USS Truckee

The Gravity of the Situation

When a rescue mission goes awry, and the tables turn on the rescuers, how will the crew react?

Mission Description

The USS Truckee is enroute to its next official mission, second contact with a newly warp-capable species, when it receives a distress call. A Klingon vessel is caught in some sort of gravimetric anomaly, and the USS Truckee is the only vessel in range. The crew of the Truckee must band together to save the ungrateful Klingon crew, and possibly save themselves.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

27 February 2025

A Pull in the Wrong Direction

USS Truckee: The Gravity of the Situation

“Lieutenant Rakes, report to the bridge.” Kim sighed as she reversed direction and headed back to the turbolift. She’d been about three steps from Engineering before the order came over her comm badge. She ordered the lift to the bridge, then tapped her own badge. “On my [...]

23 February 2025

Picking up a Passenger

USS Truckee: The Gravity of the Situation

Lieutenant Frank Levine lounged in the pilot’s chair of his shuttlecraft. He was 7 hours into his transit to the USS Truckee, and was starting to worry he might finish his book before reaching his destination. Saving his progress, he set down the PADD and sat up in his chair. A few taps on [...]