Part of USS Brawley: Maiden Voyage and Bravo Fleet: We Are the Borg

Part One: Arrival

In Orbit of Daran V
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The USS Brawley exited warp a week after it’s initial departure from Starbase 86. The crew had spent that time getting to know their new stations and especially their new colleagues. Some, like Chief Petty Officer Dukarn, had spent years on the ship. But most, like her entire senior staff, were new to the vessel. While she was indeed a older ship of a older design, the Brawley still boasted modern Starfleet comforts and her Holo deck, gymnasium and bar still provided entertainment and relaxation for the crew.

It was a smooth transit from Starbase 86 and with introductions over with the crew was ready and eager to get to work. They had been tasked with the delivery of much needed modern machinery equipment, tools and fabrication material to be delivered to the Federation aligned planet of Daran V. The civilization of avianoids known as the Shesshran numbering in the 3.7 billion called this planet home and they had requested means of producing more modern products. And as a utility vessel it was the duty of the USS Brawley to facilitate their request, especially with it’s large cargo holds and multitude of auxiliary craft. It was the perfect candidate.

Captain Walker sat behind his desk within his ready room, looking over the specifics of their mission and the Starfleet data regarding Daran V and the Shesshran. For the past week, he had spent most of his time reading up on their culture and language. Even though this would be a brief visit he wanted to ensure he was capable of causing no offense and presenting himself as professional and diplomatic as possible. After all, on the edges of Federation space such as these it was Starfleet Captains like him that were the face of their organization. It wouldn’t due to skip on preparation and decorum simply because he was a glorified cargo transport. Logan didn’t see it that way.

The beep sound of a communication coming through brought him out of his internal thoughts and back to the present.

“Captain Walker, sorry to bother sir but we’re arriving in the Daran system now. We’re entering orbit of Daran V.” said ESN Misa Palin. She was the Alpha shift conn officer and pilot of his ship. During their initial departure from Starbase 86 she was not present, having still being processed onto the duty roster and requiring her medical check, so a crewman from her department had filled in.

Logan glanced out the window of his ready room to confirm they indeed had exited warp and he was too engrossed in his work to notice.

“Thank you, Ensign. Send for the rest of the bridge staff as well.” said CAPT Walker.

“Already done, sir.” said ESN Palin. Logan smiled at that, not yet accustomed to having such fast working officers.

Logan exited his ready room and preceded onto the bridge. Indeed, the rest of his bridge crew were already here. Including Lieutenant Curry who quickly vacated the center chair once she spotted him. Although she had seemed more than happy to take watch, she now seemed somewhat grateful someone more senior was taking the responsibility back from her.

“Captain on the bridge.” Announced a nearby crewman, causing everyone to once again stand. Something he would have to remind them was not needed every time he entered the room. Tradition and protocol might dictate it but it only made him…standout.

After a gesture for everyone to take their seats once more, Logan took the center chair and tapped a few times to let the computer know he was taking watch.

“Sir, reading synchronized orbit with Daran V. Bringing the engines to full stop.” said ESN Palin.

“Very good. Ensign Jasika, notify the Shesshran we’ve arrived with their cargo.” said CAPT Walker.

“Aye aye, sir.” said ESN Jasika with a wide smile. This was her first time communicating with someone outside Starfleet and she was eager. Even though this wasn’t exactly a first or second contact, she still relished the idea of actually doing someone more than starbase departure.

“Number One, contact Shuttle Control and ensure they’re loading the cargo and material. Soon as we get the okay we need to be ready to start sending them down. Get the Transporter Chief to standby as well. You’ll be heading down to ensure everything goes smoothly.” said CAPT Walker, glancing to his right where Commander Haynes was seated in her own chair.

“Aye, Captain.” said CDR Haynes, though she was new to her role as First Officer and would enjoy being in charge of this ground operation it wasn’t her first rodeo. She was still a veteran Starfleet officer and didn’t quite show her eagerness and excitement as much as someone like Ensign Jasika. “Bridge to Shuttle Control, how are we looking on departure schedule?”

Down in the main Shuttlebay on Deck 7, in the secondary hull was Petty Officer First Class Tolla Oprano. She had spent her career as a Shuttle pilot until being requisitioned by the Brawley and assigned as its new Shuttle Control Chief. Now, she was in charge of three shuttle bays holding 17 craft in total. Not to mention the 4 Argos ground vehicles and the Captain’s Yacht, which thankfully didn’t see as much use as everything else. It was certainly a lot to take in and took her some getting used to. Just because you’re a pilot doesn’t mean you know how to lead other pilots. And technicians. And support staff. But she made herself capable and proved to be adequate at supervising and coordinating all three bays with the aide of her staff.

“Control here, we’re still loading the containers onto the shuttles now Commander. We will have 7 shuttles fully loaded and crewed within the hour.” said PO1 Oprano.

“Very well, keep us advised. Bridge out.” CDR Haynes cut comms and rerouted them to the main transporter room. She was always all business and efficient. “Bridge to Transporter Room 1, be prepared for a away party. Additionally, assist Petty Officer Oprano with whatever she may need.”

In Transporter Room 1, Petty Officer Second Class Selvek was organizing his small team to do exactly what the Commander was already asking him. Vulcans tended to be proficient in seeing the logic in being prepared. Selvek was also one of the more long-term crewman aboard the Brawley, having served aboard her since his completion of Starfleet Technical Services Academy.

“Aye, Commander. We’ve already prepared a sound strategy in assisting the Shuttlebays. We’re currently working at a efficiency of 98.1%. Is this acceptable?” said PO2 Selvek.

Commander Haynes smirked at the query. Vulcans always satisfied her efficient and hard working doctrine she operated at and she wished she had more of them. Not that the current crew weren’t anything less than stellar. So far.

“That is acceptable indeed, bridge out.” said CDR Haynes, turning to her Captain and long time friend to affirm her task carried out as if he hadn’t heard it all already.

The ship was running at max efficiency. Logan couldn’t tell if it was going to be the normal operating parameters for his new command or simply the signs of excitement by his crew at being given a new assignment. Time would tell.

“Commander Shyr, prepare a security detachment for Commander Haynes. I want them ready for when we’re a go to meet the Shesshran leadership.” said CAPT Walker as he turned behind him to view his Security Chief.

“Aye, Captain. I’ll choose a few more seasoned crewman. Don’t want any mishaps our first time out.” said LCDR Shyr. The Andorian went about looking over his security roster. He had two crew members in mind already.

Logan nodded his assent and turned to his left, resting his eyes on the blonde beauty seated at Operations. 

“Commander West, do what you can to assist getting that cargo loaded up. I am sure Petty Officer Oprano would welcome your departments assistance.” said CAPT Walker.

“Aye aye, sir. I’ll see to it at once.” said LCDR West. She quickly stood from her station and exited the bridge with a smile only she knew what for to carry out her assignment.

So far so good. It seemed everything was working out rather normally and Logan was proud of his crew. Though they may have just arrived and barely scratched the surface on their first voyage it filled him with pride. To know the crew, his crew, was doing their best to complete their assignments felt warming. Like a proud father. Hopefully this continued.

“Captain, I am reading a ship entering the system on the other side of the planet but it…dropped off scanners rather quickly once it seemed to notice our presence.” said LT Curry seated to the right of the center chairs, tapping away at her science console. It was rather strange. And though the system got plenty of normal traffic, normal for the edge of Federation space, it only caught her attention when it seemed to disappear off her scope.

“Rather strange. What was it’s course before it disappeared?” said CAPT Walker. Though he wasn’t overly suspicious it did seem to register with him. There were only a few reasons a ship might want to conceal themselves from Starfleet vessels and most of said reasons weren’t lawful.

“Prior heading was the planet, sir. Whether they kept that heading I do not know. Request permission to look into it further?” said LT Curry, she was more than happy to take the chance to garner her own assignment out of this trip. Science wasn’t a priority on a engineering cargo run. Nor was she a diplomat like Commander Haynes. If she could get any work out of this anomaly then she’d certainly welcome it.

Logan glanced to his First Officer for a moment and they both shared a knowing look together. One of those unspoken conversations you could have with only someone you knew well enough and worked alongside for years without vocalizing any of it. They were both cautious.

This assignment was their first. A simple cargo run. It was the brass’ way of introducing the new officers to the ship without any hiccups. But this was Starfleet. Random encounters and happenings was their bread and butter.

“Very well, Lieutenant. Investigate at your leisure and keep me informed. Though keep in mind our real priorities here.” said CAPT Walker. He could read the young officer like a book. He knew her type. But why not throw her a bone? It was their first voyage together and she was no doubt eager to share in the experience like the rest of the bridge crew.

Besides, what was the worse that could happen?