Part of Starbase Bravo: Process Not Perfection

A Scalding Encounter

Brew, The Promenade
January, 2402
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The shifts had seemed to get longer and longer as the week had went, from the never ending reports to the testing of new tactics it looked like Kay had been run ragged, but the truth was she had just not had any coffee the life force of every officers day to day life. She had gotten a small break so she decided to take the opportunity to go and grab a cup of the dirty bean water. She wanted something quick, but when she got to the Promenade it seemed to be busier than usual. Newcomers bustling in and out of the amenities, as well as officers trying to make their way into the areas as well.

She scanned the area to see Brew as being the only viable option so she quickly made her way there and ordered a large cup of Columbian blend coffee with French vanilla creamer and sugar. She waited before being handed the cup. She took a sip and felt the warm liquid trace down her throat, before turning and almost tackling the person she had no idea was behind her. Her coffee cup spilt all over the person and while she felt bad her anger spiked because all she had wanted was a cup of hot coffee.

She looked at the man and shook her head “I am so sorry I didn’t see you there. Are you ok?” she said as she grabbed napkins to try and help absorb some of the coffee on his uniform.

Ryke’s spatial awareness was usually excellent, but even he hadn’t managed to step back in time before he was assaulted by a cup of coffee cascading down his chest, soaking him through to the skin.

“It’s perfectly fine,” he replied automatically as she began patting him down with wads of napkins. Quickly, he grabbed her wrists gently to stop her.

“Thank you, it’s okay, I’m just a little damp,” he fibbed, the skin across his chest stinging after the burn of the boiling liquid. It wasn’t too bad, the damp fabric rapidly cooling but he’d probably need to check it over with a regenerator later.

Kay looked at him in doubt. She knew better than to believe he was ok. She knew what coffee felt like when it was scalding hot. As he grabbed her wrist she didn’t know what to do.

“Don’t lie if it hurts I should have been more careful and looked as I turned. I’m sorry again can I ironically buy you a cup of coffee? I need to get another one as well.” She said as she looked at him.

Which was when he realised he still had a hold of her wrists. And she was in uniform… his eyes widened slightly, and he let go. Grabbing senior officers that way wasn’t encouraged. Not at all.

“Err…” He quickly recovered himself and smiled. “That would be nice, thank you ma’am.”

Kay nodded at him “What kind of coffee do you want?”

“Espresso please, no sugar.”

She turned back to the counter and reordered her drink as well as the coffee requested by the stranger. She turned back and extended her hand “Hello I’m Commander Kaylynn Robert’s. Again I apologize for the unseemly accident.”

He smiled as he took her hand and shook it. She was tiny compared to him, and beautiful. It was a long time since he’d struggled to string a sentence together in the presence of a woman, so he kicked himself mentally and replied, “A pleasure to meet you, commander. I’m Ryke… Ashfield,” he added quickly.

Kay smiled while he was definitely bigger than her most people who knew her would say not to mess with her she could always handle her own. She thought about the people she had come across and never recalled the name. She turned around and grabbed the cups of coffee handing Ryke’s to him.

”Well it’s a pleasure to meet you though not in the way I would ever have intended. Looks like you’re a Lieutenant Junior Grade. What do you do here on the station? I can’t say I have ever seen you even in passing.”

Their fingers brushed as he took the coffee and he schooled his expression. Glancing around them, he extended an arm as they moved to the side, turning so the herd of ensigns who had just arrived didn’t knock into her.

“I’m a counsellor, ma’am. They don’t tend to let us out often,” he said with a small grin.

She smirked it was true counselors had always been made to be secluded. The biggest thing was she felt something around him. She felt nervous and that wasn’t normal. She cleared her throat as her mind tried to overwhelm her “Well, at least they let you out. I am sure you have heard my name given my position on the station, but I try to keep a low profile .”

He inclined his head, he had placed her as soon as she said her name, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. “They definitely don’t let us near deputy directors often. In fact, there’s probably a marauding gang of security officers looking to herd me back to counselling right now.”

She laughed “Contrary to belief we don’t have bodyguards besides I can hold my own. Sometimes looks can be deceiving.” She smirked mischievously.

“Never judge a book by its cover, counselling 101,” he agreed, relaxing a little. She didn’t seem as stuck up as some senior officers could be. “Take myself for example. Competitive embroidery.”

“Oh really? Guess I’ll have to take your word for it. The mantra for me is since I’m a senior officer I can’t actually have conversations. Most of the time people are too scared to approach or talk because of rank. Utter nonsense well for me I’m usually pretty approachable though I guess depending on my mood I could seem unfriendly.” She said with a slight shrug as she took another sip from the cup.

“You want people scared of you, try being a counsellor.” He chuckled. “Everyone always thinks I’m analysing them. I mean…” He winked. “I only do that 99% of the time.”

He’d been so busy talking he’d practically forgotten about his drink, so he took a sip. Then sighed. It had been a long day.

”In my line of work I live in an analytical mind and sometimes it makes others think they are always gonna be in trouble. Regardless of this you look exhausted. Is your day still going or wrapping up?”

“Wrapping up now, thankfully. Yourself?”

She nodded “Well, I’m on a break though I took a longer break because I worked almost all night and half the day. Have a few more things to accomplish for the day before I can actually get out of this uniform.”

“Sounds exhausting.” He looked closer at her. “Here’s the counsellor speaking… Make sure you don’t burn yourself out.” Then he gave his best, charming smile. “Although, I’m probably breaking a hundred different rules if I admitted that if your name appeared on my department intake list, I’d probably resort to violence or underhand methods to make sure I got you.”

Kay could tell her cheeks were getting red as she blushed at the remark “Well maybe I’d just make sure and request you.” She said with a charming yet mischievous smile.

The blush over her cheeks was charming.

“This might be a bit forward, but… would you like to get a drink with me sometime?” His smile widened as he plucked at his uniform. “Preferably one I don’t end up wearing.”

She stopped thinking for a minute this could be complicated, but then nothing in her life has ever been easy. She nodded “Well maybe it should be the new norm when we see each other.” She joked before continuing “I would very much enjoy that.” She said with a smile looking at the time. “I hate to cut this short, but I better get back to work.”

“So would I,” he said, his voice low. “And, of course. Before you go, how does Friday night? I’ll make reservations.”

She stood up and smiled “I will see you Friday night Ryke.”

“Until then,” he smiled, watching as she headed out, coffee still in hand. Then he smiled and followed at a slower pace, turning the opposite way to head to his quarters.

From being doused in coffee to a date, things were looking up.