Part of USS Edison: For Whom The Bells Toll and Eos Station: For Whom The Bells Toll

Signal to Danger

USS Edison
Mission Day 1: 1000
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Captain’s Log, Supplemental. It’s been just a few days since we left Eos Station, and things are slowly getting back to normal. We safely escorted our Klingon allies to the border and now have the important task of helping the Federation clean up and rebuild. There’s been a lot of damage everywhere, but we’re focused on moving forward.

AJ leaned back in his chair, staring out at the stars through the window. It still felt odd to be back in command of a starship, like wearing a suit that didn’t quite fit. To calm his nerves, he picked up his guitar and started strumming a familiar tune. The soft music was a rare source of peace for him. He glanced down at Ginger, who had curled up next to him, her eyes following him with a sense of quiet loyalty.

“Well, girl,” he said with a small smile, “we’ve made it a week, and the ship’s still intact.” Just as he was about to continue, the door chime interrupted his thoughts. “And there’s our cue,” he muttered, “Come in.”

The door slid open, and Commander Carter walked in. “Commander Carter,” AJ greeted her, trying to sound cheerful. “How’s everything going, Number One?”

Carter made a face, clearly unimpressed. “Let’s just stick with Carter. I’d rather not be named after a slang term for bodily fluids.”

AJ blinked, taken aback. She was usually so formal. “Did you just make a joke?” he asked, continuing to strum lightly. “And Carter it is, then.”

Carter walked closer, carefully sidestepping Ginger. Her body language made it clear she wasn’t a fan of dogs. “Let me guess, you’re a cat person?” AJ asked.

“Neither, Sir,” Carter replied, her tone clipped. “I’m not really into pets. I don’t see the appeal of keeping animals just for one’s amusement.” She shivered slightly as Ginger sniffed her leg.

“Ginger,” AJ said, patting his leg to call the dog back. “Let’s not make things harder for the Commander. Just so you know, Ginger is part of the crew, so you might as well get used to her.” He set the guitar down and leaned forward. “What’s on your mind?”

“Lieutenants ch’Vael and zh’Vael are settling in well, considering the circumstances,” Carter reported, placing a PADD on his desk. “Doctor Andrews has given them both a clean bill of health, and they’re diving into their new roles with enthusiasm.” She continued, “Eos Station has cleared most of their debris, so they won’t be needing our help anymore.”

AJ’s face lit up with a grin. “So, we’re free to start something new.”

Carter eyed him warily. “I’m not sure I like that look, Sir.”

AJ chuckled. “Like it or not, those Underspace portals weren’t exactly ideal for a first mission. We need something to really test how this crew works together.”

“I believe the expression ‘be careful what you wish for,’” Carter said with a sigh, “might be appropriate here.”

AJ had just started to stand when the comm panel on his desk chirped, signaling an incoming message. Carter’s expression shifted from annoyed to focused as she prepared for the new development.

AJ tapped the panel, adopting his commanding demeanor, “go ahead.” Lieutenant JG Krev ch’Vael’s voice came through, reporting that the USS Edison had picked up a fragmented distress signal from the civilian vessel Lien. The freighter was experiencing possible medical issues, but the signal was faint, likely due to interference or damage to their communications.

AJ’s brow furrowed as he processed the information. The Lien was supposed to be a routine freighter, so this was concerning. He asked Krev for the ship’s location. The Andorian Officer replied that the Lien was nearby but the interference made it tricky to get an exact fix. Krev suggested proceeding with caution. AJ nodded, making a mental note. “Looks like that ‘careful’ part just became a priority,” he said, gesturing to the door.

As AJ stepped onto the bridge, the atmosphere was charged with a new urgency. Their quiet day was suddenly interrupted by an unexpected distress call. AJ glanced around, recalling Carter’s warning: “Be careful what you wish for,” he muttered to himself.

Lieutenant JG Sarah Parker, the Helm Chief, turned to him with a serious look. “Course is plotted in, Captain,” Parker said, her fingers poised above the controls. “Ready when you are.”

AJ settled into the captain’s chair, with Ginger curling up next to him on the floor. “Engage at warp six. Let’s head to the Lien and see what’s going on.”

The stars outside the viewscreen blurred into streaks of light as the USS Edison moved forward. AJ turned to Lieutenant Madison Andrews, the Chief Medical Officer. “Lieutenant Andrews, prepare a medical team. We’re dealing with potential medical issues on the Lien.”

Andrews, always composed, nodded. “Understood, Captain. We’ll be ready for any situation, including quarantine if needed.”

Lieutenant Talresh zh’Vael, the Chief Science Officer, was already analyzing data at her station. Without being prompted, she spoke up, “Captain, I’m detecting signs of radiation interference. It’s possible the Lien encountered those spatial anomalies, which could be causing damage to their systems. We should be cautious.”

“Noted,” AJ replied, leaning forward. “Keep an eye on those readings. I want to know exactly what we’re flying getting yourself into.”

Finally, AJ looked at Lieutenant JG Krev ch’Vael, the Chief Tactical/Security Officer. “Lieutenant Krev, have security teams ready to board the Lien, but only after we confirm it’s safe.”

Krev nodded seriously. “Security teams are on standby, Captain. We’ll be prepared to act as soon as we get the all-clear.”

With all stations reporting in, AJ felt the familiar thrill of the unknown. This was a real test of his crew’s ability to work together under pressure. He tapped the comm panel to address the entire ship.

“Attention all hands, this is the Captain. We’ve received a distress signal from the civilian vessel Lien. They’re experiencing potential medical issues, and there’s interference affecting their communications. Be prepared for anything. As they say, hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Tindal out!”

The bridge crew moved with focused efficiency, each officer ready for the challenge ahead. As the USS Edison approached the Lien’s last known coordinates, AJ settled into his chair, his mind racing through possible scenarios. He’d lost a crew member before, and he wasn’t about to let it happen again. This time, he would be extra careful.

As the USS Edison dropped out of warp, the Lien came into view, floating against the backdrop of distant stars. The freighter’s hull was scarred and battered. Its lights flickering erratically. Several panels hung were opened, revealing darkened, twisted metal underneath. No life signs were immediately detectable, and a faint, eerie glow seemed to radiate from within the ship. Whatever had happened to the Lien, it was clear the ship was far from ordinary.