Part of USS Jaxartes: Into the fray and Bravo Fleet: The Lost Fleet

Part H: Knowing The Truth

Planet: S6D2048-3
March 2401 Mission Day 14
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Jason Devron sat in the room that was both his sleeping quarters and office though for the last couple of days he’d hardly spent any time in the room.  Had he slept yesterday, come to think of it when was yesterday; how long had it been today.  The small digital read out told him it was 8am, but how many 8am had passed since they’d landed on this retched planet.

He sat on the bed in his uniform going through the updates and reports on his Padd.  It was the uniform he’d warn yesterday or was even that the day before.  He’d have to drop it in the waste unit and replicate a new one once he’d finished reading.

The ship looked a mess aft with the makeshift patches over the two large holes.  He could have walked through either of them without any risk of hitting his head or scratching an arm on any jagged edges; they were that big.  It was a good thing the emergency shields ran on a completely independent system to the rest of the shields, otherwise those killer insects would have got on board.

Technically those things where on board though; doctor Andrianakis having had the chance to scan our hibernating Vorta guest more thoroughly, had discovered several of the creatures in their larval form; sleeping inside.  Whether he knew about it at the time or not was only speculation.  But to wake him would also wake them and that could prove dangerous with still so little known about them.

They couldn’t just beam the pod back off either.  There was a device fitting that should have prevented them beaming it from the scout ship in the first place, instead it a blown the controls afterwards.  Trying anything like that again might result in something worse.

Having witnessed the devastating power of these insects’ stings and the relentless hunger of the larvae first hand; Jason was determined to make sure none of those creatures ever made it off this planet.  Just how, was one of the many questions he had on his mind.

Finally he got up, removed everything he had on and dropped in the waste unit, where it would be ripped apart at an atomic level ready to help towards the forming of a new uniform one he returned from having a sonic shower, he also felt he needed a shave he’d not had one of those in a couple of days.


On the bridge of the USS Johannesburg, Captain Theodor Vance sat in his chair tapping out a tune on the right arm rest, the same tune he’d been tapping out for the past half hour, though it didn’t much sound like a Viennese Waltz.

“This is the USS Johannesburg to Star Base 86, do you read me over?” The female Tellarite communications office repeated as she had done every minute since they’d starting picking up coms traffic again.  And what a confusing mess that was; on the one side the Federation News Service was all positivity and focused on the forthcoming Frontier Day and brief mention of skirmishes involving the Breen and old Dominion technology; on the other side the 4th Fleet was reporting a full scale war!  Whole planets captured by invading forces, several star ship either destroyed or badly damaged.  Half of Task Force 514 appeared to have been wiped out.

“This is Star Base 86, over.”  Came a male voice across the coms.

“Do we have visual?” Vance asked.

“Negative Captain.” The Tellarite replied. “Currently audio only.”

“Very well.” He sighed and straightened up in the chair, even though there was no one on the view screen before him. “This is Captain Theodor Vance of the USS Johannesburg.”

“How can we help you captain?” Came the reply

“You can start by putting me thought to someone in authority.”

“I’m sorry the command staff aren’t available at the moment.  Can I be of service?”

“Look mister, whatever your name is. If I wanted the ‘Tea Boy’ I’ll ask for the ‘Tea Boy’ comprendre?”

There was an extra-long period of silence before the unknown voice spoke again. “I’m very sorry you feel that way sir.”

The captain by now hand stopped tapping and was now gripping the arm with frustration, behind him doctor Dukakis stood watched to make sure he didn’t do anything to strenuous or stupid especially after being injured.  She would have much rather he rested for at least 24 hours; it wasn’t like the ship would fall apart without him sitting in the big chair.

“What’s your rank and name anyway?” Vance enquired.

Another pause. “Lieutenant Max Thrust’ sir.” A couple of the younger bridge crew stifled giggles, one disguising it as a cough; knowing full well that was the name of a fictional character.  It didn’t help though that their captain didn’t have a clue about it.  As for the doctor, her closed eyes and screwed up face was a sign she knew.

“Well Mr Thrust.  You’d better damn well tell them one of their ships is in grave danger.” Vance almost bellowed. “I have reason to believe the USS Jaxartes has a Changeling aboard.”  You could almost hear the cogs whirring around in the man’s mind, trying to figure out how to answer.  “And in case you’re wondering how I know.”  The captain’s voice was much calmer at this point.  “It’s because I have the real crew member lying in our sick bay.”

“I’ll pass on the message immediately sir!”  Silence followed.  Vance turned towards the female Tellarite. “Did that idiot just cut me off?”  She just nodded in reply. “Well he’d better find himself a good hiding place for when I get there.  Helm maintain course to Starbase 86, warp 8.”


Jason was feeling much better after the shower and clear uniform and now had at least the start of a plan formulated in his mind.  The creatures where running on a four day cycle, so the previous generation of insects where now all dead and it would be at least 18 hours before any more took flight.  It was with this in mind that Devron had taken the decision to have the pod holding the Vorta; carried down to deck for and pushed out the airlock prior to them taking off.  The task had required four of them to carefully carry the heavy object.  Harris and Lightwood holding one end; Torf and Tyson at the other.  Jason himself carried the breathing masks they’d require for the final stage.

As the air lock wasn’t big enough for all of them and the stasis pod; Torf and Tyson went through first and climbed down the retractable lander to the ground.  The Betazoid engineer felt as if something was off, that nagging feeling the two of them weren’t alone.  May be it was all those dead bodies; fifteen to be exact.


Amat’Etat knew the Founders must be smiling upon him this day.  Firstly he’d survived the crash when many of his fellow warriors hadn’t.  Secondly his stealth armour and that of the two other Jem’Hadar with him, were all working perfectly.  Foot prints in the sand couldn’t be avoided but he was gambling on no one noticing the extra ones amongst those already present.  Thirdly those insects didn’t appear to be around at the moment.  Then came the final blessing on his actions; the opening of the hatch and two Federation crew stepping on to the sand.


Torf felt the tip of a blade touch the small of his back and then breathing across the back of his neck, before three Jem’Hadar warriors made themselves visible. “Tell your friend to open the hatch again or I will take great pleasure in slicing you in half.  Length ways!” The voice was cold, dark and menacing; just what you’d expect from something so evil.  They complied with the warriors orders and re-entered the ships airlock with the three Jem’Hadar.

Inside Jason wondered about drawing his phaser, being the only one of the group currently armed.  He could send the others back to grab weapons and make a stand. But that would most likely result in the deaths of both men currently in the airlock if not other crew members to. What really swayed his decision though, was the realisation he wasn’t the only one armed and a phaser was pointing right at his back. “You!” Was the only thing he said as he realised who else was behind him and who at that very moment fired!