Part of USS Gilroy: Delta Quadrant Second Contact

Delta Quadrant’s Second Contact Part 3

Delta Quadrant
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Stardate: 240110.07

After 24 hours, everyone on the crew had managed to get some time off the ship. Even the senior crew got a 6-hour break before starting their mission in the Delta Quadrant. We start off our day in the conference room where the senior staff meet to discuss their mission and what planets from the database to visit. We set our sites on a tall dark-skinned Vulcan standing looking out of a window in the conference room, waiting for the rest of the senior crew to arrive. He was a tall man standing roughly at 6Ft 2 with a muscular build, dark short hair and Dark Brown eyes. He always stood proud and kept himself an upstanding character. Unlike most Vulcans, he didn’t have long hair and preferred a shaved head due to constant irritation.

Chief Engineer Ramsey finally arrived, and they all sat around the conference table. “After we leave here, our first mission is to visit the Shivolian homeworld and establish a second contact with them,” said the captain.

With that, Telkir tapped a button on the side of the desk, bringing up the screen behind him, showing all the info they had and a photo of one of the Shivolian male species on the screen. “You also have all the information on your PADDs in front of you, so you can study the information ready for when we make contact again.”

Looking at the screen behind the Captain, the senior staff took in all the information they could. One of the senior crew giggled slightly while looking at the PADD before him. With that giggle, the rest of the crew looked around at Lieutenant Allen. “Why the giggle, Mr Allen?” asked Commander Danvers.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude, but we will see actual live-talking dinosaurs. Something no human has ever seen before the crew of the USS Voyager did in 2376. It’s been 25 years in the making since then.” Said Lt Allen while looking at everyone with a strange look on their faces.

From that comment, a few of the senior staff saw the scientific and funny side of the statement and smiled at the Counselor, a few even nodding at him.

“Well, with the funny side put to a side, I want this first/second contact to go as straightforward as possible and to the book,” Said Telkir

“Can I ask what you mean by first/second contact, captain?” Said Dr Arias. Sitting there with a puzzled face, looking at Telkir. “Dr Arias‌, basically we have been asked to make a second contact with races that the USS Voyager made contact with years ago. But on the meaning of first contact, we are to make first contact with any race that we run into that voyager never did get around to meet due to their ability to jump light years ahead with the receiving of advanced alien technology,” replied Telkir.

With that statement, a few of the senior crew nodded their head along with Dr Arias to acknowledge they knew what the captain was saying. 

“Right, our first point of contact with the Shivolian Race is the Chancellor in the northern hemisphere of the planet at their city capital and the leader of their race.” Taking a sip of his Plomeek tea, he then turns around and looks at the big screen displaying the information about the Shivolian race. 

After a few seconds of looking at it, he turns back after a few seconds and looks at his PADD and carries on by saying “Dr Arias can you go through all the limited information we have and what we have received from the outpost. Make sure that there are no contaminants that might affect any of the ship’s crew and if so can you please come up with any workarounds/antidotes to what possibly could happen please.” with that the Dr looking over at the captain nodded her head again and replied.

“Yeah, of course, Captain. I received the species here in Delta Quadrant and already got a head start on any possible side effects the crew might contract or even the visiting races might receive from us,” replied Dr Arias. 

“Glad to hear you taking the initiative Dr. and getting things done ahead of time,” Telkir said with a smile. Well, what was classed as a smile for a Vulcan?

“As for the rest of you, I want you to check all systems, lock anything down that is important and check anything we have in the supplies that we could use for trade, without species,” Tapping his comb badge and said “Bridge set course for the Shivolian Homeworld warp factor 2,” Said Telkir.

“Course set, captain, and engines are engaged. We estimated to be there in 2 and a half hours,” replied the ensign at the helm. 

“Thank you helm” and with that, he tapped his badge cutting off the channel he turned around to the rest of his senior crew and said, “Right we have 2 and a half years and you have your orders make sure everything is ready and make sure that you up to date on any customs for the races we are to meet.”
