Part of USS Jaxartes: Aftermath

Part 9: Revelation

Earth, Jersey, North Lodge
28th April 2401
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Even as Jason Devron was entering through the main door of North Lodge, a sleek and stealthy shuttle craft was racing across the sea to catch him.  They may have missed him at the Rear-Admirals old house, but no one can stay completely hidden if someone is determined enough to hunt them down.  Hacking into civilian security systems and camera’s was technically illegal, however that was exactly what had been done to track the lieutenant’s movements.  He’d been spotted twice; the second time had been enough to direct the assault team coded named Osprey right to where he’d be.

Jason had only been there a couple of minutes; Monic had complained but begrudgingly allowed him in.  This time the shuttle landed and four figures pilled out of the hatch, one presumably the pilot.  They raced toward the patio doors of Devrons room; moving in pairs, weapons raised zig-zagging across the lawn.  A stun grenade smashed through one of the glass panel in the door and detonated.

The first pair jumped through the patio door, smashing it to pieces; expecting to find one or both brothers dazed and confused, however that wasn’t to be the case.  A blast from a Romulan Disruptor Rifle caught one right in the centre of his chest, sending the attacker back out the door.  The combat armour he was wearing most certainly saved his life, but the force of the impact was enough to course internal damage and also knocks him unconscious.

It was Jason who fired at the female, before she could locate his hiding place or react to what had just happened to her fallen comrade.  The less powerful Type 2 Phaser, only made her stagger, but a second shot brought the woman to her knee’s; her own weapon only succeeding in blasting out a chunk of the wall behind Devrons’ head.

From outside a rapid volley of phaser fire peppered the room, and it was one of these shots that struck the back of her helmeted head and killed the female intruder.  The larger weapon she’d been carrying bounced on its barrel and across to where Jason had just dived for cover.  He swung the type 3 around and fired out the door, in the direction he figured someone was standing.  His aim must have been on target for he heard the noise of someone falling.  The last remaining member of the group bolted for the shuttle; which was probably the worse move the pilot could have made.  He’d got most of the way before standing by the shattered remains of the patio door; Monic dropped him at 50 metres with a single shot, in almost pitch darkness.

“Who are you?” Asked Jason, figuring this woman was more than just a simple owner of a care home.  People like that didn’t tend to have Disruptor Rifles just lying around.

“Ex-Commander Meneka Vatrex, formally of the Romulan Star Navy 4th Tactical Assault Division.” She held out a hand. “Your grandfather needed someone outside of Starfleets chain of command he could rely on.  And I fancied an easy life after all the fighting I’d done.”

“How did you know him?” Jason asked the Romulan accepting her hand.

“Our paths crossed more than once.” She looked down at the floor the back up at Jason. “I was sorry to hear of his death. But I had strict instructions not to blow my cover unless absolutely necessary.”

“I think this counted as necessary.  So thank you.”


The blonde man at the monitoring console removed his headset placing it on his lap. “Sir we’ve lost Osprey.  Should I request additional forces from commander?”

“Thank you Ensign, that’s perfectly fine, you’ve done all you can.” Came the voice from behind him.  The phaser blast that struck the man just below the base of the neck was both unexpected and deadly.  His body slumped forward head banging into the controls before him.

The man in the shadows activated a communicator. “Flint, grab the doctor and meet me at the secondary rendezvous site.”


Roughly twenty minutes had passed since the concussion of the firefight; when a pair of Starfleet shuttle craft came over the roof of the lodge at low level.  Searchlights for both ships swept across the lawn, shuttle on the ground and surrounding area before coming into land.  A pair of security personnel leapt from the first craft, weapons drawn no sooner the hatch had hissed open.  Captain Robert Fitzpatrick followed closely behind along with another three members of security.  Some moved to the shuttle that was already there, other set up a secure perimeter whilst the last one was joined by an officer from the second shuttle and a medical team who went about checking on those that had been involved in the attack.

Monic as she much preferred to be called these days and Jason had tied the three male members up the female they’d covered with a blanket.

The Captain walked up to Devron. “I see asking you to leave everything to the expects didn’t help much, did it?” He said dryly. “What were you and in fact they doing here?”

The young Lieutenant held up the Padd he’d brought along with him.  “I believe this may hold the key to everything, sir.” He ventured. “It apparently belonged to the Rear-Admiral, and these guys were willing to kill to get hold off it.”

“Have you looked at any off the information on this thing?” Fitzpatrick took the device and examined it.

“No sir, we got as far as unlocking it.” Jason replied honestly.” The Padd required a thumb print which was why I can to Jersey.”

“You know you could have contacted me first, right?”

“I’m sorry sir; I guess the situation got the better of me.”

Fitzpatrick led him to one side out of earshot of anyone else.  Behind them the body was being stretched away along with the injured and still dazed first man Monic had shot, a security officer caring those parts of his armour the medics had removed.  The pilot holding his back and walking stiffly had already been escorted to one of the shuttles; their leader who had remained completely silent since coming round was frog matched by two security members across the lawn to the other shuttle.

“Unfortunately it isn’t over yet.” He finally announced. “Someone has taken Doctor Andrianakis prisoner and wants you to deliver this Padd in exchange for her life.”

Devron looked at him in shock and disbelief.  She’d gone back to Greece a few days ago.  How anyone could have grabbed her so swiftly and soon after what had happened here. “What are you going to do sir?”

“You and I are going to take that shuttle over there.” He pointed to the craft used by the assault team. “Head over to the rendezvous site and make the exchange.  Once the good doctor is safe, a team can move in and strike.”

“Are you sure it’s wise for just the two of use to go alone?” Jason asked.

“They’ll be security watching us every moment; it will only look like we’re alone.”  The other man reassured him before walking over to the other officer and briefly chatting with him.  Then signalled to Jason that he should follow him over to the shuttle.

Not long after with Fitzpatrick in the pilot’s seat Devron next to him the sleek shuttle rose up into the night sky and was soon swallowed up in the darkness.


Jason wasn’t exactly sure where they headed to, but judging from the speed, direction and time it took them; the location was somewhere in southern France.  The shuttle came down in an empty field close to a farm house.  There was a light on in the farm but curtains had been draw preventing them from seeing inside.

The two Starfleet officers made their way towards the house, using an old wooden gate to exit the field they’d landed in.  The door opened spilling out some of the light from within.  A short stocky balled-headed man brandishing an old looking blaster rifle stood at the threshold. “No closer.  Did you bring the Padd.” He yelled across to them?”

“Show us the doctor first.” Fitzpatrick shouted back.

The man dragged Phoebe by the hair from behind the door, she was still in her nightdress feet bare, hands bound together in front of her.  She spat into the man’s face and received a backhanded slap across the left check for her troubles.  Jason was ready to race forward, but the captain held him back. “Not so fast.”

The way the Captain had spoken just then sounded a little off.  But what followed was more than just a little off, it was way off! “Mister Flint you know what to do.” Came the voice from behind Jason; followed by the realisation Fitzpatrick had a phaser pointed at the small of his back; and the chances of backup arriving had probably just dropped to zero.