Part of USS Mackenzie: Mission 10 – Ghost Machine and Bravo Fleet: We Are the Borg

GM 001 – Delta Dawn

USS Mackenzie
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The alarm shook Captain Wren Walton from her sleep. Blearily, she tapped at the end table console, “Wren here; what is it?”  In the darkness, the overnight commander, Lieutenant Commander Danny Parks, informed her there was a priority one message from the Task Force Commander.  “It’s two am….what the hell.  Give me a second.”  She shuffled out of her warm bed and slipped on a uniform from the shelf, shuffling to the desk station in the corner of the darkened room.  The lights came up slowly at her command as she pulled her hair together, “Put him through.”

Captain Geronimo Fontana appeared, a concerned look on his face.  “Wren, sorry for the early wake-up.  We need you in the Delta Quadrant.  A message came through the wormhole a few minutes ago regarding some odd activity about a Borg ship.  You’re next door to the wormhole.  We’re ordering you to the Delta Quadrant to investigate.  More information will be available at the Markonion Outpost…but you gotta go now,” he glanced at his watch, “…like now.  I wish I had more.”  The channel closed before she could respond.

“Goddamn Fontana.”  She tapped the console on the desk, “Captain Walton to bridge – set a course for the wormhole, maximum warp, and engage.  Wake up the senior staff and get them to the briefing room.  While you’re at it…get us a couple of buckets of coffee.”


“Borg?”  Commander Park was the first to ask, her eyes widening, “That’s…new.”  She sipped soothingly at her cup of coffee doctored with cream and sugar.

Walton held out her empty hands, “Captain Fontana sent us what information they had received, but the classified word is…it’s not just in the Delta Quadrant that things are heating up.  Scattered reports across systems and sectors are pushing the Fourth Fleet to action.  The Mackenzie’s been to the Delta, so we’re being ordered to return.”

Kondo De Fontaine sighed, “It was not a…positive experience for us.  We made some new enemies in our time there.”  He looked to Cardamon, “It is fortuitous we have our Voth along for the ride.”

Cardamon smiled nervously, ‘It is…going to be interesting returning to my home quadrant, Captain.  I will help in whatever way I can.”  He took a long drink from his mug.  He had discovered coffee and found it agreed with him.  He had found out the hard way not to drink it close to his sleep time.  That had been a disaster.

Wren gave him a nod of thanks, “The other bump in this road is our new crew.  Over half of them are recent cadets or fresh ensigns from Bravo.  That shakedown cruise is going to have to happen in the DQ…and I don’t have to warn any of you how important it is to work on preparing them for what’s out there.  We’re arriving at the wormhole in ten minutes and are slotted to jump ahead of whoever’s in line, so it’ll be quick.”

Park said, “We’ve drafted a suggested training schedule for your teams – we’ll be begging and borrowing to cover shift schedules while we get as many of our new people up to speed on the Borg and the Delta Quadrant.  You’ll need to brief your teams on the way.” She looked around the table, “This isn’t what we imagined our first mission with a new crew.  We’ve got a mystery to investigate.  Let’s get to it.”  The crew quickly cleared out, leaving Park and Walton staring at each other.

Park broke the silence, “Borg…I’ve never had the pleasure.”

Walton understood.  “I’ve never had direct engagement with them.  It’s going to be a new experience for most of us.  How are you feeling about it?”

Her XO threw her hands up, “I’m nervous and scared, Wren.  Starfleet just nearly lost everything to the Borg and the Changelings.  We will be alone out there…facing one of the most resourceful and challenging enemies.  They’re the story parents tell kids to scare them into acting right.  Only they’re not a story – they’re a real threat.  With teeth.  Stabby teeth.”  She chuckled at her joke, and Wren returned the smile.

“We don’t know what the future holds, Park.  We only know that we have a place in it, somewhere.  What happens in the next act, or chapter…that’s up to us and those we serve with.”

“…and the Borg.”  Park leaned on the chair before her, “I don’t know if we’re ready.”

Wren shrugged, “There are many examples of captains and crews that weren’t ready…but somehow managed to survive and make a difference.  Push, pull, or drag.”

Park chuckled, “You’re going to be dragging my ass across the finish line, aren’t you?”

“Whatever it takes, Commander Park.”  She watched her XO stand at attention and leave the briefing room.  The Delta Quadrant was just minutes away.  She was asking herself the same thing.  Was she ready?

Was she? 


  • A shakedown with a bunch of fresh new ensigns cruising around the Delta Quadrant looking for the Borg… what could go wrong? This post does an excellent job setting up the challenge that lies before the Mack, and it roots it in the reality of what they’ve just been through too. I found the dialog between CO and XO at the end to be a very nice touch, the fear and uncertainty in Park, how Wren puts a strong face on as a good CO should, but ultimately, in her inner monologue, she too has doubts. Is she ready? Are they? We understand the odds but certainly hope they are!

    October 27, 2023
  • It’s great to be straight back into it with the Mack! I’m intrigued to see what struggles we’ll be facing with a fresh-faced crew who have seen two very different types of Borg. I’m looking forward to some Voth interactions too, we’ll see if they’ve mellowed somewhat. A great start to the Mack’s adventure to the Delta Quadrant… I’m intrigued to see if Park manages to keep it all together. Looking forward to it!

    October 27, 2023
  • I appreciate how honestly the command crew are able to talk about their uncertainty and fear regarding the Borg. It's not the most common choice; it's not the Horatio Hornblower courage we see so often; and that's part of what makes this a USS Mackenzie mission. As has been said, I like the echoes of TWOK with the crew of cadets who REALLY could use a training mission instead of a trek into the Delta Quadrant. I wonder the outcome of your mission will twist and turn by having a crew of cadets rather than a tested team of experts?

    October 27, 2023
  • Half of the crew are fresh from the academy or Bravo. That is one hell of a premise that awaits the ship in Delta Quadrant. It is a nice mixed beverage for drama and luck that everything is going as it suppose to go. The senior staff that have experience with Delta Quadrant are not looking forward to the premise of this mission, but react in the professional order that is expected of them, to be prepared for what may lay in store for them. I do like that the mystery of the mission is kept on need to know basis, what is the TFCO holding back on? Looking forward to more!

    October 27, 2023
  • I guess with everything that's happened; the bigger the ship the more new crew members your likely to end up with and the Mackenzie is one big ship. Hopefully though the skills and knowledge of the more established crewmembers will help guide the new hands in what is to come, just so long as they're given the time to prepare. The Delta Quadrant and the ever lasting menace of the Borg awaits. As do I.

    October 27, 2023
  • Nice setup! Yikes, I'd certainly not want to take a shiny, fresh-faced crew to investigate anything Borg related. That seems an invitation to disaster of epic proportions. Hope that's not the case here!

    October 29, 2023
  • I love the setup here and how you're writing Wren. She's relatable and immediately likable. I love that she's not completely confident in what she's dealing with and has some concerns, not only with the mission, but whether or not she's ready for it. Push, pull, or drag, Captain! Can't wait to see which it is :D

    October 30, 2023
  • Nice start! The borg, the DQ and a crew full of new ensigns… what could possibly go wrong! This has all the hallmarks of leading lambs to slaughter! I loved the start of the post as well, waking Wren from sleep and her “Goddamn Fontana”. Looking forward to reading more!

    November 9, 2023