Part of USS Lakota: Episode 2: A Parting of Ways

USS Hypatia: Episode 1: Echoes of Ambition

Presented with an exciting new opportunity, Captain Kauhn jumps at the chance to join the USS Hypatia as her new commander. As her senior staff assembles, the Captain make a difficult choice that leads to an uncomfortable reunion with his former Captain.

Mission Description

With the Quasaris lockdown still in effect, Lakota Squadron continues its blockade of the system. Medical vessels continue to render support to the worlds affected by the virus whilst the Cardassians continue to watch from afar. It isn’t long before one of Starfleet’s premier science vessels, the USS Hypatia arrives, sparking hope that Lakota and her squadron will soon be allowed to move on to new ventures. Captain Kauhn of the Buran is presented with an exciting new endeavour – Hypatia needs a Captain, and he is Starfleet’s choice.

Assuming command of the Sutherland-class research cruiser, Giarvar soon learns that Starfleet has been far from honest with him; his senior staff is far from complete, and he’s expected to fill the vacancies with some of the squadron’s most senior officers, much to the chagrin of his former commander.

Offers of exciting missions of scientific discovery prove too much for some to turn down as they seek to finally step out of the shadows of their colleagues and forge their own paths. Others, however, toil over their decision – will they choose loyalty to their captain and squadron, or will they take the plunge on a new career path with Captain Kauhn and the Hypatia?

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

15 May 2024

2 - Stacking the Deck

USS Hypatia: Episode 1: Echoes of Ambition

Andorians were not known for their patience at the best of times, but keeping one holed up in a transporter room for nearly fifteen minutes, without explanation, was a surefire way to ruin whatever was to come. Especially one as feisty as Tharia sh’Elas. Especially without even so much as a hint [...]

7 May 2024

1 - Loyalty Rewarded

USS Hypatia: Episode 1: Echoes of Ambition

Within an instant of the transporter materialisation process completing, Captain Giarvar Kauhn of the Buran was practically sprinting down the steps of the transporter pad into the welcoming arms of Lakota’s executive officer and his good friend. A warm embrace between Noli and himself was what [...]