Part of Eos Station: For Whom The Bells Toll

USS Edison

For Whom The Bells Toll

The USS Edison and Eos Station faces a deadly crisis when a mysterious virus starts infecting its inhabitants.

Mission Description

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear.” ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt

Eos Station is thrown into chaos when a mysterious virus begins spreading among its inhabitants. Captain Elena Mitchell finds herself at the center of the crisis, working closely with her trusted friend, Doctor Rodriguez. As the virus spreads, their sense of urgency grows. Every life on the station is at risk, and the pressure to find a cure mounts.

Assisting from the USS Edison, Commander AJ Tindal remains vigilant as the challenges continue to arise. Blindsided by acts of sabotage, the sudden appearance of Dr. Tavok, a scientist with a murky past, only adds to their uncertainty. Despite the growing fear, Elena and AJ are determined to protect their crews, even as the virus continues to spread.

Assisting from the USS Edison, Commander AJ Tindal remains vigilant as the challenges continue to arise. Blindsided by acts of sabotage, the sudden appearance of Dr. Tavok, a scientist with a murky past, only adds to their uncertainty. Despite the growing fear, Elena and AJ are determined to protect their crews, even as the virus continues to spread.

Part 1: Signal to Danger (USS Edison)
Part 2: The Quarantine Dilemma (Eos Station)
Part 3: Viral Echoes (Eos Station)
Part 4: Pier Pressure (Eos Station)
Part 5: Tindal’s Crucible (USS Edison)
Part 6: The Containment Conundrum (USS Edison and Eos Station)
Part 7: The Edge of Trust (Eos Station)
Part 8: Trust, But Verify (USS Edison)
Part 9: Shadows of Deception, Part 1 (Eos Station)
Part 10: Shadows of Deception, Part 2 (USS Edison)
Part 11: The Shape of Tomorrow (USS Edison and Eos Station)



About the Mission

USS Edison
Total Stories
Start Date
End Date

6 September 2024

Shadows of Deception, Part 2

USS Edison: For Whom The Bells Toll

Mission Day 8: 1000 On the USS Edison, AJ stared at the tactical display, his expression growing darker by the minute. The ship remained in quarantine, but the latest update from the station had pushed his patience to its limits. Doctor Tavok was no longer a trusted ally. He was a fugitive, and [...]

1 September 2024

Trust, But Verify

USS Edison: For Whom The Bells Toll

By the time Tavok beamed aboard the Edison, Elena had already filled AJ in on the details of the Vulcan’s arrival. So, Commander Tindal was already prepped to greet him at the transporter room, arms crossed, his face seemed tired, exhausted. “Doctor,” Tindal said curtly, eyeing him up and [...]

28 August 2024

Tindal's Crucible

USS Edison: For Whom The Bells Toll

The Edison had become essential in the fight against the virus outbreak that had migrated to Eos Station. As the ship’s sickbay worked around the clock, it was evident that the situation was far more complex than anyone had anticipated. AJ and his crew were now at the forefront of a crisis that [...]

11 August 2024

Signal to Danger

USS Edison: For Whom The Bells Toll

Captain’s Log, Supplemental. It’s been just a few days since we left Eos Station, and things are slowly getting back to normal. We safely escorted our Klingon allies to the border and now have the important task of helping the Federation clean up and rebuild. There’s been a lot of damage [...]