USS Blackbird - USS Liberty - USS Sirius


Extracting a would-be defector from the Romulan Free State brings the special operations team of the USS Blackbird to Tau Mervana, a war-torn planet at the brink of the Neutral Zone

Mission Description

Tau Mervana lies nestled in the Neutral Zone, a stone’s throw from the territories of the Romulan Free State. For decades, warlords have picked over the region, vying for power and control of a launching point to set up their own fiefdom. It is only this far that Ireqh, former Undersecretary of Defence for the Romulan Free State, has managed to flee his Tal Shiar masters as he seeks to defect to the United Federation of Planets. This far, and no further.

To get him over the line, Commander Hal Cassidy and his special operations team have been dispatched to Tau Mervana. Aboard the USS Blackbird, they have to slip past Romulan warlords, local pirates, and even official Starfleet business to extract a man it would be best the wider galaxy never learnt the true fate of. But there may be one obstacle more dangerous than any of these, for the Free State would never let such a man escape lightly…

Mission image by Beckett; ‘planet’ art asset created with Midjourney

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

21 October 2024

Embers - 6

USS Blackbird: Embers

They had barely set foot outside of the medical tent before their cover was nearly blown. ‘Crewmen! Give me a hand?’ Being called for by an officer to help with what looked like loading a few supply crates onto the back of a flatbed vehicle wasn’t an immediate problem. Rosewood and Cassidy [...]

20 October 2024

Embers - 5

USS Blackbird: Embers

Rosewood had set foot on a thousand dustbowls like Tau Mervana during his Starfleet career. The only thing that made this one stand out was the sheer population size, the result of the fall of the Romulan Star Empire and few tempting settlement options for peoples on the run. The Blackbird had [...]

19 October 2024

Embers - 4

USS Blackbird: Embers

The Blackbird’s bridge was a cramped compartment at the fore of the ship. Like everything else aboard, it felt like the streamlined and utilitarian shadow of its counterpart on a larger, more traditional Starfleet vessel, with the pilot seated at the front, posts at the starboard and port side [...]

17 October 2024

Embers - 3

USS Blackbird: Embers

A short time later, the ship was at warp and Rosewood headed for the conference room Aryn had directed him to. It looked like standard-issue Starfleet furniture had already been stripped out, low and comfortable seating set up in a circle around a central holoprojector. Four people were waiting for [...]