Part of USS Valiant: Rendezvous and Bravo Fleet: The Lost Fleet

Help has arrived

Battle Group Twenty-One Alpha,
March 2401
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Lieutenant T’Sari nodded, her expression filled with determination. “Aye, Captain. I’ll gather the necessary personnel and equipment for the away team immediately. We’ll be ready to transport over to the USS Defender shortly.”

Captain Wright acknowledged her response with a nod. 

As T’Sari left the bridge to carry out her orders, Wright turned his attention to Commander Greene. “Commander, I want you to coordinate with Lieutenant Palmer and Lieutenant Chen. They will lead their respective teams in assisting the other damaged ships of Battle Group Alpha Twenty-One. Ensure that repairs and medical support are prioritized based on the severity of each vessel’s condition.”

Greene stood up from his station, his posture alert and ready. “Understood, Captain. I’ll make sure the teams are organized and ready to provide the necessary assistance.”

With the crew in motion, Wright made his way to the turbolift, accompanied by Counselor Jennings and Doctor Aber. As they descended to the transporter room, he couldn’t shake off the heaviness in his heart. The devastation he had witnessed on the viewscreen only reinforced the urgency of their mission.

Arriving at the transporter room, Wright found Lieutenant T’Sari already there, overseeing the preparations. The room bustled with activity as engineering and medical personnel gathered, carrying equipment and supplies necessary for the mission ahead.

T’Sari approached the captain, her voice resolute. “Captain, the away team is ready. We have assigned engineers and medical officers with expertise in structural reinforcement and emergency medical procedures. We’ve also included security personnel to assist with securing the damaged areas of the USS Defender.”

Wright nodded approvingly. “Excellent work, Lieutenant. I trust you’ve taken the necessary precautions for potential hazards aboard the damaged vessel?”

T’Sari nodded. “Yes, Captain. We’ve studied the sensor data and are aware of the potential risks. The team is equipped with environmental suits and portable tricorders to assess any unstable areas.”

“Good,” Captain Wright replied, his tone firm. “Safety is paramount. I want everyone to exercise caution and work efficiently. Our goal is to stabilize the Defender and provide medical support to the injured.”

Counselor Jennings interjected, her voice calm and reassuring. “And let’s not forget the emotional well-being of the crew, Captain. This battle must have taken a toll on their spirits. I will be prepared to offer counseling and support to those who need it.”

Wright smiled gratefully at Counselor Jennings. “Thank you, Counselor. Your presence will undoubtedly make a difference. We need to help these officers and crew members process this and find strength to carry on. It’s a shock to everyone.” He paused for a moment, pushing down his own memories of the last time something like this happened to him as a Lieutenant serving as the tactical officer aboard the Manchester in the last Dominion War. 

Doctor Aber, standing beside Counselor Jennings, added, “I’ll be ready to provide medical assistance and triage on the spot. We’ll stabilize the critical cases and coordinate the transport of the injured to the Valiant.”

Captain Wright’s gaze shifted to the transporter chief. “Energize, Chief.”

The away team shimmered into particles of light, dematerializing as they were transported across space. Moments later, they materialized on the battle-scarred bridge of the USS Defender.

The scene before them was a stark one. Seeing the aftermath of what had taken place on the viewscreen versus in person were somewhat different. Wounded crew members lay on makeshift beds and medical teams rushed to their aid. The sound of damaged systems and the smell of burnt circuits filled the air. Yet, amidst the chaos, there was a glimmer of hope as the away team began their work.

Wright took a deep breath, steeling himself for the arduous tasks ahead. He approached Captain Michaels, who stood in the midst of the commotion, overseeing the repair and medical efforts.

“Captain Michaels, we’re here to lend a hand,” Captain Wright said, his voice projecting determination and empathy. “We’ll get through this.”

Michaels turned to face Wright, a mix of gratitude and resolve in her eyes. “Thank you, Captain. It’s good to have you here. We’ll make the best of this situation and get our ships back in shape. I have a feeling Starfleet are going to need all the help we can muster.”

The two captains locked eyes for a moment, a shared understanding passing between them. They both knew the challenges that lay ahead, but they also knew the strength they possessed, individually and as a united front.

Wright turned to his away team, addressing them and the crew of the Defender. “Let’s get to work, everyone. We have a job to do.”

The Percival was the oldest ship of the group. An aging, phased out design, she was one of the few Cheyenne-class starships still in service and due for decommission in the coming weeks being too old to be upgraded with Starfleet’s latest system designs.As Lieutenant Palmer and her team materialized aboard the Percival, they quickly assessed the situation. The ship was in a dire state, with extensive damage to its hull and various systems offline. Despite the chaos, the away team focused on their mission, determined to provide assistance to the crew and gather vital information.

Palmer tapped her communicator to establish a link with Captain Wright. “Captain, this is Lieutenant Palmer. We’ve successfully transported aboard the USS Percival. Initial assessment indicates severe damage to multiple decks and critical systems. Structural integrity is compromised, and life support is offline in several sections.”

Wright’s voice came through the communicator, calm but concerned. “Understood, Lieutenant. Can you provide an estimate of the number of injured personnel and the extent of casualties?”

Lieutenant Palmer relayed the information she gathered from her team’s initial survey. “Captain, we’ve been informed that there are a significant number of injured crew members throughout the ship. We estimate approximately 50 injured personnel so far, with a varying degree of severity. There have been several casualties, but we’re still assessing the exact number. I’ve also been informed that the ship is almost out of medical supplies. I’ve authorised the transfer of some of the Valiant’s to help with triage.”

Wright’s response was laced with urgency. “Understood, Palmer. Ensure the critically injured receive immediate attention and transfer them to the Valiant as soon as possible. We need to stabilize the situation and get the Percival back on its feet.”

Lieutenant Palmer acknowledged the captain’s orders. “Understood, Captain. Medical teams are already mobilizing to provide care to the injured. We’re also coordinating with engineering to restore life support to the affected areas. It will take time, but we’ll work as efficiently as possible.”

Wright’s voice conveyed his confidence in Lieutenant Palmer and her team. “I have full confidence in your abilities, Lieutenant. Keep me updated on the progress and any further developments.”

Lieutenant Palmer nodded, even though the captain couldn’t see her. “I will, Captain. We’ll do everything we can to stabilize the situation and assist the crew of the Percival.”

As Palmer and her team continued their assessment of the USS Percival, they made their way to the engineering section to evaluate the state of the ship’s engines. The once powerful propulsion systems now lay in ruins, crippled by the battle with the Dominion forces.

The engineering deck presented a scene of devastation. Wires hung loose from damaged conduits, sparking intermittently. The hum of machinery was replaced by an eerie silence, broken only by the distant sounds of repair efforts echoing through the corridors. The main warp core stood as a testament to the ship’s struggle, flickering with instability and emitting sporadic bursts of energy.

Lieutenant Palmer approached the core, her tricorder in hand, scanning the surrounding area and the damaged components. She relayed her findings to her team and began formulating a plan to restore both impulse and warp drive to the Percival.

“The warp core has suffered severe damage,” Lieutenant Palmer reported over the team’s comm link. “The containment field is compromised, resulting in fluctuations and instability. We need to stabilize it to prevent a catastrophic failure.”

It was becoming abundantly clear to Wright that even the medical facilities aboard the Valiant would struggle with the amount of injured. He tapped his communicator. “Wright to Valiant.”

The voice of his second officer, Lieutenant Commander Grayson, responded, “Grayson here, go ahead.”

“I’ve only initial reports from the Defender and the Percival and they’re overwhelmed with wounded. The Defender is fairing better, but they’re short-handed. If these two are anything to go by, it’s likely the others are in a similar or worse state. Convert cargo bays two, three, and four into makeshift hospitals and prepare for further wounded.” 

“Aye, sir.” Grayson replied.

Wright paused for a moment, then lowered his voice, “Grayson, I’m concerned we might not have enough additional facilities to handle the deceased. I need you to come up with a plan for that too.”

Grayson’s heart sank. He knew it would be a realisitic possibility that many of his comrades could have perished during the battle but he had been trying to ignore it as many of the members of the crews in the twenty-one alpha had been at the academy the same years as he had been. Hearing it brought reality crashing down.


  • Man, what an adventure. Lots of repair work, lots of injured - this was a battle! I enjoyed the reflections about the pain of seeing the reality of what had happened in space in the corridors. And that last two paragraphs! Running out of room for the bodies really hits home and the butcher's bill is overwhelming. I am interested to see how they all work through the awfulness of the rescue and find some bright spots in all this.

    May 22, 2023
  • Oof, what a final, chilling consideration in caring for the bodies. That's a lot of cargo bays filled with caskets to think about. There's a procedural detail to the story, but I do enjoy it - you focus on little details in a way which drives home the emotional burden of it all. Even the most mundane or mechanical tasks have to be done, despite characters' feelings, memories, or trauma, even if these specific tasks aren't obviously or immediately going to save lives. I think you do well to keep the story close to Wright for now, though; he makes a great POV to carry the reader through the emotional journey, and we see other crewmembers' struggles through his eyes in a way which establishes and fleshes out both parties. Good stuff!

    May 31, 2023
  • The scenes of destruction and chaos are really well written and descriptive. I can really see just what you’re getting at with each scene and the state of each ship. I feel like Pegasus might be a write-off, just from how you’ve detailed her, but these are Starfleet engineers after all. Looking forward to seeing how it turns out. And the emotional journey of the crew going about their solemn duty is evocative as well. Good stuff and I look forward to more.

    June 2, 2023