USS Jaxartes

Dark Frontier

This is a voyage to the Dark Frontier and the point where two Universes merge.

Mission Description

The people of the Universe he rules over see him as a God, the Supreme Being; they call him Helgeshran, He of the light, Eternal Gatekeeper and Shield bearer of Thranoth; but like others of his kind, no one knows the real truth behind his origins and the power he possesses.

Conquest and subjugation of all life within our Universe is his ultimate goal.  He plans to succeed were ‘The One’, ‘Gorgan’ and others like them have failed.

For the crew of the USS Jaxartes, this is a mission beyond anything they’ve yet encountered; a battle to save life as they and everyone else know it.  Lieutenant Jason Devron, is no Captain Kirk, but then Helgeshran is no God either!

And as the walls between two Universes crumble; only one person can step into the breach; Phoebe Andrianakis is no mere human; she is a daughter of a member of the Q Continuum.  As a doctor sworn to protect life, she may have to choose who or what to sacrifice in order to win; even if that means the crew of a Raven-Class Corvette.

This could very well be the USS Jaxartes’s final mission!

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

12 March 2025

Part 11: An Old Friend?

USS Jaxartes: Dark Frontier

Doctor Phoebe Andrianakis found herself alone in a darken room.  Only moments before she’d felt someone grab her from behind and also Lieutenant Devron take hold of her arm.  Neither of them was with her now.  Her combadge was also missing.  The room smelled of old age, of unkempt and [...]

8 March 2025

Part 10: Hand Of God

USS Jaxartes: Dark Frontier

The ship had appeared suddenly and without warning; clearly it had been cloaked and sitting in close proximity to the USS Jaxartes and the SRV James Binney.  It slammed a photon torpedo into the later of the two vessels, before spinning away and heading towards the planet. As the Red Alert [...]

4 March 2025

Part 9: One Too Many

USS Jaxartes: Dark Frontier

Having isolated the frequency at which the hypnotic signal was being sent; Doctor Andrianakis and the ships Chief Engineer Lyambo were both busy working on a device that could block that signal without interfering with the ability to hear other sounds. Soon after the communication equipment had [...]

1 March 2025

Part 8: Communication

USS Jaxartes: Dark Frontier

First Officers Log: Having stolen a Starfleet vessel, namely the USS Jaxartes and entered a restricted area of space in order to firstly rescue commander Salan; myself and five other officers along with Doctor Andrianakis, have probably already violated several Federation laws, which may result in [...]