USS Diligent (NCC-97314)
While research and development activities typically occur on starbases and outposts within Federation territory, sometimes the greatest discoveries are made amongst the stars. This is the mission of the Polaris Squadron.
While research and development activities typically occur on starbases and outposts within Federation territory, sometimes the greatest discoveries are made amongst the stars. This is the mission of the Polaris Squadron.
The USS Diligent is an Alita-class heavy escort that augments Polaris Squadron with significant tactical capabilities to defend the research unit from threats that lurk on the frontier. Typically, the USS Diligent deploys alongside the USS Polaris to safeguard the flagship, but it may deploy as tactical support for the USS Ingenuity when the smaller research vessel breaks away to conduct independent missions.
The stories of Polaris Squadron are rated 2-2-2 for mature subject matter, including violence, language and sexual content.
Polaris Squadron is a mission unit under the command of Fleet Admiral Allison Reyes, Director of the Advanced Science, Technology and Research Activity, and Rear Admiral Alex Grayson, Commander of Archanis Sector Operations, that operates under the dual mandate:
The flagship of Polaris Squadron is the USS Polaris, an Odyssey-class heavy explorer that hosts the Advanced Science, Technology and Research Activity, and the headquarters of Polaris Squadron is Archanis Station, a Canopus-class starbase from whence sector operations of the Archanis Sector are managed.
Commanding Officer
Executive Officer
Chief Tactical Officer
Chief Security Officer
Chief Flight Control Officer
Chief Operations Officer
Chief Engineering Officer
Chief Medical Officer
Chief Counseling Officer
Small Craft Wing Commander
Squadron Commanding Officer
ASTRA Director
Squadron Deputy Commander (Mobile Element)
11 March 2025
USS Diligent, USS Ingenuity, USS Kennedy, USS Polaris and USS Serenity
Before the struts had even settled on the duranium deck, Admiral Reyes knew something was wrong. Why else would Commodore Olivia Larsen, Captain Titus Bishop and Dr. Tom Brooks be standing there in the middle of the shuttlebay waiting for them? She could see it on their faces too. Well, on the [...]
9 March 2025
Tense Negotiations and Dangerous Games
USS Diligent, USS Ingenuity, USS Kennedy, USS Polaris and USS Serenity
“To the victor go the spoils,” the massive hulk of a man, large even for a Klingon, insisted as he leaned across the table, his face drawing so close that the ambassador could smell the gagh from lunch on his counterpart’s breath. “I don’t see the problem.” “The problem, my friend, is [...]
17 December 2024
S2E3. Subversion Unveiled (The Devil to Pay)
USS Diligent, USS Pacific Palisades and USS Polaris
“Tell me, dear admiral. How are things on Archanis Station?” Admiral Reyes stared at the monster in their brig. How did it know about Archanis Station? Was this all somehow connected? Her face betrayed none of her thoughts though. She was too practiced for that, and she wouldn’t offer it [...]
15 December 2024
S2E3. Subversion Unveiled (The Devil to Pay)
USS Diligent, USS Pacific Palisades and USS Polaris
The door to the observation room hissed open, and two men who absolutely despised each other stepped through. There was Erlic, the current governor of Duraxis, dressed in the fineries of his office, and Voral, the localist hero who was opposing him in the upcoming election. Or at least that was [...]