Part of USS Franklin D. Roosevelt: The New Deal

TND 001 – The Remains of the Day

Montana Station - Engineering Operations
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Engineering Operations was a massive department at Montana Station. Fleet Captain Geronimo Fontana had left the department’s director to her business, but today was different. He stepped through the door and spotted Commander Miados at the far end, working on one of the larger displays in the command center. She glanced up, a curious smile tugging at the corners of her mouth, “Fleet Captain Fontana – to what do I owe the pleasure?”

He returned the smile, “I have a project I need to talk to you about – your office?”

She handed the PADD to her next senior officer, “We need to verify those intermix ratios – get to the cores if you have to. Follow me.” She led him across the busy center and into her expansive office. PADDs, schematics, and manuals were scattered on desks, tables, and chairs. “Pardon the mess – we’re still getting our hands around the equipment on the station. We’re lucky they let me pull in so many senior cadets.” She snagged a fresh cup of coffee from the replicator and slid into her desk, “What’s the project?”

He sat opposite her and handed her an encrypted PADD, “I was able to add another starship to our squadron – she needs a significant refit.”

Miados eyed him curiously and opened the screen, letting out a delighted gasp as she read the materials, “You got the FDR? Holy shit, Ger – that’s a ship with a history.” She read further, “She’s been doing grunt work around Fourth Fleet for the last few years.  Looks like Frontier Day wasn’t kind to her.” The Trill looked up, “When will she be here?”

Geronimo stood. “Two days—they provided an outline on her refit—the schedule says thirty days.” He held her gaze while she closed the PADD.

“That look suggests you think I can do it faster,” she replied, amused. “Let me work with my deputy chiefs and see what our roster schedule allows. Harris Transport also brought in a bunch of engineers and repair teams for its operations. I could talk to them about some help.”

Fontana replied, “Run ‘em through standard and high-security background checks. Have Commander Thasaz run the interviews. Those that pass can play in our backyard, with instruction and some oversight.”

Miados chuckled, “There will be plenty of applications, I assure you.” His curious look pushed her to explain, “Engineers love older model ships – there’s something about those classic designs that we just can’t shake. We’ll have the help we need.” As he moved to leave her office, she asked, “Who will be her CO?”

He turned, a sly smile lighting up his eyes, “Crawford – he needs to get out of this place and be a starship captain again. He’s going a bit stir-crazy in the office.”

“He’ll need to meet with me about the refit – sooner, the better. It’ll be his baby.”

He nodded, “He’s my next visit.” He departed, leaving Miados to contemplate the challenge ahead. A refit of a classic class. And it wasn’t even her birthday.