USS Yamato

The Infinite Library

The Yamato investigates strange readings in an unexplored sector of space.

Mission Description

The USS Yamato discovers a massive, ancient space station housing a seemingly infinite library of knowledge from countless civilizations. As the crew explores, they must deal with the station’s sentient guardian and decipher the purpose of this vast repository.

About the Mission

USS Yamato
In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

11 March 2025


USS Yamato: The Infinite Library

When the Yamato dropped out of warp at their rendezvous point, Solaris had been expecting to find three starships waiting for their arrival. Instead her view screen was empty. Her eyes flicked to the helm. “Helm, these are the correct coordinates, yes?” she asked, leaning forward in her chair. [...]

15 February 2025

The Call for Help

USS Yamato: The Infinite Library

Solaris’ ready room was quiet as she studied the sensor readings her ship had collected of the mysterious distortions blacking out an entire sector. She didn’t like the idea of going in alone, and so was waiting to see if she could get some assistance. It hadn’t been long since they had sent [...]

3 February 2025


USS Yamato: The Infinite Library

Since departing their meeting with the U.S.S. Callisto, the Yamato had departed on its mission of exploration. A quick stopover at DS17 led them off into the Typhon Frontier where they had spent the previous few weeks charting out various sectors. Most had been empty, some had had uninhabited star [...]