USS Sundiver (NCC-82521)

Atlantis Exploratory Squadron

Squadron Commands

Perseus Explorer Division

Sundiver Long-Range Explorer Division

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Crew Manifest

Name Position Rank
Commanding Officer
ID: 2121

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10 March 2025

Whispers in the Wind - 9

Whispers in the Wind

USS Argonaut, USS Atlantis, USS Bismarck, USS Osiris, USS Sundiver and USS Tizona

“Mind if I join you?” The interruption to the solitary quiet of the Captain’s Mess, the senior officer’s lounge made from a conversion of the as-designed captain’s mess, broke Nathan from his focus. He’d claimed one of the chairs by the forward facing windows and populated the table [...]

2 March 2025

Whispers in the Wind - 8

Whispers in the Wind

USS Argonaut, USS Atlantis, USS Bismarck, USS Osiris, USS Sundiver and USS Tizona

Dinner, it turned out, had been an excellent way to break the ice and handle introductions all around. Grumpy doctors, enthusiastic scientists, sassy silicates, stoic pilots, and even sullen engineers had made, once conversation started to flow, a respectable party. Views aired, stories and jokes [...]

26 February 2025

Whispers in the Wind - 7

Whispers in the Wind

USS Argonaut, USS Atlantis, USS Bismarck, USS Osiris, USS Sundiver and USS Tizona

“This is dumb.” “You’ve said that.” “I feel useless.” “You’ve said that too.” “This isn’t some elaborate ruse to get you to carry me through the ship.” “I didn’t say that,” Adelinde Gantzmann responded from the seat next to the biobed, looking up from a padd in hand [...]

17 February 2025

Whispers in the Wind - 6

Whispers in the Wind

USS Argonaut, USS Atlantis, USS Bismarck, USS Osiris, USS Sundiver and USS Tizona

Two days of sprinting aboard Bismarck turned into two more days of sprinting aboard Argonaut, where the most exciting things Nathan could comment on were meeting Captain Carver Houston when he first boarded, then meeting the man again just before departing. Argonaut reminded him far, far too much [...]