Part of Deep Space 19: Opening The Door

Opening The Door – 2

USS Formidable (NCC-74207), docking at Deep Space 19, Kovar System, Alcott Sector, Beta Quadrant
Stardate: 78497.63 - Present Day
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“My friends, we are home,” announced Commander Layla Fitzgerald from the science station of the Formidable. Turning in her chair to face inward, the chief science officer looked at her crewmates. “Three weeks of convoy duty and patrolling the border is certainly worthy of a few drinks later. Who’s up for a round in the Dock of Bay later?” Turning her chair further to face the centre chair, she smiled as she looked at their commanding officer. “Commander Sturok, will you join us?”

The Vulcan commander was finishing reading a PADD in his hands, raised one eyebrow and answered with a simple, “No, thank you. Not tonight.”

“Come on, Layla; you know the commander is busy; he has to empty his possessions of the Formidable’s ready room ahead of our new first officer’s arrival.” The mocking tones from Doctor Parin, standing at the aft station, made Fitzgerald chuckle. The tall, slim doctor walked around the raised console to stand beside Sturok. “Or did you pack away last night?”

“Doctor, I do not understand your logic in constantly reminding me that we are due a new first officer and that his responsibilities will override my work here on the Formidable,” Sturok replied. “We knew this day would come, and my current posting was temporary.”

Parin laughed. “I just think it’s a shame to end your tenure as master of this ship in such a way without celebrating it with your crew.”

“That is a very human eccentric tradition, doctor,” Sturok replied as he returned to work.

Parin clutched his heart, “Ouch, commander. You wound me, sir, but you keep forgetting I am not human. Ventaxians aren’t that all bothered with such customs.”

“No, you prefer to submit your world to a she-devil before realising you were conned,” Fitzgerald remarked as she stood up from her chair and stretched. “Come on, Sturok, surely one drink couldn’t harm you. Do it for me.” She begged.

Realising he wouldn’t win this debate, Sturok relented. “Very well, one drink.”

Pleased to hear they had worn him down, Fitzgerald gave a short whooping noise before high-fiving Parin. “Now, Jowain, you make sure Tom comes, and I’ll bring Lenara and Jacinta!”

Parin agreed to her terms before Sturok quickly officially dismissed everyone off the bridge of the Defiant-class ship. Fitzgerald knew he wanted time alone from what he would call ‘nonsense’. She couldn’t blame him either. Filling out of the bridge with Parin beside her, she smiled at the younger man. Though there were three years between them, Fitzgerald couldn’t get over how young Parin always appeared to be. 

Doctor Jowain Parin had a lean but muscular build. He was a true charmer and was a true boy-next-door type of guy. They had worked together on joint scientific projects on many occasions. She being the Chief Science Officer on Deep Space 19, and he being its Chief Medical Officer. She enjoyed his enthusiasm a lot, as well as his curiosity about the galaxy around them. It was a passion they shared. She had felt like an older sister to him on more than one occasion over the last few years. His charming personality had gotten him into trouble with a few romantic endeavours. The many late nights they had stayed up together over the years as he drowned his sorrow in a bottle of Aldebaran whiskey in one of the many bars operating on Deep Space 19. 

On the other hand, she had settled down with her husband and was very happy in her marriage. Though he rarely indulged her in her quirky and sometimes mischievous ways (especially when she was with Counsellor Taf), Sturok knew when to give and take. He certainly took her sense of humour with a pinch of salt. For that, she loved him. She also loved how loyal and selfless he was, especially to her. He had separated from his previous wife a long time ago, but after an away mission together, Fitzgerald had shared her feelings for him, and he surprisingly reciprocated them. She knew that later on, she would have an earful from him regarding her joint exploits with Parin in manipulating him to come out for a drink later. It was worth it, she thought. 

Parting ways with the doctor as he went down one junction and she carried along her route, Fitzgerald walked to the end of the deck before reaching the small steps that took her to the next level below. She had almost placed her foot on the last step when she heard her name being called. Looking up, she instantly smiled at the person approaching her.

“Jacinta, you okay?” Fitzgerald asked the station’s chief security officer. 

Lieutenant Commander Jacinta Harper was a size similar to Fitzgerald, but, like Parin, she was a few years younger than her. Harper just nodded, her large frizzy hair bobbing with her head. “Yeah, did you hear that the admiral wants the entire senior staff to meet in the wardroom later tonight to welcome our new first officer and chief operations officer?”

Fitzgerald shook her head. “No, I didn’t know that,” In the back of her mind, she wondered if her husband had known and why he had given in to her barrage of joining them for a drink tonight. He must have known they couldn’t do that and needed to attend the admiral’s gathering. “Damn, Jowain and I had just convinced Sturok to join us all for a few drinks tonight.”

Harper chuckled. “I swear you two try so hard to outsmart him, and he always gets something past you. He must have known, as we received the message an hour ago. I’ve got to get my team to check that caterers don’t poison any of us.”

“I swear he is more Romulan than Vulcan,” Fitzgerald mumbled before placing her hands on her hips. “I will get him back, but none of us are on duty tomorrow morning; why don’t we all go to the gathering and head on from there for more drinks? You in?”

Agreeing to the idea, Harper said she would get the message around before telling Fitzgerald she would see her later. 

Moving on, Fitzgerald’s mind went back to the upcoming social event. She wondered what their new first officer would be like. The only thing they knew was they came from Starbase Bravo. Fitzgerald hadn’t visited the newest Starbase Four but knew it was one of the prestigious assignments in the Fourth Fleet. She had let her mind wander a bit more as she entered the central science lab on the Formidable. It wasn’t a large room, though big enough to conduct general scientific investigations and experiments if needed. Thankfully, their last mission didn’t require much use of the science department. Fitzgerald had enjoyed doing more command-level work as the ship’s first officer. She didn’t have many science officers with her, but the five she did have were all packing up in the lab as she entered. 

“Are we all don here?” She asked aloud, and within seconds, she got her affirmative response. They had pretty much-closed shop up hours ago, so what they were tidying away wasn’t much. Mainly equipment that needed to be transferred to the station. 

While she had their attention, Fitzgerald briefed them about their possible upcoming mission with the Formidable. “I know we’re now Pathfinder-class; despite this, I want the Formidable ready. The Treasure Trove Project is something I know Admiral Jaret and Captain Levy are very keen to ensure goes without a hitch. Once it enters Kovar, we need to ensure our final analysis is complete and ready to be reviewed. That way, the plan to capture it goes without delay. Am I clear?” 

 She received a round of affirmations from her staff. Pleased they understood her expectations, she thanked them for their work before dismissing them. “Great, now rest and enjoy your next few days off!” Fitzgerald said, smirking. 

After watching them file out of the lab, Fitzgerald looked around one more time at the empty space before ordering the computer to shut down all power in the room. Stepping over the threshold, with the dark room behind her, Fitzgerald wasn’t expecting a call from her husband to meet him in their shared quarters. 

Minutes later, she entered their cabin to find him in the final stages of packing away his belongings. Her bag was already perched by the door. She smiled at the gesture he did if anything. Sturok liked to be organised, and she would generally find him doing something sweet for her, like packing her bag or providing her with a mug of raktajino. Walking up behind him, she placed her arms around the tall Vulcan and squeezed him tightly. Releasing him from her embrace, Fitzgerald placed a kiss on his cheek. 

“Thank you for packing my stuff away,” She said. 

“You are most welcome,” Sturok replied. “Thank you for your service during our recent mission.”

Smirking at him, Fitzgerald loved it when she complimented her professionally in a private manner. “My beloved, I would be your first officer whenever you need me,” She answered him as she perched on the end of the bottom bunk. Though she preferred their vast, luxurious shared quarters on the station, the smaller cabin was intimate, and there had been a few times she had squeezed in with him on the top bunk to feel him close while she slept. “We make a good command team, you and I.” 

“Agreed,” Sturok answered as he closed his case after folding the last of his clothes and placing them in it. “Is your team ready for the next mission?”

Nodding at first, Fitzgerald confirmed she was confident in their abilities to do what needed to be done. “They’re itching to get started,” She added. “Over the last few weeks, I’ve caught them reviewing the long-range sensors feeds from the Treasure Trove.” 

 “It will certainly be an interesting mission to challenge their skills and expertise,” Sturok remarked. “Are you ready?”

“Absolutely, I just wish we didn’t have to do it with you know who watching our backs,” Fitzgerald stated as he sat beside her.

“An unfortunate circumstance that we cannot avoid, and it is one that we must support the admiral with,” Sturok said flatly.

“I know, I know,” Fitzgerald said as she took her husband’s hands into hers. “This type of scientific endeavour should be enjoyable and not another attempt to put out further diplomatic efforts with our nosy neighbours.”

“I can appreciate your perspective on this, Layla; nevertheless, if it had not been for-” Sturok paused as he quoted her, “‘nosy neighbours’, then we would not have been aware of its existence and be prepared to study it.”

“Study it, manipulate its heading, and then dice it up,” Fitzgerald said with a slight chuckle. “I know it will be a game changer for Kovar and our mutual efforts with our nosy neighbours, but you can’t blame a science girl for wanting to enjoy it without all the trimmings.”

“I believe you will be able to enjoy it without all of the trimmings; that is the job our commanding officer and other superiors have to deal with,” Sturok reminded her. “Talking of which, I-”

“Haven’t told me about the admiral’s gathering for our new first officer and chief operations officer?” Fitzgerald interrupted. She carried on. “Don’t worry, I heard, but that does not get you out of joining us later for drinks. You promised Parin and me!” 

Raising one eyebrow, Sturok looked at his wife. “I do not believe I promised.”

“Yeah, but you took a wedding vow to me and promised to be with me forever. You’re not getting out of it, Commander Sturok!” She emphasised his rank to show she meant it.

Reluctantly, he sighed before responding. “Very well.”

Pleased to win this battle, she kissed his cheek before standing up and pulling him. “Now, let’s get out of here and enjoy the rest of the afternoon before we meet our new first officer and chief operations officer.”