Part of USS Valkyrie: Episode 1 | The Flames and USS Valkyrie: Season 1

Prologue ~ Part 2

USS Valkyrie (NCC-74877) stationed at Drydock AFY-721, Avalon Fleet Yards, Alpha Quadrant
Stardate: 240105.08, 11:05
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As Niala crawled through the jeffries tube her fingers closed around the cold metal of her spanner yet again, a subtle shift in the surroundings caught her attention – the familiar sights of Deck 8. Emerging from the confined space she found herself face to face with Ensign Bennett and Cunningham, a timely encounter that sparked a glint of approval in her eyes. Straightening her back, she approached the interaction with a poised demeanor.

“Have you heard about the new captain,” Bennett spoke in a hushed tone as he worked on a panel.

"Yes, they say he is quite the showstopper," Cunningham responded.

Her usual sharp and purposeful attitude wavered at the notion that they were receiving a new commander. The urgency of her previous situation consumed her once more and she made purposeful stides to the pair discussing the rumor that had been floating around the ship for the past two days.

"Relay F-23-Alpha," she stated, her voice carrying the weight of her responsibility, “needs your attention. Investigate and replace it promptly.”

The engineers' steps paused a synchronized halt at the sound of her voice echoing from behind. With a sharp, "Yes, Ma'am," they pivoted, their actions mirroring the precise instructions given. 

Niala's gaze lingered on their receding forms until they vanished into the jeffries tube. Then, in the solitude of the corridor, her shoulders slumped slightly, a silent testament to the weight of weariness she bore. With the day's toll evident in her slow, deliberate steps, she made her way toward the promise of rejuvenation a Raktajino from the nearest replicator. Each yawn betrayed her battle against fatigue, eyes struggling to remain open, yet her determination pushed her forward, driven by the unyielding demands of the project.

Walking down the engineering hallway the four pip officer took note of its current state. ‘We are far from being ready for launch,’ he thought to himself as he walked towards an intersection.

He continued on his path and collided with a yellow shirt Bajoran officer as he turned the corner. They momentarily lost balance and both of them fell to the ground.

“My apologies,” Gabriel started, “I didn't realize anyone else was walking down here.”

"You didn't... You didn't realize!? How?" Niala seethed, her frustration boiling over from exhaustion and stress. "...engineers are practically everywhere!"

Gabriel raised an eyebrow at the way the Bajoran officer was reacting. ‘I wonder if she noticed them,’ he asked himself referring to the four pips he bore on his collar. ‘Maybe she hadn’t,' he resolved.

“I do apologize, Commander,” he said to her as he tried to help her up.

As Niala slowly lifted from the floor, her tired muscles protesting the sudden movement, she found her gaze ensnared by the inviting eyes of the good-looking human officer before her. His eyes, a rich shade of hazel, held a combination of curiosity and authority that drew her in.

Her curiosity piqued, Niala's gaze wandered downward, tracing the lines of his uniform until it settled on his collar. A silent count began in her mind, "One, two, three… oh, dear, four pips."

There, nestled among the dark fabric, were four gleaming pips, each a testament to years of service and dedication.

A surge of realization flooded through her like an unexpected tidal wave pounding the shore. At that moment, it dawned on her with striking clarity - she had just reprimanded a superior officer, a Captain.

Suddenly Niala swallowed hard, the atmosphere around her grew tense, her cheeks burning red. "Sorry, sir," she whispered, her parched voice barely audible, "I shouldn't have done that."

He smiled brightly at her, “I should be the one apologizing, Commander…” he said as he trailed off.

"Lorra," she added, followed by, "Lieutenant Commander Lorra Niala, Ypsilon Shift Supervisor, Refit Department."

“Captain Gabriel Jackson, Commanding Officer, USS Valkyrie,” said smiling at her brightly. 

Niala's eyes swept over the man's figure, her gaze lingering for a moment before she spoke. 

"Captain Jackson?" Her voice was uncertain for a moment as she sought confirmation, "Would you do me a favor?"

Gabriel raised an eyebrow at her question.

Her lips curved upward in a tender bow, but her eyes spoke volumes. A glimmer hung at the edge of her lashes, maybe it was the exhaustion, or, a silent witness to the depth of her feelings. 

"Please," she tried to mask the tremble in her voice, “take good care of my girl.”

Gabriel sighed softly as he looked around the hallway. “Commander,” he said to her, “Walk with me.”

Niala's nod was hesitant, her gaze trailing after the others as they moved ahead. Inside her, a tumult churned, a whirlwind of uncertainty and self-doubt. Her steps mirrored the rhythm of her racing thoughts, each one crashing against her consciousness like waves against a shore.

‘Was it something I said?’ The question reverberated through her mind, bouncing off the walls of her thoughts with a persistent echo. 

'Did I offend him?' The possibility hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over her confidence. 

‘Me and my stupid mouth!’ The self-reproach was bitter on her mind, each syllable laced with regret. She berated herself for every careless word, every ill-timed remark that might have soured their exchange.

“I've been searching for a chief engineer. After asking around the station your name came up more times than I can count on both hands,” he said as they continued down the hallway.

 'There we go,' she silently affirmed, steeling herself for what she had to say. With a deep breath, she turned to face him, her words stumbling out in a hurried cascade.

"I'm sorry, sir," her voice quivered slightly, betraying her unease. 

"We… I... I'm doing my best. We've had some setbacks, yes, but..." Her sentences fragmented, interrupted by pauses as she struggled to find the right words. "...we're still on schedule." Each word was punctuated by the weight of her sincerity, her commitment evident despite the obstacles.

‘A more direct approach is needed it would seem.’ he thought to himself as he stopped walking and faced her.

“What I'm trying to say is that many people throughout the fleet yards have recommended you to become the chief engineer of the Valkyrie," he says to her as he gazes at her to see her reaction

"I AM the Chief Engineer on the Valkyrie project…" Niala started, but then she paused, her eyes widened as his words sank in, “Oh, sir, are you referring to...”

“And after looking over your dossier, I must say I'm inclined to agree,” he said to her as he started walking down the hallway. 

Her lips trembled as she struggled to form the words, "Th-thank you, sir," she managed, her smile betraying the nerves coursing through her. 

She fought to control the urge to burst into nervous laughter, her heart pounding in her chest, her mind racing with anticipation, 'Is this it? Is this finally my shot?'

“I should be the one thanking you, Commander,” he said looking at the Bajoran officer as a smirk appeared on his face finding her reaction to realizing a little amusing. 

“Since I'm currently the most senior officer aboard the ship, I will be leaving you in charge of overseeing the refit until my return. I'm going to be visiting family for a few weeks on Earth"

Niala's eyes widened, their sparkle reflecting the rush within her. The urge to connect with her father surged, dial him on a holocall, and share the news! Yet, she reined in her emotions, she's a professional, after all, her jaw set in determination. "I won't let you down, sir!" she declared, her voice steady but tinged.

“I will see you in a few weeks, Commander,” Gabriel says as he walks to a turbolift at the end of the hallway, “Take care of my ship, or we are going to have problems,” he says smirking as the door closes.

"She'll be prim, proper, and ready to head out, sir," Niala hurriedly assured, her words racing to catch him before the door sealed shut. As the pneumatic door finally closed with a soft whoosh, she couldn't contain the surge of relief and excitement. With a joyful whoop, Niala leaped into the air, her arms stretching toward the ceiling in a triumphant gesture. The fatigue that had weighed her down just moments ago was now replaced by pure exhilaration, a radiant smile spreading across her face, the face of the Chief of the USS Valkyrie.