Part of Starbase Bravo: The Homefront and Bravo Fleet: The Lost Fleet

Newbie Nerves

Near Starbase Bravo (shuttle)
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Luna looked out the shuttlecraft window nervously, for the first time in her life, she was being assigned to a new crew.  She wasn’t certain about how well she’d fit in with the newer crew, especially as she didn’t exactly go to Starfleet academy like most officers.

She calmed herself, thinking of the aunts and uncles aboard the Calyspo, who offered her advice on fitting in to a new crew.  “I just have to make one friend, then things’ll snowball from there.” she muttered to herself.  A bad habit from way too much time spent staring out the viewport growing up.

“Miss,” the pilot gestured forwards “there she is, Starbase Bravo.”

The day could have gone better, Luna thought.  After all, she didn’t spill her food all over that Rigelian.  Though she was the one who ended up having to apologize for the resultant mess.  Tripping when she was walking into the ops center to report to the commander just had to be the icing on the cake.

Luna collapsed facedown on her bed before screaming into the pillow. On the table next to the bed was a framed picture of the crew of the USS Calypso, with a little girl on the shoulders of the captain.  After her screams were exhausted, she turned in for the night, hoping that tomorrow would be a better day.

Day 2

Luna awoke early, reporting to Ops early enough to have a pick of assignments.  After being placed with the diplomatic team for the day, she started looking over the scheduled arrivals.

“Three different arrivals from the Ditronia system. One from Vulcan, and a major stopover from a transport headed to Bajor.  Looks like I’ll be busy all day.  First up is the first Ditronia transport, which is scheduled to arrive in 30 minutes on deck 645.”  She started jogging to the nearest turbolift, intending to be on time as best as possible.

“Maybe today things will be better.”

Back in her quarters once more, Luna quickly showered and got ready for some recreational time.  She’d been invited by the diplomatic team to play starball with them after their shift.  Once in the jumpsuit, she headed to Deck 445, where she met up with the other three players today.  Having obtained their exosuits, they each stepped out the hanger onto the surface of the station.  In the distance, the could see three other teams of Starball players enjoying themselves.

“Ok, you’re familiar with starball, right?” one of the diplomats, Johnson maybe, asked her.  

Luna smiled. “more so than you would believe. I was running champion on the Calypso for years.”

“Good, so we don’t have to go easy on you.”

It might be scary being so far away from the familiar hallways of the Calypso, but Luna thought she’d be able to adapt to the new place quite well.  Johnson, Tibault, and Farlin were all great colleagues and maybe Starbase Bravo wasn’t so bad after all.