USS Carlsbad

A New Beginning

Changing of Ship Commanding Officer and First Mission

Mission Description

Kirok Skyrunner, just promoted to the rank of Captain and given his first command, the USS Carlsbad, a California class utility class ship based at Starbase 72. Captain Kirok Skyrunner has been ordered to take command of the USS Carlsbad and resume previously established duties near the Cardassian border.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

14 March 2025


USS Carlsbad: A New Beginning

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The sound of the computer signaling his preset alarm to wake him up at 0600 started going off. Commander Kirok Skyrunner groaned in protest of the alarm. The computer continues to beep. “Alright, I’m up,” Kirok grumbled, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Stupid [...]

18 February 2025

Away We Go

USS Carlsbad: A New Beginning

Captain Skyrunner’s remaining time on shore leave consisted of meeting with Starbase 74’s Tactical Officer of known regional threats and he met with his First Officer and did a thorough tour of his ship, the USS Carlsbad, prior to starting his mission the next day. He met his friend, [...]

26 January 2025

Fresh Start

USS Carlsbad: A New Beginning

As the sleek, silver transporter platform hummed to life, Captain Kirok Skyrunner’s shuttle landed in the main shuttlebay on Starbase 74. As he disembarked the shuttle, his eyes scanned the bustling docking bay. The soft glow of the base’s lighting panels illuminated the rows of sleek, [...]