Part of USS Paramount: S1E2 | The Gaveyard Shift and Bravo Fleet: We Are the Borg

The Graveyard Shift: Act Three

USS Paramount (NCC-75570) stationed at Markonian Outpost, Delta Quadrant
Stardate: 240105.26
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"Captain’s Log Supplemental. I've just received word from Captain M'Ras that DEI has found a possible location of the Borg. We are currently en route to the location."

Nitus walked into the conference room as the senior staff were still getting to their seats. When they noticed that she had walked in they all stood at attention.

“As you all were.” she said simply as she walked over to the head of the table and sat down.

“How far out are we?” Nitus asked directing the question to the young Human near the end of the table.

“We are a little under twenty minutes out, Commander.” Enzo responded looking around at everyone that was at the table.

Nitus nodded in response before she continued. “I want the initial away team to do a preliminary investigation of the debris they will not go too in-depth with their investigation. Number One, I want you to lead the initial away team after the initial investigation is finished you are to return to the Mount. After such someone who has been picked by us will lead the mission.”

“Who did you have in mind, Commander.” Cada asked her looking only at Nitus.

“That is for you all to decide.” She said looking at everyone that sat around the table. “Continuing on, there will be four teams of five. Each team will have two science officers and two engineering officers to investigate what happened to the cube and to deactivate anything that may still have power. And one security officer for well security.” Nitus said looking at the chief officers of the three departments she just named.

“Would they be allowed to bring anything back to the Mount for research?”  Questioned Laura.

“Yes, but limited in quantity and size,” Nitus responded. “Anyways there will be one team that is structured differently. The command team will oversee all of the other teams during the mission. It will consist of the mission leader, a science/medical officer as well as three security officers.” she said looking around the table.

“Have you already decided who will go on the mission and who won’t?” Arva asked her.

“I have not. I’m leaving it up to you to decide who goes where.” She said looking at everyone at the table.

“Anyways now that we have covered that. Does anyone have anything they would like to discuss before I leave you all to finish up the planning?” She asked them looking at each of them at the table. No one said anything they all looked at each other and then back at Nitus. Shaking their hand no.

“If there is nothing else, I will leave you all to vote. Number One, you have the final say on personnel for the mission.” She said as she stood up from the table along with everyone else.

“Yes, Commander.” T'Soni responded as Nitus walked out of the room.

‘I hope they can come to a general conscience. This is a test to see how well they can work together with me being absent.’ She thought as she walked onto the bridge. An officer handed her a PADD she looked at it as she walked over to her seat and sat down. 'Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.' She thought to herself as she looked over the PADD she was holding, continuing ponder over the choice she made.


  • The Commanding Officer leaves it to the Senior Staff to decide who goes on the mission? Very unconventional, and at first, I wondered if Nitus had come unhinged, but that internal monologue at the end clarified it’s all intentional. Now we’re left with three questions: Who’s going on which teams? What’s on Nitus’ PADD? And what awaits the away teams? Good job hooking us in to read on!

    December 3, 2023