Part of Starbase Bravo: 2401: Mission 2

Regular checkup

Sector Hotel-Turquoise - Counseling Office
April 2401
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The counseling area was buzzing with people and personnel as officers and enlisted waited for their turn to get their regular sessions in check. It has been more busy, but this was due to the recent traumatic event of the Frontier Day. People were still progressing with what had happened, which is understandable, and the counselors were there to help them through it. Arwa might be the Deputy Director of Counseling, but she felt obligated to help where possible. Walking onto the deck, “Lieutenant Shenzi?” She looked in the direction of the Caitian. “If you, please follow me, your regular check-up is next” 

Shenzi got up. “Sure thing.” She said, and moved towards the counselor. Shenzi fidgeted with one of the fingers on her mechanical arm, a habit she had. “Is this a full psych eval or what?” She asked, hoping it wasn’t as she didn’t feel to thrilled about being grilled about her mental state again.

“It is.” Arwa walked back to a designated office that was empty and ready to be used. “But no worries, see it as a daily talk on how life is and such.” Arwa walked to the replicator. “So, Lieutenant. Let us start with the most difficult question, what do you like to drink?” 

“Just some coffee, please. Black, no sugar, and strong enough to fight a Kzinti, please.” Shenzi replied, following Arwa into the office.

Giving a slight nod to that, “One raktajino coffee, please.” The replicator materialized a cup of Klingon coffee as she grabbed it and placed it before the young woman. “So, how is life on Starbase Bravo for you?” Arwa spoke, sitting at her chair and placing a PADD before her. 

Shenzi sipped at the beverage, taking in the interesting flavor. “Well, I only recently got here, but I must say it is a bit more comfortable than the quarters on a starship.” She answered, sitting down on another chair, smoothing her skirt with her free hand as she did, taking care to no sit on her tail. “Well, a ship does have more limited space, though. Holodecks here are nicer, might have a larger computer for them.”

“That sounds wonderful, glad you are settling in so well with us at Starbase Bravo” Arwa smiled at her “How about your health? Are you feeling comfortable with your co-workers? Do you experience any emotional stress?” Arwa was taking small notes of the conversation they were having. 

Shenzi flinched a little at the last question. “Well, I feel relatively healthy, though some of me is cybernetic, so I can handle more stuff than most of my kind could. I’m also starting to warm up to my co-workers, they seem like decent folk.” She said, avoiding the last question, and finished her drink. “A lot more people here than on the Shinano, but I don’t have too much trouble blocking out the mental noise as a telepath, fortunately.”

She narrows her eyes but breaks it off with a soft smile. “Well, it is good that you are warming up to your co-workers. So is there anything you wish to talk about? You might have missed recent events here, but Starfleet has been busy with the whole wrap-up on the Frontier day event.” Arwa shrugged a bit, knowing how busy her department has been. 

“Well, nothing at the moment. I saw what happened during Frontier Day, but I was on leave back on my family’s ship. It’s… surprising how that was able to even happen.” Shenzi replied, fidgeting with her mechanical hand. “What happened here on this station during the whole thing?” She asked.

Giving the nod, “Luckily nothing, Starbase Bravo stayed out of range of the Jupiter signal when it happened. Thought we are dealing with the aftermath of it. Removing the Borg DNA and counseling people through the events is day-to-day work. But it should calm down soon, I hope.” Arwa was quite positive but also careful with her words. 

“Borg… DNA? I thought they used little nano probe things.” Shenzi asked. “Huh, now I’m wonder how they’d have reacted to my cybernetic parts.” She mused, more to herself than to anyone else.

”Sadly I don’t understand it fully also. But i’m glad to see you are in perfect condition Lieutenant“ Arwa smiled at her “I don’t see any problems that would hinder your work, or do you want to discuss anything with me?”

Shenzi thought for a moment. “Nothing right now, but I’ll be sure to let you know if anything comes up.” She said with a smile. “Thanks for the coffee, by the way.”

Standing up at the same time as the Lieutenant “You are most welcome, just know that the door is always open” Arwa smiled at her as the Lieutenant left the room. “I wonder what her struggle was..”. Arwa mutters to herself and down pressing the comm “Bring in the next patient please”.