Part of USS Valkyrie: Episode 1 | The Flames and USS Valkyrie: Season 1

What’s up Doc?

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Part of the ritual. The whole issue wasn’t paperwork or meeting people but the seemingly endless kilometers of corridors and decks. Not even counting the fact that she could nearly wander the ship with the lights out and know where she was. She’d been in a few refits, including some Sovvie class beauties. Rounding the corner into the Medical, she waited for the staff to acknowledge her.  

Sienna was working through the inventory list with her charge nurse.  She was pleasantly surprised to find that there were very few issues with supplies and equipment.  She’d always admired the Sovereign class and her sleek look.  Frisco had never understood the hate the Galaxy class had gotten as the ‘fat’ one.  The next evolution was smooth and put most of the ships at the time to shame.  In the days they lived now, it was starting to age against the shiny and younger classes.

“Lieutenant…”  The charge nurse nodded to the figure who had just walked into the expansive sickbay.

Frisco wasn’t sure what to make of Commander t’Rehu.  Half Romulan and half Vulcan was a challenge on a good day, and she’d read the edited portions of the dossier after coming aboard.  She was impressed with the woman, yet she was curious to see how her transition into Federation life on a Starfleet vessel would go. Sienna had thought about how t’Rehu had lived a life that starkly contrasted with what was now ahead of her.  “I’ll take her.” Frisco walked towards the commander, sliding a slight smile onto her face as she greeted her, “Commander t’Rehu, welcome to sickbay.  Doc Frisco.  You’re here for your entry exam?”

Hilea smiled back warmly. “Easy Lieutenant. My inner fire is for light, not for destruction.” She said, using an old Rihannan cliche. “Or, to put it in human terms, I don’t bite. Unless asked nicely.” She handed the nurse her padd so the data could moved and perused. “I was assigned as the new Chief Operations Officer. As a combat medic myself, a good baseline exam is never a bad idea. Though some of us make universally bad patients.”

Sienna didn’t get the reference.  Her musical interests ran in the present.  Knickerbocker Saints had just put out their second album, and she’d been jamming to it in her office and quarters on repeat.  She kept her smile in place, “I remain optimistic we won’t need anything combat-related for a bit.” The PADD was passed to her by the nurse, and she read the updates to the file.  She gestured to a nearby biobed that was out of the way, “I’m notorious for paperwork, but also for the fastest exams in several sectors.”

“We can only hope you are correct. To speed up the process. I have no new ailments, complaints, or allergies, and I take no medications.” Hilea offered. “Correction. The embellishment of the artwork on my upper left chest was finished.” Snaking her arm out of her t-shirt, she displayed the complete design. The crude warbird brand seared into her skin from the Dominion War had been replaced by an embellished Warbird, wings upright, with a pair of crossed swords between the upright wings and above the head. 

They walked over to the area, and Hilea shifted up and onto the bed.  Sienna tapped at the console, and the sensor units slipped from the ceiling and began scanning the patient.  Slipping out a medical tricorder, she began her work.  She remarked, “You’ve been through some things.”  She completed her scan.  Watching the X-rays fill the display screen in the room, she pointed at the various traces of injuries.“Being in the ‘rihan yy’a’ tends to magnify the mortality rate.” The universal translator catching the phrase as the ‘declared dead’.  Hilea added, “Romulan Infantry.” she said plainly. Pointing out the history and locations of the random wounds and injuries she had endured in her thirty-eight years of service.  

Frisco completed her surface and deeper scan, adding the data to the report, “I’m aware.”  She slipped the tricorder back onto her belt and returned the equipment to the ceiling, “You’ve been through plenty.  Your physical comes back clear with a few notes on blood pressure and a light workout schedule that may help.”  She sat down on the stool, “My concerns would be the life and legacy you’ve lived impacting you in the here and now.  And yes, ” she put a hand up in admission, “This is more of a counselor conversation…but I wanted to mention it.  I’ve spent time with Vulcans and Romulans – the history and stories echo through lives and life.” 

Hilea offered, “That is apparent from your bedside manner or lack thereof. Not a criticism but an observance.” She paused, then added, “After serving with humans, the contrast is interesting. Thank you.” Hilea added genuinely with the merest hint of a smile. Something few that hadn’t lived on Vulcan would notice.“Counseling has also been interesting from a mixed Vulcanic heritage. The Romulan version is something to avoid.” Hilea said, the last part spoken with venom.  Getting up from the biobed, Hilea asked Sienna, “Is there a dish you miss from Vulcan? One perhaps the replicator makes accurately.”

The CMO kept her frown at bay.  “My family practiced fusion food practices. We’d find ways to mix Earth and Vulcan cuisines.  We would often mix Plomeek soup with spicy Pho from home.  I don’t miss the food as much as the people I grew to know and love.”  She tapped at her PADD, “Your exam is clear.  I’ll file it and send it up the ladder.  Welcome aboard the Valkyrie.”


As if on cue, one eyebrow went up at the translation, which sounded like a half-word to her ears.  Hilea’s mind went back over a half-century to a meal with her parents for a brief moment. Shaking the thought away she said, “Fuh?!” She silently repeated, filing the factoid away for later research.”Thank you, Lieutenant” She said geniunely with a deep nod. 


Frisco walked back to her office and thoughtfully sat down at her desk.  Given the history of Lieutenant Commander t’Rehu, there had been an interesting lack of reflection on her questions.  It was nowhere near rising to the level of dealing with it – Starfleet’s clearance was enough for Sienna.  She returned to her reports, and the day that lay ahead.