Part of USS Resolute: Keep your enemies closer… and Bravo Fleet: Frontier Day

1 – Heading for the Party…

USS Resolute
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It had been a long, hard few weeks, and Raan was bone-weary. He sighed and leaned back in his chair in the lounge, which had affectionately been nicknamed ‘the pit’ after several of the crew had essentially lived in here during the evacuation of Arriana Prime, living and working in the same space, even though it was one of the most luxurious spaces on the small ship. 

Dayne Bennett dropped into the chair next to him and handed him a tumbler. 

“Thanks,” he nodded, tipping his glass up to chink against Dayne’s. The strong smell told him it was llanarian brandy, the taste said it was nothing of the sort.

“Synthahol?” He asked, eyebrow raised. 

“Duty shift tonight. If I have to suffer, you have to suffer,” Dayne grunted.

Raan frowned. “When did you get assigned to charlie shift?”

The big man shrugged. “Switched with Nyla, so she could head out to the Frontier day parties when we hit the fleet yards.”

“Ah.” Raan sipped his drink, then slid Dayne a sideways glance. “You old softie. Days past you’d have been the first out there, ripping it up at all the parties.”

Dayne snorted. “Yeah, yeah… what are your plans for tonight then?”

“Duty shift,” Raan replied promptly. “Switched with Rennox so he could head out, presumably with Nyla.”

Dayne chuckled as he sat back in his own chair. “Well, we’re a pair of softies together then, aren’t we? Do you think we’ll make it in time for all the parties?”

Raan nodded. They were going to be late for the main events but should make the evening parties. “Should do, if the engines will hold.”

“Yeah, you leave my baby girl’s engines out of this!” Dayne exclaimed, and took a long swallow from his glass. 

Raan sighed and leaned his head back against the cushioned head-rest and watched the crew in the lounge. He could tell they were all tired as well, their body language was slower, the way they held themselves told of aches and pains driven by too long under pressure. 

It was understandable. The situation on Arriana Prime, then the situation at Farpoint had stretched them all to the limits. It was a good job they did have Frontier Day coming up. They all needed a break, and the festivities were the perfect excuse for the crew to let their hair down, before the Borg came back to invade or something. 

They sat in silence, watching Rennox on the other side of the lounge. He was putting up decorations and posters. 

Dayne leaned in. “Two questions. We have decorations? And why is he putting them up? He’s not even going to be on board for most of the day.”

“It appears we do,” Raan replied. “And he said he wanted to do something for the crew that have to stay aboard.”

They watched the yeoman for a few more minutes. Then Dayne said, “Bless him. Gods, he’s so naive, isn’t he?”

“Yes, and I’m glad for it. “ Raan nodded, nearly emptying his glass. “That situation with the Jem’Hadar could have broken him, but he bounced right back. Gave me a rousing speech about the importance of Frontier Day earlier.”

Dayne side-eyed him. “Seriously? You managed the whole thing without cracking up?“

”Yup. It was… informative.”

”I’d have paid good money to see that.” Dayne smirked and lifted his glass. “To all the precious little ones who must be protected at all costs.”

Raan lifted his glass in the toast then emptied the contents. 

“Right,” he said as he levered himself out of the chair. “I need food, a shower and a uniform change before hitting the bridge. It’s going to be a long night, and no doubt we’re going to have to fish some of our crew out of the brig in the morning.”

Dayne finished his drink, joining him to walk out of the lounge. “Don’t tell me, you gave Kovash the night off?”

Raan’s grin was evil. “Of course. This is the first time we’ve put in at Brahms. You don’t think I’d let them get away with the experience that is Kovash on a bender?”