USS Sternbach (NCC-97942)
A young ship with a traumatic past, the Sternbach tries to redefine itself.
A young ship with a traumatic past, the Sternbach tries to redefine itself.
Launched in 2399, and one of the new and exciting Echelon-class starship, the USS Sternbach was one of the ships present in the Sol System during Frontier Day.
Following the massive crew loss accrued on that day, the ship was operated at lower crew capacity.
In 2401 it was dispatched to the Romulan Republic system of ch’Thyneal through the Underspace, where it was damaged during a battle against a Klingon looting armada. Its crew complement was brought back to full when a large part of the crew of the USS Redding, equally damaged during that battle, was transferred to the Sternbach.
Content on this command is rated at 121 on the RPG Ratings Scale, per the Bravo Fleet Content Policy. Mild swearing, occasional violence, and limited sexual content may be present. It is intended for a mature audiences.
First Officer
Chief Engineer
Engineer - Transporter Expert
Engineer - Warp Expert
Engineer - ODN Expert
Engineer - EPS Expert
Chief Science Officer
Science Officer - Head of Astrophysics
Science Officer - Head of Biology
Science Officer - Astrometrics
Science Personnel - Astrometrics
Security Officer - Containment Officer
4 March 2025
USS Sternbach
Iskander al-Kwaritzmi’s personal log, supplemental: after coordination with the Romulan Republic fleet, a first batch of tasks has been communicated to the Sternbach. I am to lead a small team — Diran Koli, Ensign Pasteyr, and Ensign Limkas — and go to a settlement in the desertic [...]
27 February 2025
USS Sternbach
Lieutenant Iskander al-Kwaritzmi’s log, supplemental: we are arriving in the Norborhann system and are going to enter the orbit of the moon Norborhann-3A in a couple of hours. The Romulan Republic recovery fleet is under the control of a Commander Dardana, who ha so far now assigned support [...]
24 February 2025
USS Sternbach
Lieutenant Iskander al-Kwaritzmi’s log: we are en route to a planet designated as Norborhann-3A, in Romulan Republic space. Apparently the Republic has requested our aid for a humanitarian mission, and being the closest Federation ship with such purpose, we have been dispatched. I have been [...]
4 November 2024
Portrait of the Sternbach as a Paranoid Starship
USS Sternbach
Lieutenant Dhae’s personal log, mandated supplemental entry, stardate [REDACTED]: the situation is returning to normal. [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] have been delivered. I am going to ask Lieutenant Sakar to minimize my actions in this affair when he writes his report. Now I have to [...]