Part of Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Eos Station

Vanishing Point

As unpredictable apertures cause ships to mysteriously vanish across the Federation, Captain Mitchell, grounding all traffic on Eos Station, must work with Commander Tindall to restore order and find their missing crew.

Mission Description

“In crisis, be aware of the danger—but recognize the opportunity.” – John F. Kennedy


Tensions on Eos Station have reached a breaking point. Apertures are unpredictably opening across the Federation, causing ships to vanish or materialize out of thin air. In an effort to maintain control, Captain Mitchell orders the station to yellow alert, grounding all traffic until the situation is deemed safe.

Her mission is clear: prevent the situation from spiraling further out of control. The crisis hits close to home when the runabout Tyson, carrying four of her crew, disappears without a trace. With both civilian and Federation ships affected, Captain Mitchell must rely on Commander Tindall and the Edison to help restore order and locate their missing crew.

About the Mission

Eos Station
Total Stories
Start Date
End Date

5 August 2024

A Time for Truths

Eos Station: Vanishing Point

  The air on Eos Station was thick with anticipation. With the Klingon assault looming, every security team was on high alert, energy shields were set to maximum, and every available personnel was stationed at their posts. Elena Mitchell stood at her station in Operations, her gaze fixed on [...]

26 July 2024

Crossroads of Chaos

Eos Station: Vanishing Point

Elena had a replicated coffee in one hand and a PADD in the other. Looking out the window at the stars, she sighed.  “Captain’s log, supplemental,” she began. “The situation on Eos Station has escalated beyond our initial assessments. We started the month neck-deep in a series of [...]

19 July 2024

The Space Between Us

Eos Station: Vanishing Point

The meeting in the conference room of Eos Station was a scene of intense tension and thinly veiled loathing. Captain Elena Mitchell, dressed in her formal Starfleet uniform, stood at the head of the table. Her eyes drifted across the room, taking in the faces of the critical figures gathered: [...]

17 July 2024

Shattered Silence

Eos Station: Vanishing Point

The station shook violently, throwing Elena and Harris from their chairs as they ate lunch. The lights flashed briefly as a low rumble echoed through the station. Without warning, alarms blared, and the emergency klaxons signaled. Something catastrophic had taken place. Both Officers exchanged [...]