Part of USS Edinburgh: Mission 4 – These Are The Voyages

The Communicator

Starbase Bravo
10.14.2400 @ 0900
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“Good morning, Commander.”

Harris glanced up from his working desk and stood to shake the hand of the ensign, who was on time for her interview.  “To you as well, Ensign Atega.  Please, sit.” She nervously sat, her eyes searching the desk, the office, the walls, the floor – anywhere but the eyes of the CO.  He pulled up her application on his PADD.  “You’ve served with success on the Polson.  Why the Edinburgh?”

Presley gulped and started with something but changed her mind three times with her words until she decided, “In all honesty, sir, Captain Rachel Harris was very…convincing.”

Ambrose chuckled, “Her diplomatic skill knows no bounds.  Aside from my mother’s suggestion, why us?”

Atega thought for a moment, “My interest in linguistics and communications is all-consuming, sir.  I’ve never met a book about it that I didn’t like. I can’t expand my understanding without the next step in the process of my journey.”

He took notes and then asked, “There are multiple notes here about your efforts to work with people as a team and collaborate more.”

She let out a soft sigh, “Yes.”  She forced her eyes to look at the CO’s.  “I have been working on it with our counselor for the last year in order to improve this…part of me.”  Presley felt her eyes threatening to spill, and she forced her emotions to hold.  “I am still learning, Commander.  I can say I have come a long way.”

Harris accepted her answer, “We’re all work in progress, Ensign.  You should know our command crew is a pretty close group.  They will make themselves known to you and want to spend time getting to know you – the good, the being worked on, and the still learning.”

She managed to keep her eyes focused on his as she picked up on what he had just said, “Sir, you’re speaking as if….”

The CO tapped at his PADD, “Your performance evaluations are solid, your recent commendations are impeccable, and your letters of reference speak highly of you.”  He stood and extended his hand, “Welcome aboard the USS Edinburgh, Chief Communications Officer Atega.  You can report to your quarters and station within the hour.”  She shook it; still, a bit overwhelmed.

“Thank you, Commander.” As soon as the door closed on her, Harris could hear her shout for joy out in the corridor.