Part of USS Jaxartes: Family Ties and Bravo Fleet: Frontier Day

Part 10: It ends as it begins

USS Chapel / USS Jaxartes
12th April 2401 (3)
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Max Beaufort the injured Valkyrie pilot had so far managed to avoid the Borg controlled crew and medical staff of the USS Chapel.  Despite having only one leg and needing crutches the Lieutenant had succeeded in giving the Borg the slip.  He was now inside a Jefferies Tube, having gained access through a panel an engineer had removed whilst doing some maintenance work.  The man himself was dead, but whoever had killed him had just left everything as it was. So Max had crawled inside as best he could and slipped the panel back in place; though only one bolt was holding it, and if anyone took a closer look or touched it, they’d soon get suspicious.

His original intention of getting to a shuttle bay had been brought to a grinding halt, not so much by the Borg controlled crew blocking his path, but having found himself by a window in one of the dining areas; witnessing the destruction of a shuttle craft by a Raven Class corvette.  Evidently this wasn’t the only ship that had been taken over.

Right now all he needed was a place to rest up and think.  Other than those he now knew to be dead, he’d not come across anyone else not affected by whatever the Borg had somehow created.  He couldn’t be 100% sure, but those who were being controlled all seemed to be younger than those he’d found dead.  Though may be in the case of the other patients, the Borg had killed them regardless of age.  Everything just seemed so surreal he’d even pinched himself just to check he wasn’t dreaming.  To think; last night he’d gone to sleep wanting to end his own life, and yet here he was hours later; desperate to stay alive!


Commander Charlie Lyambo had been taken by his captors’ to Main Engineering, or at least the corridor outside it and the adjoining office.  They sat him at a consul in the Chief Engineers office, which had access from both the corridor and Engineering itself.  Beyond the large reinforced window the Commander could see several dead bodies littering the floor.  Some no doubt killed in a fight; other had succumbed to poisoning from the radiation that had flooded the room.  The warning lights blinked on and off.  He could only assume it had been do as a last desperate act by a member of the crew, who hoped to stop the Borg taking control of the ship.

The computer had sealed the room due to the high levels of Gamma Radiation.  As a senior officer, a quite possibly the only one left alive, the Commander would be able to override the safety system and allow the Borg controlled crew access.  The fact that any of them that entered Engineering would die unless they put on a hazard suit, didn’t really matter to them.  Whether it took one or a dozen, they looked prepared to keep going until the system was fixed and the radiation cleared or die trying.

But that’s where one fundamental floor in their thinking lay.  With the entire engineering staff of the USS Chapel now dead; the Borg had to rely solely on their link to communicate the knowledge with whoever entered Main Engineering.  A link that was being severally compromised by the radiation inside the room.  When the fouth crewmember they’d beamed inside dropped dead, and hardly any of the work had been done; even the Borg realised this plan wasn’t working.

One of those that had brought the Commander here turned to him. “You will assist.”

“And if I don’t?” He asked in reply.

“You will be eliminated.” Was his answer.

“I can’t be of much help if I’m dead, now can I?” Charlie looked the Borg controlled crewman directly in the eyes as he said that. A long pause followed as if waiting for additional information or orders. “You will provide an alternate method.” The Borg finally answered.

“You know if you hadn’t got them all killed you could have sent in an engineer not under your influence.” The Commander smiled. “Of cause they’d need to be suited up and willing to help you; and I can’t see that happening.”

“Method verified and approved.” The Borg droned.  The Commander looked back stunned wondering what was actually meant by that.


Dinari Lyambo was halfway down a hole in the floor of the holo-suite.  So far with a bit of help he’d managed to create a gap wide enough for the all crew to squeeze through one at a time. The careful shut off of a valve along with the disconnection of section of pipework had been required first. Then some wires pushed out of the way.  It only needed the ceiling panel removing from the aft cargo bay and they’d be free.  It was right at the moment he felt a distinctive tingle throughout his body. “Oh crap.” He exclaimed; as the rest of the crew watched him get beamed away.

In the briefest of time the young Chief Engineer found himself standing face to face with his older brother, flanked by two Borg controlled crewmembers; another stood behind close to the door.  Over to his left Dinari could see Main Engineering.  Warning light flashing, bodies across the floor.  “What the hell!” He blurted out.

His brother stopped him from saying any more. “Our friends here would like a trained engineer to sort out the radiation problem they have.” Charlie announced.  “And they appear to have picked you for the job!”

“What happens if I don’t do it?” Dinari asked both his brother and the Borg.

The Commander managed to get a word in before the Borg gave their usual threat of death. “We’ll just live a few minutes longer if you do, and who knows what might happen in that time.”

Dinari wasn’t sure why he agreed with that statement; however twenty minutes later he was in a protective suit and being beamed into Main Engineering.  He gave a thumbs up to his brother before getting to work on fixing the problem.


Ensign Harris was still stuck in the chair on the bridge by the communications consul.  He’d actual dropped off to sleep at some point, but was now wide awake again.  He couldn’t really tell how much time had passed since the Captain and other crewmembers had fallen under the control of the Borg.  Hours for sure; he knew he felt hungry having not eaten since breakfast.  The hunger was party what had woken him up.

He noticed the Cardassian’s head sat at Tactical loll slightly then he sat up again.  A minute or two passed then the same thing happened again.  The Captain brought his own hand up to his forehead not long after.  Lieutenant Stuart at Helm let out a low moan and half slumped across her consul. “Where am I.” She murmured almost slipping out of her chair.  Tholakath let out a scream slamming one fist into the controls before him.  That seemed to jolt the other two.

“God what have we done?” Devron muttered.  It was then that he saw the body of the Rear-Admiral next to him. He dropped to the deck pulling the body to him and tapping his comm-badge. “Medical emergency, bridge.” He shouted.

Doctor Andrianakis and C’Rren the Caitian; both rushed in moments later; carrying medical equipment. She check on the two Devron’s, one living the other long dead.  C’Rren first freed Chad then went over to Lyanna.  For the three bridge crew their vital signs seemed to be slowly returning to normal; though the doctor would conduct a full scan in Sickbay at the earliest opportune moment.

Jason Devron staggered and wobbled to his feet. “Ensign Harris as my last order as your captain, you are now in command of this ship until further notice.  I or anyone else affected by the Borg Collective cannot countermand that order. Is that clear?”

“Yes Sir, aye Sir.” Chad replied.

“Doctor you may confine myself or anyone else to either Sickbay or our quarters until such time we reach Earth or another Starfleet vessel arrives.” Jason told her, looking once more at his grandfather. “I wish I’d know you.” He said softly, before heading to the door.

Ensign Harris elected to take the Helm as, Stuart and Tholakath both followed their captain off the bridge. “Maasl, jump on comms and see if you can raise anyone.”


When crewman Lightwood unlocked and opened the door to the holo-suite, the crew had already made their exit through the floor and replaced the panel behind them.  He was confused to find the room empty as his half confused brain was telling him they should be here.  A phaser pointing at his back was both a shock and a relief.  The totally un Borg like expletive he let out probably saved him from being shot right there and then.


In Engineering as a Borg; George Tyson was connected to the collective minds of several engineers spread across the galaxy, now he sat on the floor dazed and totally clueless.  Wondering why he was there and what half the read outs and flashing lights meant.


Dinari Lyambo was too busy to notice what was going on around him. Only the calm voice of his brother informed him the nightmare was over. Though it would still be a while before the USS Chapel’s Main Engineering would be safe to enter; for now though full operational control could be maintained on the bridge.


Lieutenant Beaufort wasn’t discovered till an hour later after a full sensor sweep of the ship was conducted.  It took a lot of persuasion and help to extract him from his hiding place, but eventually he was out.

In all; the ship had lost just over a quarter of its crew and medical staff, Max was the only one of the 87 patients still alive. Half those affected by the Borgs influence where in no fit state to do anything, most of the others were pretty shaken by the ordeal they’d gone through.  It was for that reason the Commander Lyambo asked him to take the helm of the ship and help get them home.  His brother Dinari; suitably decontaminated would run Engineering from the bridge and assist in coordinating operations.


For the USS Jaxartes and USS Chapel their ordeal was at an end; but as they continued the journey to Earth, incoming communications revealed the full horrors of what had gone on, and as to how close the Federation had come to becoming a new Borg Collective.