Part of Deep Space 19: Opening The Door

Opening The Door – 3

Deep Space 19, Kovar System, Alcott Sector, Beta Quadrant
Stardate: 78498
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Walking through the airlock with his wife’s hand intertwined with his and his son walking beside him, Jaxxon Horin was surprised by the welcoming party that awaited him. He could feel a tinge of excitement mixed with anxiety as he took his first few steps on the deck plating of his new posting to Deep Space Nineteen. 

A welcoming party had arrived, comprising three women dressed in command red uniforms. The woman in the middle was their new commanding officer, Vice Admiral Jaret Taila. Despite her imposing physical presence, being a tall Bajoran woman in her early sixties, she exuded a sense of warmth and approachability. Her blue eyes sparkled, and she wore a friendly smile, making the Horin family feel welcome in their new home. Jaxxon could already sense the friendliness coming from the admiral; the same could be said for one of the other women.

“Captain Jaxxon Horin, reporting for duty, ma’am,” Jaxxon said as he approached her and stood formally to attention.

His wife, Anizza, did the same thing, maintaining a pleasant smile. Her dark brunette hair was tied back into a bun, so her friendly facial features could be seen. “Commander Anizza Horin, reporting for duty, admiral.”

Jaxxon and Anizza both turned to their son. Tateumm had kept his head down, looking at the ground. As he lifted his head, he sighed heavily. “Ensign Tateumm Horin, reporting for duty, ma’am.” Tateumm almost mumbled.

The admiral looked at the ensign briefly before returning her focus to her two new senior officers. She extended her hand towards them and offered the human exchange of greeting them. “Welcome to Deep Space Nineteen; we are so pleased to have you all here.”

Shaking her hand, both older Horins thanked the admiral for the welcome.

“We are looking forward to the new challenges,” Anizza added. 

“That’s good to hear, commander,” Jaret said before turning to the woman to her left, “This is Captain Dawn Levy, our second officer and head diplomatic officer.”

Levy was a lot older than the admiral. Though she had a hairstyle similar to the admiral’s, Levy gave off a mother-figure vibe. Levy stepped forward and repeated the admiral’s gesture by shaking hands with both Horins. “It’s such a pleasure to welcome you all to our outpost in the middle of nowhere!” A huge grin complimented Levy’s generous reception. “To echo the admiral’s sentiments, we are so happy you could join us so quickly.”

The married couple looked at one another one more time before Jaxxon replied for them both. “It was no trouble at all. Moving on from Starbase Bravo was hard, but we know Deep Space Nineteen is a great opportunity for us all,” He looked over at his son. “Isn’t it, Tate?”

His son just nodded in agreement, still not engaging with the more senior officers. Jaxxon shot him a look that he knew Anizza could hear mentally. 

Eyes up, ENSIGN. There are two captains and an admiral present.

Tate stiffened up after hearing that cold burst from his father’s thoughts. Jaxxon was pleased that the manners he and his wife had taught their son were still with him. He understood that Tate was still suffering from the trauma of Frontier Day; however, he would not have him be rude in front of a flag officer. Especially somewhere like Admiral Jaret, who had such a fierce reputation.

“Yes, we are looking forward to the challenges Deep Space Nineteen will offer us,” Tate said, almost sounding rehearsed. 

Jaxxon noticed that the admiral was sensing how uneasy Tate was with them all, so before she introduced the other woman, she stepped forward and signalled for someone to come over. He was a young-looking human male who wore the blue science uniform with two silver pips on his collar. “This is Lieutenant Thomas Hawkins, our Chief Communications Officer,” Jaret said.

Hawkins had a massive grin on his face and appeared to be quite a bubbly and cheerful person. He was about the same size as Tate and quite handsome. His curly, dark, sandy blonde hair and blue eyes only complimented his young appearance. He appeared to be abundant with energy, almost like a puppy. After he said hello and welcomed the Horin family, the admiral asked the Hawkins to take Tate to his new quarters. Tate blushed as he looked up at the communications officer, who was more than happy to show the younger Horin to his new quarters and away from the group. The admiral explained that Tate’s quarters were near his parents but far enough not to cramp his style. Tate only grinned in thanks. As they made their way from the group, Hawkins was heard offering to take one of Tate’s bags. He shook his hand and asked him to call him Tom. 

For a moment, Jaxxon looked at his son as he walked away. He hoped that Tate would try to make new friends and not make any silly choices compared to those he had made on Starbase Bravo. 

“Our Mister Hawkins will make sure Ensign Horin feels included here,” said the other woman to the admiral’s right. Her tone, like her expression, though serious, was pleasant.  

Jaret turned to her and apologised for not introducing her sooner. “This is Captain Sandra McCord, our Judge Advocate General for the sector.”

A small smile cracked at the corners of McCord’s mouth as she welcomed Jaxxon and Anizza to the station. She went on to assure them that they understood why Tateumm was the way he was. “Though we were not in range of the Jupiter Signal, in the last few weeks, those that have joined us for a new assignment and were affected by the Frontier Day massacre, that those scars are still with them.”

Annizza nodded in agreement. “Unfortunately, what happened with Tate has significantly impacted him. We can only apologise for his behaviour.”

Jaret held her hand up and shook her head. “No, you’ve got nothing to say sorry for. I read his file and yours,” She looked at both of them. “Having to see your son go through that transformation in front of you and then hold him down to stop him from affecting so many others must have been difficult.”

“And the fact you were able to help the crew of the Cobb too. You both must have gone through a lot yourselves,” Levy added, showing regard for what they had endured. 

“It’s been tough, and to be brutally honest, leaving Starbase Bravo and the Mellstoxx system wasn’t an easy choice,” Jaxxon shared.

“We did it for Tate,” Anizza added.

“That’s understandable,” McCord replied. “I understand both of your families are quite high in Betazoid society on Mellstoxx Three.”

Jaxxon nodded. “Yeah, our departure wasn’t well received by them. Nevertheless, they all got how a change of scenery was needed.”

“Well, I hope you find Deep Space Nineteen and Kovar a warm, welcoming place,” Levy said, remaining positive and welcoming.

“Talking of warm and welcoming,” Jaret said, “We have arranged a small informal gathering in our wardroom with the rest of the senior staff for you both.”

“That’s very kind of you, ma’am,” Jaxxon said. He appreciated the gesture and was starting to like his new commanding officer. She certainly felt like the type who cared for those she led. “What time?”

“Twenty-hundred hours, and you don’t need to wear uniforms. As I said, it’s informal. Just some food and drinks and a get-together. And, of course, Tateumm is welcome to come as well.”

“That sounds lovely,” Anizza said. 

“Well, you both must be tired from your trip,” Levy remarked. “Can I show you both to your quarters? If it helps, I’m happy to stop by and show you to the gathering.”

“Thank you,” Jaxxon said. 

The Horins thanked the admiral and Captain McCord again before Levy took them to their quarters. Jaxxon looked at his wife as they went down the corridor, their hands intertwined with one another again. She mentally gave out a sigh. He nodded to her, showing that he shared her sense of relief. 

Maybe this new chapter would be as good as they planned.