Part of Starbase Bravo: 2401: Colloquium

Seeing is Believing

Starbase Bravo, Thompsons Quarters
July 2401
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The night had went by quickly and Sonja had struggled to sleep. It was a constant fight if tossing and turning with little to no rest in between. She laid there with her eyes wide open watching as the time ticked by. She sighed and finally forced herself to sleep. Only a few hours passed before her alarm rang indicating she needed to awaken for her day. 

Sonja groaned and dejectedly got out of bed. She took a shower hoping it would wake her up to no avail she put on her uniform and strolled out of her quarters looking like a zombie from an old movie from the data banks. She had done most of the hard work yesterday so today should be fairly simple or so she had hoped. She made her way to the Promenade security office seeing the throngs of people in the station for the exhibits that had been put into place. It had taken many hours of meetings and planning for this event to go off as it had. 

She got to her office and sat down lying her head against the desk trying to find comfort for the pounding headache she had currently ‘I hope nothing crazy happens this morning.’ she thought as she started preparing for the day. She saw multiple reports already on her desk of matters that she needed to attend too. She knew some of it she could have people in her patrol look into then the others she knew was her responsibility. The paperwork didn’t bother her it was not knowing what was happening that was unknown. 

She was about to start a report when her commbadge chirped “This is Lieutenant Thompson.” was the solitary reply that came. The response however was not what she was expecting. “Lieutenant, this is Ensign Martin…you need to come see this Ma’am.” 

Sonja stopped trying to figure out why the Ensign sounded so perplexed. “What is going on, Ensign? Where are you?”

“I am on the Promenade near the food exhibit and your not going to believe what’s here. Come to the main hall near the food exhibits area” Sonja sighed it seemed her peaceful morning was not going to be so peaceful after all. “Alright, Ensign I am on my way there now.”

“No rush, Lieutenant. This isn’t going to be going anywhere anytime soon. Grab yourself a coffee if you need it. Trust me you might need it.”

Sonja was perplexed trying to understand what had made her officer feel so shocked about. She got up and started heading towards the Ensign, as she rounded the corner into the Promenade she saw just how many people were around and the exhibits that were there. She saw just how many people were present and the amount of exhibits that were there. She had seen the food exhibits signs and wondered just what it might entail. She decided to stop and grab a cup of coffee first, being stopped by people who had questions about how to get somewhere fast. Sonja had learned how to traverse the station fairly quickly and gave them the advice they needed. 

With the cup of coffee in hand Sonia rounded the corner to where the Ensign had said to meet him. She was taking a sip of her coffee when she realized what was in front of her. A statue a fairly big one just in the middle of the hallways. She shook her head because as she looked at it she didn’t have a clue as to who it was. She arrived to the Ensign and shook her head.

“I see it but I’m not sure I believe this. This is not what I expected to see this morning. What the hecking heckety heck is this?”

The Ensign shrugged for a moment “I have no idea, Lieutenant. That’s why I asked you to come see this. I don’t even know who this Captain is… Captain Tikva Theodoras does that name even sound familiar to you?” he asked confused. 

Sonja stopped for a moment and thought “No I do not but I am sure the Captain is real. I don’t think someone would take the time to make a statue if it didn’t mean something.” She looked at the statue it was masterfully built and definitely brought its point across of being seen by anyone entering or exiting the Promenade here. It was a strategic spot and whoever had done this was no dummy. “Whoever did this was clever there’s no doubt about that.”

Ensign Martin nodded “I agree, but could this be grounds for discipline? Putting a statue up in the Promenade without prior authority or approval?”

Sonja thought for a moment. The truth was she could report this if she truly wanted too. She could cause issues for whoever put this on the Promenade, but in all honesty it wasn’t hurting anything and it added more to the stations Promenade. Whoever this Captain was the individual believed they deserved the recognition and went through the trouble of making it so obvious. 

She looked back at Martin “No we won’t be pressing any charges. It’s not like this is causing issues or slowing anyone down from reaching their destination. This was made for someone who obviously means something to someone. Plus if they did something to merit this importance than maybe we need respect this Captain as well. Make sure the area is marked off safely and a report is written and on my desk tomorrow. That will end the matter.”

The Ensign nodded as Sonja walked away obviously through with the matter. Martin could respect her decision and it was why he felt honored to serve with her. She took a different approach to things. She saw it and believed it therefore she did what she felt was right. 

Sonja looked back at the statue one more time ‘I don’t know who you are, but this was brilliant.’ she thought to herself as she turned and walked away heading back to her desk feeling more energized than she had when she woke up maybe this was all she needed to get through the rest of the day.