Part of USS Themis: Volleyed and Thundered and USS Odyssey: Volleyed and Thundered

Volleyed and Thundered – 22

USS Themis (NCC-76554), Deneb Sector, Alpha Quadrant
Stardate: 78195.52
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The sickbay research lab had never appeared so busy since Cambil took command of the Themis. Having quite a few of the other doctors in the squadron assembled here to assist in developing the ‘antidote’ was quite a sight. It hadn’t taken them that long to create it. Most of it was there based on the evidence found on the colony on Divinium and traces of it on the Breen refrigeration suits. 

After they had presented their findings to Cambil, the captain had smiled in pride at how well they had all worked. She wasn’t surprised. None of them had rested over the night since they had left the Odyssey behind in the Divnium system. Slyvexs, who had led the efforts, as always, was exceptional. Her leadership and sharing of her knowledge and skills with the other doctors were invaluable.

Furthermore, witnessing her working with her former protégé, Doctor Remi Forbes, was also a nice flashback for her. The two of them had worked well together on the Odyssey. They were unstoppable, so seeing them back in action one more time, and collaborating on something they were passionate about, was perfect. Adding to that with the others from Triton and Bellerophon only made the four chief medical officers all seem invincible. Doctor Kamra Uknare from the Triton was almost like Slyvexs with experience, while Doctor Sarella Corben from the Bellerophon was like Remi. Her youthful enthusiasm increased the group’s desire to do a good job. The four made an excellent team, and Cambil was pleased their first collaboration went well. It boded well for the future. 

Now they were finished, they would prepare instructions for the rest of the squadron on how to create it and work with the team on the Triton to install the antidote to their new delivery system. Recognising they needed a break, Forbes had offered to take the four doctors to one of the coffee shops on the Themis’ promenade.  Though keen to socialise with her colleagues, Slyvexs politely declined and asked if she could be excused while she joined Cambil for a catch-up.

After leaving the lab, Cambil straight away congratulated Slyvexs. “Once again, the impressive talents of Slyvexs of Denobula save the day again!”

“I can’t take all of the credit, Bexa,” Slyvexs replied with an appreciative smile. “But thank you. Remi once again has proven to me he is an excellent physician. When is he due for a promotion?”

Cambil smirked. “Soon, actually, he has put a request in to undertake the bridge officer’s exam early.”

Slyvexs was impressed to hear that. “He’s a keeper for sure, Bexa.”

“Absolutely,” Cambil agreed. “And talking of promotions, when will you get that fourth pip?”

Chuckling at the absurdity of the idea, Slyvexs shook her head. “I’m happy where I am.”

“James could always make you Captain of Medicine on the Odyssey and for the squadron,” Cambil suggested as they turned down a corridor and headed towards the turbolift at the end. 

“Don’t give him any ideas; he has just made Max a captain,” Slyvexs replied. “I’m happy to defer to the more younger crew who want a career in command. Like Tomaz and Flemen to take on the bridge duty. That said, I’m surprised he hasn’t promoted Banfield either.”

“The science officer that took over from Karyn?” Cambil checked.

Slyvexs nodded. “Yep,” She popped the ‘p’ sound at the end of her response. “She’s just as good as Karyn. You know she was offered command of her own science vessel a few years ago but turned it down.”

Cambil called for the turbolift by touching the slim panel by the door. “She does appear to know her stuff; Abbej always speaks highly of her.”

“And with great reason, too,” Cambil confirmed as the door slid open. “Talking of command, how are you enjoying your own ship?”

“I love it,” Cambil answered. “Besides the fact we don’t have our families with us, the Themis is a great challenge.”

“She’s certainly spacious,” Slyvexs said as they entered the cart. 

“Promenade, section four, captain’s private lounge,” Cambil ordered the computer. “She may not be as big as the Odyssey, but I think I prefer the Ross-class more than I thought I would.”

Slyvexs shook her head. “Bexa, seriously, the Ross-class is Starfleet’s cheat way of combining the Galaxy and Sovereign classes together. That said, something about her makes me feel a bit nostalgic for the Venture.”

Cambil realised what Slyvexs was referring to. “Ah yes, you served on the Venture during the war.”

“The previous ship named Venture,” Slyvexs corrected her just as the turbolift came to a gradual and smooth halt. Its doors opened, and they were deposited onto the promenade. “That said, we never had a promenade on the Venture.”

“But the Odyssey does,” Cambil reminded her. 

“Yes, but James likes to call it the Boardwalk,” Slyvexs countered as she looked around where they were. She could see several recreation facilities with some crew in them. Their holographic servers taking orders. Cambil took her across from where the lift had put them towards a room that showed it was the captain’s private lounge. The computer recognised the captain, and instantly, the doors opened to reveal quite a relaxing space with several sofas, a couple of replicators and, on a sunken level, a circular table with chairs around it. Though this wasn’t the captain’s private dining room, it certainly could be another one.  Cambil walked over to the replicator while Slyvexs moved across the room to look out of the large floor-to-ceiling sloped windows.

“Impressive view,” She remarked after Cambil brought back a drink for her. 

Cambil agreed after she handed the drink over and started sipping her Deka tea. “I’m not one for using this space often, my predecessor preferred it more, but since Naprem and the boys were sent away, I’ve found myself coming down here to get away from everything else.”

“I get what you mean,” Slyvexs confirmed with a nod. “I’ve been the same since Mettex left; I found myself spending more time in the Auditorium.”

The door chime then went off, and Cambil sighed. “By the Prophet’s,” She exclaimed. “I swear I should disable the sensors in this room.” After telling their visitor to come in, she was surprised to see her first officer entering. “Number One, I thought you were covering in engineering?”

Tremt Hunsen stepped in and acted a bit sheepish in front of Slyvexs. He acknowledged her presence with a quick bow of his head before turning to his commanding officer. “I was until we got a message from your favourite new bestie.” He passed a PADD over to Cambil.

“Gul Jacet?” Slyvexs asked for clarity.

Hunsen nodded. “I’m pretty certain he likes Bexa a lot,” He then winked at Slyvexs as he insinuated something beyond the Cardassian’s intentions with his captain. “Basically, Jacet has said they believe they have found a Dominion ship from the Death Task Force. They’re heading there now; however, the Bellerophon is already on their way. Fleet Captain McCallister had issued a radio silence with the Bellerophon.”

“So the Cardassian may crash James and Horatio’s party?” Cambil asked.

“It looks that way,” Hunsen stated. “And by them moving out of formation from the rest of the squadron, they are leaving a decent portion of the detection grid inoperable.

Cambil sighed as she tapped her combadge and asked the bridge to get her Jacet at once. Several moments later, the large view screen on one wall came to life, and Jacet’s arrogant style filled Cambil’s ship up. 

“Captain Cambil, are you joining our chase?” Jacet asked.

“Not quite,” Cambil remarked. “In fact, I’m asking you and your ships to stand down as the Bellerophon is on their way to intercept the same target.”

Jacet sighed heavily. “Then our support will ensure victory for us, captain.”

“I don’t think Fleet Captain McCallister will see it that way,” Cambil said as she crossed her arms.

“Do you honestly want to annoy him and his brother with your entourage?” Slyvexs questioned. 

Jacet considered their words carefully. “Very well,” He nodded, “we will stand down, but I will place my ship nearby in case they need help.”

Smiling nicely at him, Cambil thanked the Cardassian for his restraint and closed the channel. Rubbing her nose ridges, Cambil shook her head once they were clear. “I swear he is more work than is needed.” She turned to Hunsen. “How far are we from the Bellerophon?

“Not that far, just over an hour away,” Hunsen answered.

“Have T’Rani move us so we’re closer than Jacet is,” Cambil ordered.

Hunsen nodded before he said goodbye to his captain and their visitor. 

“Sorry about that, Slyvexs,” Cambil said straight after Hunsen had left the room. “I wasn’t expecting that call.”

“Don’t worry,” Slyvexs said as she smoothed her uniform before sitting on one of the sofas. “Jacet seems an interesting character.”

“That’s one way of saying it,” Cambil admitted as she sat beside Slyvexs. “I think I’ve missed our daily coffee and chats.”

 “Me too,” Slyvexs agreed as she tapped her mug against Cambil’s. “There’s nothing wrong in us doing it over subspace.”

“Good idea,” Cambil said before taking a sip. She turned to Slyvexs. “Do you think the antidote will work?”

“I hope so,” Slyvexs answered. “However, I hope we don’t have to use it, or that means more people will lose their lives.”

Cambil nodded. She hadn’t thought of it that way, and for a few brief seconds, she prayed to the Prophets, asking them to protect them and every other colony in the nearby vicinity. 


  • Medical team-up of all the chief doctors is another glorious moment, making the most of your squadron. I appreciated the easy relationship between Syvexs and Cambil, using it as a window into their own history, glimmers of the effect of the Dominion War on them, and continuing to paint a picture of the landscape aboard these squadron ships. The degree to which Cambil is disheartened to be separated from her family was especially poignant. It was like a subtle, steady bass-line throughout the whole story. But will she find some small comfort from Jacet's attentions???

    June 14, 2023