Part of USS Paramount: S1E2 | The Gaveyard Shift and Bravo Fleet: We Are the Borg

The Graveyard Shift: Act Two

USS Paramount (NCC-75570) stationed at Markonian Outpost, Delta Quadrant
Stardate: 240105.25, 10:05
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The Bajoran office walked into the security suite. As he walked in he spotted a group of officers all sanding around the holotable. He walked over to the group.

"What's going on?" He asked them. After hearing his voice they all stepped to the side and showed Nirk'oc holding a PADD. The Bajoran puzzled walked towards the Klingon officer. “Sir.” he said standing at attention. The Bajoran waved him down. "One of the ship captains said that he heard screams on his comms when he passed near Chaotic Space." He said to Arva. Showing him the PADD.

"Let’s hear it." Arva said, his voice trembling slightly. He was hoping it wasn't any innocent civilian that had been attacked. He hoped they weren't too late and someone hadn't been attacked before they could get there.

Nirk'oc pressed a button on the PADD, and a loud screech could be heard throughout the room. Distorted voices could be heard screaming, they could be heard intermixed with each other. He pressed the button again to stop it from playing.

Arva looked off into the distance as he thought of what to say next. "Do we have a possible origin point?' Arva asked him hoping they would be able to get to the cube in time to prevent them from actually assimilating someone.

“N- n- no-” he said studdering. " Not an exact location, sir." He said to him. "We were only able to get a rough location of being near the Caseon system on the edge of Chaotic Space." He said as he pressed a button on the holotable and the holoprojectors turned on it showed a map of chaotic space and a red circle marking the general location where it could be.

Arva thought to himself about what he wanted to do next. They had a rough location but they needed a set location of where to go. "Keep gathering intel from the people on the station. I want any possible coordinates to be displayed here." He said as he pointed to the holotable. “If any of you find anything bring it to Nirk'oc.” Arva said looking at the people that surrounded him.

‘Yes sirs, and head nodes’ could be heard and seen around the room. “Nirk'oc you take led on this.” He said as he walked away from the group and out of the security center into the hallway. "Yes, Sir." Nirk'oc said as Arva walked out.

He stepped off the turbolift and onto the bridge. "Lieutenant Zolath. The senior staff is waiting for you in the conference room." Tiala said to him without turning to look at him as she continued to look at her consoul.

“Thank you, Ensign.” He said as he walked to the other side of the bridge and went through the doors to the conference room. When he walked in he could hear a muffled conversation. When the people in the room realized someone had walked in they hushed their conversation.

"Nice of you to join us, Mr. Zolath" Nitus said. "Sorry, Commander. I was in the security center. Nirk'oc had brought something to my attention." He said as he sat down in the chair next to T'Soni.

"Let's hear it then, Lieutenant." Nitus said as she sat back in her seat.

"Nirk'oc, had managed to get an audio file and a rough location of where the cube maybe." He said looking around the table at his fellow officers.

"Can you play it?" Mason asked him.

"Yes." He said as he pressed a button on the table and the audio started playing. A loud screech could be heard in the room. Once again distorted voices could be heard as they started to overlap each other. He pressed the button again to stop it.

"I have a theory." T’Soni said, turning to Nitus then looking at Arva.

"What is it Number One?" Nitus questioned.

"I believe that the ‘screams’ on the comms were a consequence of the Borg drones being trapped in Chaotic Space." she said. "Amplified by their separation from the collective. I figure this because of Admiral Janway's reports when she separated Captain Seven from the collective" She added.

'It is possible.' He thought to himself, but that couldn't be the only reason. He looked up to try and read the others' faces. With no avail in his attempt, he looked to the half-Romulan who sat at the head of the table looking off into the distance as if searching for the answers.

"Mr. Zolath, where did you trace this to." She asked as she looked at him. He could tell by the look in her eye that she was hoping for a pinpoint location.

"Somewhere near the Caseon system on the edge of Chaotic Space." He said as he pulled up the same map that was on to holotable in the security center. Arva looked at everyone's faces and looked as if they had won the lottery aside from Nitus and T'Soni 

“Right. Lieutenant, try and narrow the search area down. Get it within a 2-kilometer range then update me.” she said looking at Arva. He nodded at her, then she shifted her focus to everyone else. "Is that all?" Nitus asked. Everyone nodded or said 'yes ma'am'. "Right then. Dismissed." She said as she stood up along with everyone else and left room.

'Let's get to work.' Arva thought to himself as he left the conference room along with everyone else.


  • Nothing like disembodied screams to get you psyched up for a mission! If it’s enough to make the Klingon officer stutter, it must be frightening. The twist was interesting: I assumed at first the audio was from a ship under attack by the Borg, not the Borg themselves! That definitely adds an intriguing new layer to the ship’s destruction.

    November 22, 2023