Part of USS Jaxartes: Family Ties and Bravo Fleet: Frontier Day

Part 8: The Day The World Ended

USS Jaxartes
12th April 2401
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‘Today is the day the world ended, the day I became a monster, the day I became a killer, and this is how it started.’


Ensign Harris was in a cheerful mood, a sign he’d managed to grab a chat with Ensign Cho before he’d come on shift.  The Young Korean woman was still recovering, but according to Chad, she was looking much brighter; though she did say this one doctor had her on the treadmill not long after breakfast that day, in an effort to improve her leg muscles.  Cho had also received a visit from Captain Vance who wanted to see how she and Lieutenant Takalla were recovering.  She still hadn’t told her parents about what had happened; in fact they believed she’d been posted to Starbase Bravo and had remained well away from any sort of danger.  Chad had tried to convince her she should tell them the truth, but she didn’t want to worry them.

Harris wasn’t the only one in good spirits though; there seemed an air of calmness throughout the ship, a sense that may be things could return to normal.  Today was ‘Frontier Day’ after all!  A chance to celebrate 250 years of going boldly amongst the stars; a chance for the Federation to show off its skills and a chance for Admirals to make long boring speeches and pat each other on the back.

Dinari with the help of a couple other crew members; was currently fixing up one of the walls in the Holo-suite so that it could be used as a large viewing screen for any crew not on duty to watch the live broadcasts been sent out from Earth and Starbase 1.   Getting the Holo-suite completely working would take a bit longer.

Despite the fact various members of the crew had been sending messages and videos to family and friends etc.  Their captain had ordered them not to reveal the presence of Rear-Admiral Devron aboard ship.  Something that puzzled them slightly, but they had all followed that order.

It had been hard for Jason to adjust to the whole idea that there was this other family he knew nothing about.  He had a half-brother roughly his own age, plus an aunt and uncle with a boy and girl of their own he had no idea about.  Then there was the man he’d first met on Earth in Oxford, never imagining for a moment they were related.

Right now the USS Jaxartes was flying through deep space at a steady warp 6, keeping pace with the much larger USS Chapel, and acting as her escort.  It wasn’t that the crew of either vessel expected any sort of trouble; not this far inside Federation space that is.  It was more a chance to let the old girl stretch her legs a little, and although they wouldn’t reach Earth for another few days Lieutenant Devron felt it would be good to allow those crew members with family there, at least a couple of days leave. Technically that now included himself; but whether he did try to make contact with or visit any of this family was something he wasn’t entirely sure about.

Lieutenant Stuart had managed to spend of few hours with her family over the last couple of days having a late evening meal before they’d departed early this morning.  Donald Stuart was very happy with the new Air Filtration Unit which was certainly helping to clear up that horrible smell.  As for the 200 year old bottle of genuine Whisky the Chief Engineer had somehow managed to track down; The Scotsman wasn’t about to tell him it was one of the bottles he’d delivered to the planet roughly four years ago.  Clearly no one had opened it, in that time. But it had changed hands at least once since its arrival on the planet.

Ensign Tholakath the Cardassian Tactical Office had managed to spend a bit of time with his father to, prior to the Cardassian warship he commanded headed off.

The Caitian Science Officer, Ensign Maasl C’Rren was probably the one who’d had the least contact with any of his own family during these past few days and weeks.  Born on one of his races colony worlds Hochlor IV; Devron would make sure he’d have the chance to go back there sometime in the near future.


Down in the holo-suite Dinari was giving the screen a test run relaying images from the ships forward camera directly to the wall he’d fixed.  Satisfied that was working he switched to the Federation News Network which was currently showing a view of several star ships in orbit around the planet Earth.   He left that running whilst he went to help with carrying a few chairs into the room, so the crew would have somewhere to sit when the main celebrations kicked off.

It wasn’t long before the room looked like a mini-cinema, with two rows of seat facing the screen and a gap down the middle.  Someone had asking him about popcorn, so his next job was going to check if the replicators could make the stuff.  He’d never actually eaten popcorn in his life, so if he could get some made he’d get the crewman who’d suggested it to try it, just to make sure it was ok.


As if on cue, right before the main part of the ‘Frontier Day’ celebrations was due to commence; Rear Admiral Devron walked on to the bridge.  Jason offered him the captain’s chair, but instead the older man elected to sit in the communications spot and turn the seat to face the main view screen which was now showing the same images as those being viewed in the makeshift cinema.

Ensigns, Harris, Tholakath and C’Rren all sat at their respective posts watching everything that was happening, whilst keeping half an eye on the ships systems.  They could have left it all set on automatic and joined the rest of the crew, but all were happy enough to stay on the bridge.

The ‘Camera Probe’ relaying the current images across the galaxy had just moved past the USS Huygens a Sutherland Class Vessel positioned close in to Sol Station; which was the main focus of the camera.  Fireworks erupted all around, signalling the impending launch of the USS Enterprise F from Spacedock.  And as the camera moved round; one set of the huge doors in the upper section of the colossal space station began to open.  Once fully open, there she was in all her glory the Odyssey Class starship under the command of Admiral Shelby; on what was to be the start of this ships final voyage.  Moments later the image changed to the admiral herself seated on the bridge of the Enterprise as she gave her speech about the NX-01 and that Enterprises historic voyage these celebrations were marking.  Once her opening remarks where concluded the picture changed back to the external view of the ship as it continued it sweeping turn to port, heading for its allotted position with the formation of star ships formed up around Sol Station.  Once in position Admiral Shelby started talking about the Federations latest technical advancement as she put it; ‘Fleet Formation’, the ability to control every ship as one single entity.

At some point during this; George Devron had stood up and was now standing alongside his grandson.  But as the admiral continued talking another voice cut in; that of Admiral Picard warning her and anyone else able to hear his voice regarding changeling incursion within the Federation and the risk from the Borg connected with it.  But something or someone cut Picard’s message off.

Then a weird noise screeched out from the bridge sound system leaving all those there confused.   Jason Devron felt like someone had just shoved a red hot poker through the front of his head.  A million voices rang out in his head, or was it one voice from a million places.  But whatever the case there was one clear message one clear goal and all he knew was that he must obey.

Admiral Devron looked into the young Lieutenant’s eyes as the veins on his face and neck became much more prominent.  Then from the lips of the young man and the Cardassian at tactical came the chilling words. “We are the Borg.”  The admiral looked up at the Caitian Science Officer and shouted. “Run!”

As Maasl dived for the door Chad made a move from the Helm, but with swifter reactions to the situation Tholakath grabbed his right wrist in a vice like grip preventing him from leaving.  He was looking at the main viewer when he witnessed Admiral Shelby getting shot by two members of her own crew!  Just then the transmission was cut off from the source.

“Target one zero six seven located and identified.” Came Jason’s voice as he rose from the captain’s chair. “Eliminate.” His hand shot forward and grabbed the Admiral around the throat. George Devron looked at him in shock as the young man now under the influence of the Borg crushed his windpipe and broke his neck. The old man dropped to the deck, dead.  Jason Devron sat back down. “Collective, we have the Jaxartes.”


Down in the Holo-suite the rest of the crew had witness the events and the death of Admiral Shelby.  Left stunned and confused in the dim light of the room; it had taken them a moment to realise they had three Borg amongst them. Lieutenant Lyanna Stuart and crewmen Derek Lightwood and George Tyson.  “We are the Borg resistance is futile.” The three said in unison. “You will remain here and await assimilation.  Failure to comply will result in immediate termination.”  Someone made a bolt for the door, but Tyson grabbed him and through the poor guy across the room, where he landed on the floor next to Lyambo.

The three Borg controlled crewmembers walked out of the room sealing the door behind them.  Panic and shouting erupted from most of the crew left in the room. Only his fellow engineer Torf seemed to remain calm and seated as Dinari yelled at them to keep quiet.  When finally he did convince then to be silent Lyambo tapped his comm-badge but couldn’t get any reply from the bridge.  Well that just meant that for now at least he was in charge and that would mean keeping everyone in order and coming up with a plan.


When the young Caitian ensign had run from the bridge he’d headed for the first place he hoped he’d find someone else; Sick Bay.  Doctor Andrianakis was rather surprised when C’Rren burst in, not even giving the door a chance to fully slide open.

“Bheeoorrrh, Burhhhoorhg!” He wheezed breathlessly.”Bohoorg, Borg.”

Phoebe half dragged him over to the bio bed and went over to replicate a glass of water, which she helped him drink by steadying his shaking hands. “Now say again. What’s going on?”

The Caitian took several deep breathes. “The captain and Tholakath just turned into Borg.”

The doctor crouched in front of him. “What about anyone else?”

“I think they may have killed the Admiral.  I didn’t see what happened to Mister Harris.” C’Rren was clearly in shock, so the doctor gave him a shot to calm his nerves a little.

“Computer, verify the number of human life signs on the Bridge.” Andrianakis enquired.

“One human life sign detected.” Replied the female computer voice.

“Computer, who else is on the Bridge?” She asked.

“Two anomalous Borg life signs detected.” The computer gave its answer swiftly.

“Computer, explain anomaly?”

“Borg life signs are only a partial match to those on Starfleet records.”

She had one final question to ask the computer, at least for now that is; whilst she tried to figure out what herself and C’Rren should do next. “Computer, explain partial match.”

“Borg life signs are 100% organic.  No cybernetic or mechanical components detected.”

The two of them looked at each other, both wondering what that all meant and how their two friends had been physically altered; and whether the process could be reversed somehow.