Part of USS Paramount: S1E1 | Helping Hands and USS Paramount: Season 1

Act One: Launching

USS Paramount (NCC-75570) stationed at Drydock AFY-141; Avalon Fleet Yards, Alpha Quadrant
Stardate: 240104.25; 08:03
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Captain’s Log Stardate 240104.25. It's been two weeks since the events of Frontier Day 2401. Even though I have seen the reports and read the personal accounts of what happened that day I still can not seem to wrap my head around how it happened. How were the changelings able to get into the highest echelons of Starfleet undetected? It is quite puzzling, to be honest. Nevertheless, the threat is… over. But I can not get this underlying feeling, what if that is not the last time we see Changelings. Nevertheless, we must move forward into the future. The Admiralty has seen fit to transfer me and my crew to the newly refitted USS Paramount. My crew and I have been getting comfortable with this Cali-class ship and preparing it for its maiden voyage.

"Computer, end log," Nitus said as she stood up from the table. The computer chimed in response. She walked over to the window at the aft end of the conference room.

‘We have to go back out there,’ she thought to herself. ‘We have to go back into the abyss,’ she thought to herself as she stood there looking out of the window as shuttles and other ships moved about the fleet yard.

‘It’s hard to imagine what happened only a few weeks ago,’ she said to herself. 

‘I’m scared of what could happen while out there but I’m also ready. We weren’t here when the Borg launched their signal,’ she said as she looked back on the events she had only heard about from reports.

‘I’m both happy and upset at that fact. We weren’t here so that kept our younger crewmembers safe but weren’t able to save anyone,’ Her thoughts were soon interrupted when the door behind her opened.

She turned to see who it was and saw her senior staff walking in.

As they walked in they all laughed at a joke Nitus didn't have the context to. Once they noticed her standing there they all hushed their conversations and simply smiled and nodded at her.

After everyone had walked in and sat down at random places around the table. Nitus noticed something, the first officer wasn’t there with them.

Nitus looked around the room and then looked at the other officers, “Where’s T’Soni?”

The officers looked around, and just as Zahir was about to answer her question T’Soni walked in.

As T’Soni walked in she saw everyone already there and then her eyes fell upon Nitus. 

"Apologies, Commander. I thought you were in your ready room," T'Soni said to Nitus as she walked to the chair closest to her seat and sat down at the table.

"That's quite alright, Number One," Nitus said to her, smiling as she sat down in her own seat. "If you couldn't already tell we have been reassigned to a new ship," she said jokingly.

A few chuckles could be heard around the table.

“Along with that we have been assigned a few new people to our senior staff,” she said to them as she picked up a PADD.

“We have Lieutenant Junior Grade Alessa Reno our new chief counselor, Lieutenant Mason Hill our new chief of operations, Lieutenant Junior Grade Laura Jackson our new chief science officer, and Ensign Tiala Lovar our new chief communications officer,” she said aloud as she read their names from the PADD. 

She sat the PADD down and looked around the table trying to pinpoint where they were.

After finding them she smiled and said, “Welcome aboard. If you ever need anything ask me or T’Soni.”

She heard four ‘yes ma’am’ come from them. After that she redirected her attention picking up a different PADD from the small pile that was in front of her.

“Ms. Davidson, I know you have some misgivings about the safety of the ship due to what happened on Frontier Day. I share your misgivings and I want you to reinspect the ship and reset all of our systems,” Nitus said to her as she looked at the PADD detailing all the projects Zahir wanted approval on.

“Yes, Commander. May I also use Arva to reinspect every room… just in case?” she asked her as she looked at Arva.

Nitus nodded in agreement, “You may.” Arva looked at Nitus in confusion.

“Do I get a say?” Arva asked them, looking around the table.

“No!” they said in unison as the rest of them laughed at him.

Nitus smiled at him before turning to look at Cada. “Doctor, we have a new shipment of medical supplies. It will be here in 30 to 40 minutes,” she said to him as she looked between the PADD and him.

“It's around 60 crates full of supplies,” Nitus said as she sat down the PADD and looked at him

“Good, I just came from sickbay, and there were barely enough supplies to help a Defiant,” he said to her as he looked at the PADD he had.

A whistle interrupted their conversation as someone spoke over the intercom. “Commander, we are being hailed by Commodore Py’Tellan.”

"Put it in through here, Ensign," Nitus said, clearing her throat, looking around the table at the other officers with confused and worried expressions most notably Zahir.

"Commodore, nice to talk to you again," Nitus said to her. ‘I hope we aren’t being sent out there this early,’ she thought to herself.

“Likewise, Commander,” The Tyrellian said to her. “I have a mission for you,” she said as Nitus shook her head in disbelief. “I know what you're going to say, I know you aren’t exactly ready for a mission but this will be a quick one.”

Nitus rolled her eyes at what she said before responding, “Yes, Commodore. What is it?”

“We haven't been able to reach all of our colonies since what happened two weeks ago. Task Force command wants you to resupply the Deblin colony on the southern edge of Federation space,” she said to her as Nitus looked around the table.

“Yes, Commodore. We'll be underway within the hour,” Nitus said as she looked at Zahir.

“Godspeed, Commander. Py’Tellan, out,” she said as the transmission ended.

“Commander, I know you had know choice but to agree but we will not be ready to go in an hour. You said it yourself, there may be unforeseen issues,” Zahir said as she swaddled the line between being in line and out of line.

“I understand and acknowledge your feelings, Zahir, but this is out of our hands,” Nitus responded to Zahir as she looked to her with sympathy.

“Commander, all of the crew isn't even in the system let alone on the ship,” Mason spoke in a soft tone as he joined the ongoing discussion.

“Be that as it may, Mr. Hill,” she said as she looked up at him, “We will have to work with what we have and get the job done,” Nitus said, raising her voice slightly.

This caused all of the senior staff to hush the inner thoughts.

Nitus then audioably inhaled as she closed her eyes, and tried to calm her nerves. She then exhaled sharply before looking up at the other officers.

“Prepare your departments,” she said as she began to gather her belongings from the table, “We are to depart in an hour,” she said as she stood along with everyone else.

She then swiftly walked out of the room before they could respond.

“Yes, Commander,” they all said in unison as the door closed.

Nitus walked out of her ready room carrying a PADD as she read up on the Deblin colony.

“Is the crew accounted for?” she asked T’Soni as she stood in front of the captain's chair.

“Yes, Commander.”

“Good,” she said before turning her attention from her PADD to Tiala, “Ms. Lovar, contact yard control.”

Tiala tapped at her console, before nodding to Nitus signaling to her that the channel was open.

“Control, this is Paramount requesting permission to depart,” she said as her and T'Soni exchanged PADDs. 

“Paramount, this is Control permission to departure granted. Godspeed Paramount,” they replied before ending the transmission.

“Enzo, clear us of all moorings. Set course one quarter impulse power,” she said to him as she reviewed the ships onboard personnel and systems. “Yes, Ma’am,” he replied. The ship disconnected from the drydock and began drifting away from it.

“Set a course for the Deblin colony, warp factor five,” she said looking at the PADD in her hands, as Enzo tapped at his console waiting for the order.

“Number One,” she said looking at T’Soni, “Take us out,” she said, smiling slightly.

“Yes, Commander,” she said, ‘What should I say?’ she asked herself, ‘I know.’

“Take flight,” she said confidently, Enzo smiled at her simple wording.

“Yes, Commander,” Enzo said smiling as the ship took off at warp five leaving the fleet yard behind and heading to the colony.

“Number One,” Nitus started, “I might have to steal that,” she said smiling as the bridge echoed with soft laughter. 

  • Nitus

    Commanding Officer