Part of Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

USS Endeavour: There Must Be Wonders, Too

An Underspace aperture catapults Endeavour to the far side of the galaxy. Here lie sights beyond their wildest imagination, both wonderous... and dangerous.

Mission Description

There must be blood, and this I knew
Surely there can be wonders, too
I cannot leave the cages locked
Or well enough alone
I can only be myself
When I am so far from home

– ‘Wonders,’ S.J. Tucker
Mission image background generated with Midjourney

About the Mission

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End Date

25 July 2024

There Must Be Wonders, Too - 22

USS Endeavour: There Must Be Wonders, Too

When Tycho called her up to his ready room at 0400 hours, even though she knew both of them kept their schedules to standard time, it was hard to be tired. A lack of sleep was nothing compared to a middle-of-the-night crisis. ‘What is it?’ Valance asked when she walked in, nevertheless rubbing [...]

24 July 2024

There Must Be Wonders, Too - 21

USS Endeavour: There Must Be Wonders, Too

The ride back through the turbulence of Underspace, following in the Liberty’s wake, was hard going. Had Endeavour not benefited from a solid day of Cortez and her team patching up the damage, with the phenomenon a roiling mess trying to rip itself apart and take them with it, they might not have [...]

22 July 2024

There Must Be Wonders, Too - 20

USS Endeavour: There Must Be Wonders, Too

‘Commander.’ To set foot on the bridge and be addressed at once by the officer on watch was enough to make Kharth’s heart rate skyrocket again. Her eyes snapped up to Airex, stood in front of the central chair. And found him smiling. ‘What?’ She managed to keep the snap from her voice and [...]

21 July 2024

There Must Be Wonders, Too - 19

USS Endeavour: There Must Be Wonders, Too

The first challenge of setting up a bait and switch on the Hirogen was finding the Hirogen. It took four hours after the mission began, the shuttle Percival fluttering about Endeavour’s hull like an anxious house pet, before there was a crackle over the shuttle’s cockpit comms and Airex’s [...]