Part of USS Akira: A Bold Return – USS Akira

Ch. 2 ~ Priority One

Thursday, February 1st, 2401
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“This is a Priority One message for Captain Vausees Vax and Commander Debrah Fergouson-Vax.”

As the message continued to replay the same message repeatedly, both Vausees and Debrah looked at each other. Confusion settled on their faces. What could the Federation want with both of them? After all, they were retired and had settled peacefully on Trill.


Reaching over, Vausees placed a hand on the console and looked at Debrah for a moment before reciting her former command codes. Debrah was silent momentarily, her emerald green eyes looking at her wife. A soft sigh left her lips as her eyes closed, and she shook her head. She then recited her codes as well. A soft beep was heard after both ladies spoke their command codes.


The icon continues to float as an audio-only message plays.


“Captain Vausees and Commander Debrah. We realize that this message comes to you both when you are more than likely enjoying your retirement. However, we must insist that both of you return to Starfleet as soon as you can. Dire circumstances have deemed it necessary that all capable fleet veterans with experience and extensive expertise be contacted and implored to return to active duty.” The voice states.


As they listen, both of the women look at each other. Etched onto their faces are concern and worry.


They look back to the insignia as the message continues, “Should you both consider returning, we will have your former vessel brought back to service and your command of the vessel reinstated.” As the voice continues to speak, the insignia changes to the USS Akira. “As I stated before, we need you both. Please think about it; we need you and everyone to stand the watch once more. You have twenty-four hours to reply.”


The Akira then vanishes off of the communique as the message finishes.


Vausees sits there in silence, as does Debrah. Both women silently think what could be so dire that their retirement could be revoked should they consider returning to the fleet. The silence drags on for several minutes before Vausees stands up and stretches.


It had been a long day in the caves, and she still could feel the feelings and emotions of the symbiont. A soft sigh escapes her lips as she stretches and moves towards the bedroom.


“Let’s sleep on this and make our decision in the morning,” she says as she starts to undress.


Debrah nods and follows her to the bedroom. This decision was not something that they were going to take lightly. After all, they had chosen retirement because of the detriment that they both had suffered during their service to the federation. The sacrifices that they had made alongside the crew were admirable, to say the least.


Now their retirement was in jeopardy because some threat was forcing the federation to recall all veterans with skills. This couldn’t be good.


The next morning, Vausees woke, having not slept all that well. Her mind kept her awake for the most part as it weighed out the pros and cons of returning to duty. Her mind also played various situations that could have caused the fleet to be forced to recall all capable, retired veterans back to service. None of the situations were good.


As she sat up, she noticed that Debrah was already awake, looking at her.


“Did you sleep?” Vausees asked.


Debrah shook her head. “Not really.” She replied as she scooted up into a slightly inclined position. “All I can think about is if this is what we want to do. I understand that we belong in space and that we are needed, but haven’t we sacrificed enough?” she asks


Vausees could see that her wife conflicted with the orders, but she also knew that if she left to return to the fleet, she would follow. It wasn’t about the duty for Debrah; it was the fact that she would follow Vausees no matter what, even if she didn’t want to. After all, that was part of being married. Let alone being married to her former commanding officer.


“I want you to come with me; however, I will understand if you want to stay here,” Vausees said as she looked at her wife.


Debrah sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “You know that where you go, I go.”


“I know. I just want to let you know that I’m going and that I won’t hold it against you if you did decide to stay,” she pointed as her feet hit the cool wood floors. “After all, I have always thought about everything that you have ever told me and have always weighed each decision that we have made together.”


A few hours later, after a lengthy discussion, both women closed their duty bags and set them by the door to their home.


Vausees had sent their reply to the message and was now replicating both of their uniforms, badges, and ranks. She stood in the bedroom, adjusting her uniform and pulling her hair back. She turned and looked at Debrah.


She asked, “Not going to cut your hair back to the short bob cut?”


Debrah shook her head; her long blond hair flowed as she shook her head, “Nope.”


“I have always said you look so much better with it longer.” Vausees moved over to his wife and adjusted Debrah’s rank before patting it down.


Debrah smiled and then kissed her. “I love you, Vausees.”


After checking each other over one last time, they headed for the door and their shuttle. Moments later, they lifted off of the ground and left their humble home and retirement there on Trill.


Several hours later.


As they sat in the confines of the cockpit of the shuttle, Debrah turned and looked at Vausees.


“Have you thought about what could have happened to cause Starfleet command to react in such a way that they had to recall their retired members back to service?”


Vausees nods. “None of the scenarios are good.”


“Yeah, same here,” Debrah replies as she returns her attention to the passing streaks of light. “So, what’s your worst-case scenario?”


“That’s hard to say since all of them are pretty horrific.”


“Yeah, that is true. I mean the one that I’m lingering on has to do with the Romulans.”


“The Borg took up most of my scenarios,” Vausees replied as she adjusted their heading slightly.


“Oh God, let’s hope they aren’t involved in this somehow,” Debrah said as she thought about it.


Least did both of them know how close to the truth Vausees was in her prediction and scenario. The only variable that neither of them had considered was that of the Changelings and how they had played a role in the crippling of the Federation.