Part of USS Gilroy: Delta Quadrant Second Contact

Delta Quadrant’s Second Contact Part 4

Delta Quadrant
Stardate: 240110.21
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Stardate: 240110.21

 A short time passed and the Gilroy finally arrived around the homeworld of the Shivolian. The ensign put the ship into a standard orbit around the planet, following a standard Starfleet orbital routine. “Captain, I placed us into a standard orbit,” said the ensign.

“Thank you, ensign, Lt commander open hailing frequency please,” said the Captain.

With that, the Lt Commander opened the hailing frequency and moments later, the viewscreen went from a view of space to a view of the administration office to the chancellor and the chancellor’s secretary. 

“Welcome. This is the administration office of the chancellor. How can I help you?” Said what seemed to be a young female Shivolain. She sat behind a long curved desk that had a screen mounted on the wall behind her with displayed loads of statistics of information to situations down on their planet. Her appearance resembled close to a reptile-like dinosaur with a slight lump coming out from the back of her head. With ridges that were not as dominant as the Male part of her species. But they both had the same colourings on their forehead. 

The female ridges were a lighter shade of grey than the male counterparts, but both halves of the species were a pinky shade of red among the rest of their face. Her clothes were mainly blue, with a red patch over her right shoulder. Along with what looked like a chain that came over her shoulder, down across her chest to her left side and clipped there onto her clothes.

“I am Captain Telkir, Commanding Officer of the Uss Gilroy. I have a meeting with your chancellor. Is it possible to be put through to him?”

“One moment please,” said the young Shivolain female and put the call on a form of hold displaying her culture’s seal on the screen. Moments later, the viewscreen came back on and there we saw the chancellor on the screen.

“I am Captain Telkir, commanding officer of the USS Gilroy. My crew and I have come a long way to meet you. And would like to carry on what would be the second contact with your race following a brief first contact your race had with the USS Voyager 25 years ago.”

 “Welcome to Shivolain, I’m Chancellor Meiki welcome to Shivolain. My predecessor met your other sip all of them years ago. But I like to make my first contact with you. So please come down tonight for a meal and a formal chat.”

“Me and my senior crew will be down later upon your request and thank you for the invitation. If you let us know when you would like us down, we will be there,” replied Telkir.


A few hours went past, and the time came and the senior crew assembled in transporter room 1 all dressed in their formal uniforms, ready to beam down to the planet. Commander Danvers Entered the transporter room. She was the first to arrive, but seconds later, most of the senior crew arrived only moments after her. The only one not to arrive on time is the captain. Not that he was late, but out of all the senior crew, you would have thought he would have been the first to be in the transporter room, waiting for his crew.

The captain finally arrived in the transporter room to find all his crew ready and waiting all in their formal smart dress uniform, and ready to beam down. The team finally stands on the transport pad with the captain standing at the front of the pad. Seconds later, the team materialized in the reception room, which was the designated destination for their beam down. As the team materialized on the planet, the chancellor’s secretary and the welcome committee warmly welcomed them. They then accompanied the team to the chancellor. 

The door opened to the Shivolain reception hall, which was quite large, surprising the size of the building. One end of the hall had a lovely arrangement of tables for the crew of the Gilroy and the Shivolain government to celebrate their first contact. At the other end of the room, close to where the crew entered, was best described as a bar where a few Shivolain staff stood ready to serve and offer out refreshments. The Shivolain secretary upon entering the room announced ‌the crew of the Gilroy in a somewhat proud and loud voice to the rest of the room.

“Hello captain, I am Chancellor Meiki. Thank you for agreeing to this dinner and this get-together. Please come in. Refreshments are over to your left and we will sit when the time comes.”

He sticks his hand out ‌to say thank you like the Shivolains had learned and taken on in their customs as a greeting they had learned all of years ago. Being surprised that the Shivolains knew an old earth custom. Captain Telkir also returned the gesture and shook his hand.

“Thank you, Chancellor, and may I welcome you in a Vulcan greeting also and say, Live long and prosper,”

Removed his hand and raised it in the typical Vulcan greeting of the famous ‘live long and prosper’ saying while holding his hand up in that same pose. With this, you saw the chancellor also raise his hand and produce the same greetings, even if it did feel a bit strange to him.

With that, Mr Meiki lowered his hand and said “Welcome please do come in” while gesturing to the captain to walk to their form of a bar. And continued to say, “Please try one of our drinks. We have soft beverages on this side and alcoholic ones on that side. Please help yourself,” saying this while looking around at the whole crew.

A few hours went by and the senior crew finally beamed back on board the Gilroy after having a fantastic few hours with the Shivolain government and their great host, Mr Meiki.

“Right, everyone, thank you for that fantastic dinner. It was different, and thank you for being on your best behaviour and showing what Starfleet is all about. All of you hit the sack. I want you up and ready for a briefing in the conference room at 09:30 hours,” said the captain. With that, the senior crew left, apart from the commander. The doors to the transport room shut, and she turned to the captain and said, 

“That was one different first contact and I, through second contact missions, were hard. I can now honestly say they are a walk-through compared to this evening. So you off to your quarter’s captain,” said the commander.

“No I’m just going to pop to the bridge to check in on things and then be off to my quarters, so I see you at 09:30 hours in the conference room commander,” replied Telkir.

With that, they both left the transport room and headed to the same turbo lift.


09:30 soon came about and the senior crew made their way to the conference room for their morning briefing and talk over how the night went with the Shivolain government.

Telkir walked into the conference room, looking around the table to see that all members were there and accounted for. “So what’s everyone’s views on how last night went down on the planet then?” the captain asked as he sat down at the table with the rest of the crew.

With that the commander was the first to speak out “I found things quiet Civil and pleasant I didn’t feel any hostility from them they were very forward and open if anything to open” looking at Commander Arias and saying “ Dr What did u find or even feel from them last night could you tell if they were hiding anything from us or trying to keep us off any subject”

“No I didn’t feel any remorse or any hint of hiding things from us, I would say I felt that some of the senior members of the government were very sceptical of us saying that it’s a possibility they could be very distant relatives of the dinosaurs of earth. They gave me the feeling that they didn’t like that, but others were excited to find out if we were related at all,” replied the Dr.

“Thank you, well it be an interesting report to read what you put down on how you guys all felt last night. Get them to me by the end of the day. Now down to business, the Shivolain government didn’t have many requests from us to get to know them or even ask for any help from us but they did ask if they could have a complete copy of our database on our different cultures and religions and also all that we know about the universe especially the alpha quadrant as they of course never been there to their knowledge. Commander, I leave that in your hands to complete and contact the Shivolain government to see how they wanna go about receiving the information, they also offered us in return the same a complete copy of their database.” He looked at the commander while he said this.

The commander nodded her head to say she understood and would make that happen. “Doctor, they also going to upload to us a complete medical history of their race and the changes they have on record so we can study it and see if they might or might not come from Earth. So can you please provide a complete medical report on anything that they ask? Thank you. They have asked if they could have a bit of help with their medical bay as they have a strange illness going about that they never encountered and would like some help if possible.” with that the Dr looked at the captain and replied.

“Certainly captain I arrange for myself and a medical team to beam down and help in any way possible while providing their chief medical officer the information they have requested,” With that, the captain looked at the doctor to say “Thank you doctor that be most appreciated” saying this while he smiled in his own Vulcan way at her.

“Well, unless there is anything else that you have to report on last night, I let you all get back to your duties,” said the Telkir. With that, the crew started to get up and make their way to their stations and jobs.

The rest of the shift went without any problems both the Gilroy and the Shivolain government had swapped their databases with each other and the Doctor had beamed down with a small medical staff to help them out with their minor outbreak.

A few days had gone by and the medical team of the Gilroy and the Shivolain medical departments had managed to find a cue for the minor outbreak. It was similar to the human/Vulcan disease of Choriocytosis. But with a bit of human and Shivolain combined genius after finding out that the outbreak looked just like the ones on Vulcan and Earth Commander Arias was able to show their doctor it in the Starfleet medical files and between them both they were able to come up with a cure. While they did a few test patients who had the outbreak the worst they did notice that in some but not all the patients they had side effects from the cure that was a slight mutation in the gene and made them have a mild case of an old Earth disease that was cured centuries ago called dementia which luckily didn’t have to be altered much to the Shivolain DNA and immune system. 

After a week of testing and patience, the Shivolain/human first joint medical intervention had worked and all the Shivolain’s were cured. That night to celebrate the success, the Gilroy hosted a dinner for the Shivolains to celebrate providing some of their planet delicacies and also providing a wide range of earth/vulcan and a few other race delicacies.