Part of USS Mackenzie: Mission 9 – Of Alahans and Syndicates and Bravo Fleet: Ashes of Deneb

OANS 008 – The Late Show

USS Mackenzie
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“Updated reports from the field, Captain.”  The ensign handed Wren Walton a PADD before he headed back to his department a few decks below.  They’d been assigned as a subterfuge to a struggling colony.  The trouble was it was a struggling colony using both the Mackenzie and the Olympic’s services and crews.  It was helping to keep their minds off the away team in Alahans Colony.

Park Seoyeon, the executive officer, had taken over the science console and reported, “Science and medical teams have completed the survey work and immunization interviews.  85% of the population lacks the antigen needed to defend against the Khos Flu, never mind the Masa Pneumonia.  They’re building a vaccine.”

Walton finished her thought, “But that takes time…and we’re starting to run up against that damned clock.”  She tapped her fingers on the arm of the command chair, “Let’s…”

The assistant communications chief, a new cadet, spoke up, his eyes wide with worry.  “Captain Walton, we’re being hailed by someone from Starfleet Prison Security…a Commander Anastasia Wheeler.  Priority channel for you and Commander Park…and Captain Crawford.  He’s on his way over.”

Wren glanced at Park, “This should be interesting.  Mr. Kondo, you have the CONN.”  She walked from the bridge to her ready room and waited until the doors closed before she said, “Who the hell do we know in prison?”  The XO shrugged, shifted to the couch by the windows, and sat.  Walton slid behind her desk, confused and concerned.

Captain Peter Crawford stepped into the room and sat before Walton, “All I know is Starfleet Security.”

Wren spoke, “I worked with Wheeler a few years ago.  She’s a solid security officer through and through.  If she’s calling, something is up.”  She tapped her console, “Put her through.”

The large screen on the wall powered on, and a message regarding the channel’s priority and high level of encryption was followed by a young-looking face that was tense and serious.  “Captains.  I wish I were calling with better news.  Since the Frontier Fleet incident, we’ve been cleaning up the Borg and Changeling issues.”  Her hands played with the PADD in front of her.  Her eyes searched the display before returning her attention to them, “In the confusion of the attacks, several facilities were compromised.  One of them concerns you, Captain Crawford.  And a Carolyn Crawford.”

Crawford’s face had gone pale, and his long sigh was full of fear, “Shit.”  The other two faces in the room were confused, so he attempted to explain, “A long time ago, on the USS Denver, I ran into my double from another universe.  He had a daughter before I did, and she was along for the ride.  Her father vanished into the wind at the end of the mission, and she was carted off to a facility to ensure she never saw daylight again.  She was…sixteen then?  That makes her about…43?”

Wheeler continued, “Captain Crawford is correct.  She escaped, and our investigation showed she was working with one of our senior officers at the facility who was…a Changeling.  We are unsure of her current location, but she was tracked toward Romulan space.  We haven’t had anything since 2374 regarding her father.  I know you’ve been asking every year…and I have nothing new to share.  We think he’s dead.”  She tapped at her console, “The other item involves another prisoner – who has connections with the crew of the Mackenzie…the Edinburgh…and the Erigone.”

Wren leaned forward as the realIzation became evident with each named starship, “You’ve gotta be shitting me, Ana.  Patra?”  Park sat up.  She had read the reports.  She had heard the stories from those who had chosen to stay on the Mackenzie.

“He was working with the same senior officer.  We’ve had a team reviewing the footage that survived and interviewing other prisoners.  I suspect the two of them worked together.  Carolyn Crawford had been here since 2374, and Patra was a recent addition to the mix.  There’s considerable evidence this was a cooperative escape operation.  We tracked Patra heading towards Syndicate space.”

Walton groaned, “Which is why you’re calling.  When did this happen?”

Wheeler grimaced, “Frontier Day.  And before you tell me to shove it up my shaft, hear me, Wren.  I was transferred here because of this shit show.  We’ve been working through every staff member and trying to control an unstable population.  Changelings and Borg working together make it hard to sort through records, reports, and a hijacked sensor system.”  She took a breath, “We don’t think he’s coming for you or the Olympic.  What little surveillance could be recovered suggests that Patra and Carolyn are probably looking for new friends.  There have been no reports from Patra’s old friends.  They’re usually the loudest klaxon.”

Park was aghast, “Commander, I read the reports on Patra.  His psychological profile is filled with revenge.  Could this be a fake out?”

“You’re not wrong to ask.  Our psych team had been interviewing him regularly, and his vision for his future once he landed with us never returned to revenge.  He wanted to find a new empire, a new world, or a new destiny.  He was looking for a fresh start…and to be clear, that start would feature criminal activity and violent acts to get what he wanted.  Patra was not reformed and did not make attempts to do so.”  She held her hands apologetically, “I wish I had better news.  You’ve got the Mackenzie there with the Olympic and Captain Fontana at Alahans Colony.  He will lick his wounds, plot, and plan a longer game.”

Wren grumbled, “Then he’ll come for us or the Olympic.”

Anastasia nodded, “There’s a chance his old ways will return. Like I said…I wish I had better news, Wren.  Stay safe.”  The channel closed, and the room fell into a deep silence as Walton and Crawford stared at each other.

Crawford was first, “I need to speak to my daughter, Captain Walton.”

“Done.  We’ll need as much information as possible on the other one.”

He pushed out of the chair, “Send me everything you can on Patra.  We all have a long afternoon of reading ahead of us.”  He left the ready room.

It was Park’s turn to stare at her captain, “What the hell just happened?”

Walton wasn’t quite sure, “If we run into him, Sey…we’re going to have to kill him, aren’t we?” The XO didn’t answer.  They remained silent, in thought, until the hourly reports came in from the bridge.