? We’re not equipped for heavy engineering support. The USS Himalaya might be better suited.”

“Well…” Sazra began, but Silina recognized the look of frustration. “Fourth Fleet Command directed the Gemini to respond to the distress call. You’re to provide medical aid, defend the area without escalating hostilities, and maintain diplomatic channels. If possible, help stabilize Dhaillak’s infrastructure.”

Ko looked stunned. “Wait, we’re going in blind against a hostile Klingon house that bombs and attacks innocents?” She looked away in frustration, clenching her fist and muttering to herself. Then, trying to calm down, she looked back. “Starfleet can’t be serious…”

Tapping her temple, Silina glanced at her First Officer. She understood the feeling of an unreasonable order but also the reasons behind it. She looked back at Sazra. “You’re not happy about this either, are you, Captain?”

“You know me well,” Sazra said with a faint smile. “I’d rather have my entire squadron with me, but I need someone with strong experience at a remote Romulan colony. Reminds you of a certain mission?” Sazra hinted at their last mission together, involving the underspace. “I’m relying on you. But please don’t let the Klingons bait you into a fight you can’t win.”

Silina nodded at Sazra, smiling softly. “Understood. We’ll be back before you know it. Ruslanovna out.” With a quick wink, she closed the channel. It was a daring operation, to be sure. She turned to Ko. “Get the crew ready, Commander. We depart as soon as possible.” She noticed a hint of resistance, painful memories of why Ko had lost her command. Ko nodded, stood, and left the office, Ruslanovna’s eyes following her.

“Computer,” Silina said, “provide me with a list of all medical staff, all data on Dhaillak, and queue a medical supplies request form.” The computer bleeped as she turned back to her console. “This will be a challenge…” she said, shaking her head. “Why did I accept this position…”


  • What a great intro to your new mission! I enjoy how you are setting the scene of a cozy home, and the contrast it with Silina's (entirely understandable) self-doubt. The mission profile perfectly fits the recent canon updates, and I am curious to see where you take this! Great job!

    January 5, 2025
  • Really enjoyed your opening to this mission, I’m especially drawn to the hesitant movement and request for what’s been asked, not only from HQ but between your officers themselves, uncertainty resonates but duty and orders stand.

    January 11, 2025