USS Ambassador

Ambassador-class • NCC-10521 • Eos Frontier Squadron • Task Force 93

“Speak softly and carry a big stick.”
~Theodore Roosevelt

A long-forgotten relic, the USS Ambassador is a guardian and a statesman. Offering diplomacy and forced when needed, she’s tasked with handling the more delicate operations of the squadron. She’s the heavy-hitting deterrent, enforcing the Federation’s commitment to peace.

Whether it is leading peace talks or standing up against pirates, the Ambassador still has what it takes.


RPG Rating 2 2 2

The stories and content for Eos Squadron are rated 222 on the RPG Ratings Scale.
Swearing, violence, and mild sexual content may be present.
It is intended for all audiences ages 16+.

Header image created by Jetfreak-7
Header overlay created on: Burning Logo Generator

Eos Frontier Squadron

“Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.”
~C.S. Lewis

Following the downfall of the Romulan Empire, the Alpha Doradus System has become a haven for smugglers, pirates, and opportunists looking to make a name for themselves. Standing in the way, the Eos Frontier Squadron is the Federation’s line in the sand. Operating from the outdated Deep Space 108, Eos Station, the Squadron is charged with providing stability, monitoring trade routes, and keeping tabs on their Romulan neighbours.

With a mix of rapid response, all-around generalists, and diplomatic power, the Squadron maintains the fragile balance between force and deterrence in one of the most unpredictable regions in the Federation.


RPG Rating 2 2 2

The stories and content for Eos Squadron are rated 222 on the RPG Ratings Scale.
Swearing, violence, and mild sexual content may be present.
It is intended for all audiences ages 16+.



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25 March 2025

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Shattered Stars

USS Ambassador

The two walked in tandem through the corridors of the USS Ambassador. She was an older ship, held together by the rust that had collected on her hull. She wasn’t modern or fancy; she was unique. Just as unique as the ship’s Chief of Engineering. The Lieutenants were deep in conversation, [...]