Archanis Station - USS Polaris

S2E6. Winter in the Borderlands (Interlude)

As 2401 draws to a close, a new chapter awaits Polaris Squadron and Archanis Station

Mission Description

With signs and portents abound of greater plots and schemes at play along the borderlands, Polaris Squadron and Archanis Station must navigate a complicated situation as tensions with both their colonies and their neighbors continue to fester.

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date

8 March 2025

Machinations on Montana

Archanis Station: S2E6. Winter in the Borderlands (Interlude)

Buried deep within the underbelly of Archanis Station, far from the grand promenades and esteemed establishments of its upper levels, the Drifter’s Den was a rough and rowdy place packed with racketeers, reprobates and rabble rousers, those down on their luck or up to no good. It was no place [...]

5 January 2025

To Look Forward And To Look Back

Archanis Station: S2E6. Winter in the Borderlands (Interlude)

“Three… two… one… happy new year!” Horns blew, confetti fluttered, and cheers echoed as friends and colleagues came together on the promenade of Archanis Station to celebrate the new year. Perched atop a catwalk overhead, Fleet Admiral Allison Reyes watched on pensively. This night was [...]