Assigned to Task Force 21 of the Fourth Fleet, Columbia plays a preeminent role in exploring new frontiers and establishing new colonies and settlements for the Federation’s ever-growing populace. A new threat from the Klingon Empire will soon bring the mighty behemoth face to face with a hostile former ally.
The stories of Columbia Explorer Division are rated 2-2-2 for mature subject matter, including some moderate violence, language and sexual content.
Executive Officer
Strategic Operations Officer
Second Officer
Chief Flight Operations Officer
Assistant Flight Operations Officer
Flight Operations Officer
Auxiliary Craft Pilot
Chief Engineering Officer
Assistant Engineering Officer
Engineering Officer
Chief Operations Officer
Assistant Operations Officer
Chief Tactical Operations Officer
Assistant Tactical Operations Officer
Tactical Operations Officer
Tactical Operations Officer
Chief Medical Officer
Assistant Medical Officer
Chief of Emergency Medicine
Chief Counsellor
Chief Science Officer
Assistant Science Officer
Chief of Stellar Sciences
Task Force Commander
26 January 2025
USS Columbia
Some weeks earlier… On the very edge of the Mellstoxx system, far from the hub of excitement above the third planet, a blinding flash of light signalled the sudden, unexpected arrival of one of Starfleet’s most cherished creations. But instead of sauntering through the system at impulse speed, [...]
25 January 2025
USS Columbia
“Computer. Time?” Standing directly at the heart of the bridge, right in front of the command chair, the abnormally tall Bolian woman had her hands on her hips, glaring at the ready room door. “The time is fourteen hundred forty-two hours.” Commander Noli had disappeared into the ready room [...]
25 January 2025
USS Columbia
First Officer’s log, supplemental. Day forty-two. Or is it forty-three? Days have started to merge together, hours passing in a blur. It’s impossible to ignore the startling similarities between the place where I made my name and the one where I now reside, but something feels… [...]